The farmer has a mall

Chapter 442 Black Gold

Chapter 442 Black Gold
Xu Shi thought of the past, and Hu Wei's face was full of sadness.

"I was imprisoned for more than ten days, and I didn't know until I got home that my sister had also died."

Hu Wei was arrested suddenly, but the younger sister of the Hu family didn't know about it, so she thought something happened to him and searched everywhere.

In a hurry, he stumbled and fell into the river.


Hu Wei is not at home.

They also lost other relatives in the local area.

No one collected the body, so the guards threw his sister's body into a mass grave.

When he arrived, he only found a piece of clothes corner.

It was bloodstained.

There are also traces of wild animals biting.

The only family member was gone, not even the corpse was left behind.

Hu Wei left his hometown in great grief. He felt the injustice of the world and became a pirate.

It was only then that Gu Nanyan realized that he and his grandfather were still involved in this way.

She looked at the oil-stained handkerchief in her hand, pondered for a moment and said, "Do you know where the stuff in the fuel tank came from?"

"You mean the black oil?" Hu Wei hesitated, "The villain doesn't know either."

"However, the Qi family has recently set aside several cargo ships to transport these, saying that they are for the overseas envoy."

"Where are you going?"

"Naturally, Dongfu County."

"Do you know the delivery route?"

"Generally know."

Hu Wei only thought she was curious, and told the truth about what he knew, and then he was taken to the cabin and locked up with his subordinates and Qi Kun.

Just now Qi Kun wanted to resist, but Ashlan pressed him to the ground and beat him up.

Now being gagged, it seems that he is not in a good state.

Dying appearance.

Gu Nanyan didn't intend to heal him, so she told Ashlan to turn around and sail towards the sea area that Hu Wei said.


Two days later, Hu Wei stood on the Qi's cargo ship, feeling a little dazed.

He thought the princess was just asking him out of curiosity, but he didn't say anything after listening to it, and turned around and robbed the Qi family's cargo ship, and there were two of them!

He looked at the petite passenger ship sandwiched between the two cargo ships with complicated eyes.

Both cargo ships have the sign of Qi's family, and the road ahead will be easier.

The cargo ship was loaded with heavy crude oil, and the speed was a bit slow. After going around and around, it finally arrived at the Mingshan City Wharf.

The wharf was built in Mingshan County, which is not as lively as Dongfu County.

There are not many boats, only a few fishing boats parked on the shore.

Gu Nanyan traveled for more than 20 days this trip, and the kamikaze team had arrived the day before yesterday.

Su Wenfeng, who got the news, has been paying attention to the pier. Hearing that three large ships are docking, he hastened to bring people over to greet him in person.

Ever since Gu Nanyan built those factories, Mingshan's affairs have increased.

Su Wenfeng hit the back of his head with his heel busy, and his whole body lost weight, which can be described as painful and happy.

"I pay my respects to Your Highness the Princess." Su Wenfeng bowed and saluted.

Standing on the deck, Gu Nanyan raised her chin slightly, lowered her eyes and looked down, and was about to disembark.

But before she lifted her foot, Cui Yao got out from behind her and ran down past her.

Gu Nanyan, who was about to pose as a princess: "..."


Cui Yao enthusiastically helped Su Wenfeng up, and stood there laughing silly.

Su Wenfeng was very happy to see his cousin, but due to the presence of Gu Nanyan, he didn't make it too obvious.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes to the sky, hummed and got off the boat.

"The princess has been exhausted all the way, and my wife has made a few special dishes, why don't you go to the minister's place to rest?"

"My cousin made it?" Cui Yao's eyes lit up, and he turned to Gu Nanyan.

"My cousin's cooking skills are not inferior to those of the imperial chefs in the palace. Would you like to try it?"

When he was still a dude, he often ran away from home.

Every time I travel thousands of miles to Mingshan County, not only because of my good relationship with my cousin.

And her cousin's cooking skills also accounted for a large part of the reason.

Gu Nanyan didn't want to go, she had been floating at sea for more than 20 days, and now she just wanted to go back home and rest.

But Cui Yao looked at her eagerly, as if he was about to cry when he shook his head.

Gu Nanyan twitched the corner of his mouth, and finally nodded in response.

Su Wenfeng has been living in the courtyard of the back hall of the county yamen. The place is not big, and the safety is better.

Gu Nanyan instructed Ashlan to transport the goods of the two ships to the princess mansion first, and then went to the county government.

Mrs. Su is a gentle woman, about the same age as Su Wenfeng.

Since Su Wenfeng's father is the eldest son of Su, and his aunt, that is, Cui Yao's mother is Su Xun's old daughter, the age difference between the two is quite large.

Although Mrs. Su is Cui Yao's cousin, she is old enough to be Cui Yao's mother.

Therefore, I have always loved this cousin very much and took him as my own child to take care of.

This meal was said to be a welcome for Gu Nanyan, and it was inevitable to talk about some serious matters during the period. Madam Su probably wanted to avoid suspicion, so she found an excuse to go back to the house and did not eat with them.

Su Wenfeng did tell Gu Nanyan something, so he didn't keep her.

"The lower official heard that General Gu came here with the princess, why didn't he see the general?" Su Wenfeng asked.

"Father got off the boat halfway and will be there in two days."

The army of Zhenbei Army marched at a slower speed than them. Gu Shen saw that his daughter was safe and sound, so he disembarked and joined the Zhenbei Army when he stopped for supplies at the last pier.

Su Wenfeng nodded when he heard the words, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "The official received news two days ago that the merchant ship of Qi's family in Dongfu County was robbed and came all the way to Mingshan. The local governments are investigating this matter. I wonder if the princess has heard of it? "

He had just seen the two cargo ships flying the flag of the Qi family, and he already had guesses in his mind.

It's just that he can't ask directly.

Gu Nanyan had no intention of hiding anything, nodded slightly and said, "I know, I was the one who robbed."

It seemed that she didn't expect her to admit it so happily, Su Wenfeng was startled for a while, and then he hesitated to speak.

"Master Su just speak up when you have something to say." Gu Nanyan said flatly.

Only then did Su Wenfeng ponder and said: "The Qi family is quite snobbish, and they have some connections in the court. The princess's actions may offend Master Qi and cause trouble."

He had also heard about the reputation of the Qi family, and he was born as a pirate, so he was bound to act arrogantly.

He didn't care what this girl did. In his opinion, Gu Nanyan had her reasons for everything she did, and she wasn't someone who acted recklessly.

I will bring this up today, but I just want to remind you.

"So what if you make him unhappy?" Before Gu Nanyan could speak, Cui Yao had already put on a straight face.

"The Qi family colluded with the pirates and wanted to rob our ship. If Gu