The farmer has a mall

Chapter 441 Hu Wei's Life Experience

Chapter 441 Hu Wei's Life Experience
After all, this is feudal ancient times.

Take Jianan as an example.

Whether it's Anyang or Daliang.

If the people want to enter the land of Jianan, they must go through strict examination and confirm that their identities are the same before they can enter the city.

If you want to live temporarily, you have to go through the approval of the government and get a temporary residence document.

Long stay?

Not to mention that.

It doesn't matter, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do.

Moreover, the closer the county is to the capital, the stricter the review will be.

Especially for this kind of overseas visitors, according to the rules, they must be reported to the imperial court.

Not to mention, they still came by water.

Jianan is not good at water warfare, and the management of sea areas is extremely strict.

Except for small fishing boats.

All ships had to be registered with the government.

Ships that do not belong to the country are not allowed to enter the port without permission.

And the boat of the Qi family's "noble guest" can sail for more than two months, so it cannot be a fishing boat.

Besides, whether there are people living on the other side of the sea, and whether there are other countries, there has always been great controversy.

Although it is rumored that some fishermen have seen it, but it has not been recognized by the court.

After all, rumors are just rumors.

Those so-called overseas visitors have never shown their faces in the court.

It's like when you come to other people's house as a guest, you wander around in the back garden without knowing how to say hello to the host.

Either way, it's a disrespectful thing to do.

And a pirate from Qi's family who was recruited, didn't know how to keep his own place, and dared to let these people ashore privately, he was really courageous.

Let's listen to what Hu Wei means, I'm afraid it won't be once or twice.

Hu Wei obviously also knew that the Qi family's actions were not in compliance with the rules.

He noticed Gu Nanyan's doubts in his words, and hurriedly said, "I know this because of Master Qi's second wife."

"The second lady is the aunt of that distinguished guest. Every time she leaves, she will personally come to my island to pick some good things for her nephew to bring back."

At that time, the overseas visitor who met Mr. Qi was the father of this man.

He is about the same age as Master Qi, in his sixties.

After all, at that age, I can no longer stand the turbulence of long-distance voyages.

So since more than ten years ago, the mission of the long-distance voyage has been handed over to the present person.

As for the second lady, she is Mr. Qi's equal wife.

Master Qi originally had a wife.

After getting acquainted with overseas "distinguished guests", he quickly married his own sister as his equal wife, which meant a marriage.

This second lady doesn't talk much and hardly stays out of the house on weekdays.

In addition, the appearance is not much different from them.

As long as she doesn't speak, no one will know her origin.

Even if she opened her mouth, people who had never had contact with overseas people could not understand what she said.

Therefore, not even the Qi family knew her identity.

Not to mention ordinary people, they are ignorant.

"You are honest, what to ask and what to say."

Selling teammates is not ambiguous at all.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him with a half-smile.

Hu Wei said embarrassingly: "I didn't know your identity before, how offensive..."

"You know now?" Gu Nanyan raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, I overheard this young master calling your name just now." He was talking about Cui Yao.

Cui Yao was stunned.

He has always called Gu Nanyan by his first name, so there is no need to care about this given the degree of acquaintance between the two.


Is this girl so famous?
Know who she is just by the name?
Cui Yao didn't believe in evil: "Then tell me, what is her identity?"

"Princess Princess Protector of the Kingdom of Jianan, granddaughter of Old General Gu, Gu...Miss Gu." The words Gu Nanyan came to her lips, and she turned a corner in an instant.

"I really know." Cui Yao was surprised.

Gu Nanyan snorted and said, "I am famous all over the world now, and I am very popular. People are posting my portrait back then. Be careful in the future and don't call my name outside."

She is a low-key person and doesn't like publicity.

Gu Nanyan raised her chin slightly, quite proudly.

Cui Yao was speechless.

Say you are fat and you are still panting.

What New Year pictures.

What if he hadn't seen it?

The common people clearly regard you as the door god to exorcise evil spirits!
Cui Yao rolled his eyes and looked at the trembling Huwei.

"You can push it down. Seeing how he confessed so happily, he might be intimidated by your reputation."

It's still popular.

I don't know what virtue I have, don't I?

I have to let Xiaoye remind you.

Gu Nanyan: "What is he afraid of? I'm so scary."

Cui Yao heheed, but didn't speak.

But that look said it all.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"This month's salary is gone."

Cui Yao:! ! !

"Just because I'm the boss!"

"The boss can do whatever he wants?"


Gu Nanyan gave him a very sure look.

Cui Yao: "..."

"Then I'll take a vacation this month!"


"And why!"

If you don't pay wages, I can't rest anymore!
"The wages for the next month of vacation will be gone."

Cui Yao: "..."

Cui Yao: "At the beginning of human beings, nature is good, nature is similar, habits are far away."

Gu Nanyan squinted at him.

Cui Yao: "It's okay, just read a scripture and calm down."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Is this unlucky guy scolding me?

The two stared with big eyes and small eyes, full of gunpowder.

Hu Wei shivered in the corner of the wall.

"Tell me, are you afraid of me!" Gu Nanyan asked Hu Wei aggressively.

Hu Wei trembled: "Afraid..."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "Huh?"

Hu Wei trembled: "Are you... not afraid?"

"I asked you! Who are you asking!"

That's right, you ask me, who am I to ask?

There is no right answer to this question!
Hu Wei wanted to cry.

What a crime he did!
You dug someone's ancestral grave in your previous life! ! !
Hu Wei, who didn't want to be the cannon fodder of the two, his brain was running fast.

" has nothing to do with whether you are afraid or not. I...the reason why the villain told the truth is because of Old General Gu." He looked at the expressions of the two of them cautiously.

"What does this have to do with my grandfather?" Gu Nanyan snorted.

Seeing that she didn't intend to get angry, Hu Wei breathed a sigh of relief: "Before the villain became a pirate, he lived in a small town in the north, and my father opened a well-known restaurant there."

Although the Hu family is not considered rich and powerful, they do not have to worry about food and clothing.

Hu's father and Hu's mother have a very good relationship, and his father is also kind and generous.

Every day, the inexhaustible dry food in the restaurant will be given to beggars, and porridge and medicine will be given out in winter.

He has won the respect of many people.

The family of four lived happily ever after.

Unfortunately, the good times are not long.

Because of his father's kind deed, the restaurant's business is getting better and better, and other restaurants are jealous.

So those who were robbed of their business joined forces with the county magistrate to frame the Hu family, saying that the things they made were unclean and ate people to death, and quickly sent his father to prison.

He died in prison the next day.

The cause of death was poisoning.

He also claimed that his father committed suicide in fear of crime.

The mother didn't believe it, and fell ill in great grief.

The illness never came up again, and it went away in a few days.

Losing two relatives in a row was like a bolt from the blue to Hu Wei, who was still a teenager.

However, looking at his younger sister, he gritted his teeth and insisted on handling the funeral of the second elder.

Then they ran to the gate of the yamen and beat the drum of injustice.

However, no one paid attention to him.

He kept knocking for several days, but all he got was the contemptuous and sarcastic eyes of the corrupt official.

And the proud smiles of those restaurant owners.

Facing the undisguised arrogance of these people, Hu Wei did not give up, and instead planned to sue the county magistrate to the capital.

Going to Beijing needs money.

All the belongings of the family were taken away by the corrupt official, and the restaurant was also closed.

The young Hu Wei had no choice but to go out and borrow it.

Many people in the county had received his father's kindness, so he came to borrow money one by one.

Unexpectedly, these people who were grateful to his father at the beginning either found reasons to shirk or disappeared behind closed doors.

That's fine.

Someone even stabbed him in the back and told the corrupt official his plan.

So he was taken into prison and tortured.

Fortunately, Gu Yao was passing by at that time, and after hearing about it, he captured the corrupt official on the spot and rescued him.

and sent him home himself.

 Little cuties, this chapter is for tonight, and it will be updated normally tomorrow (っз

(End of this chapter)

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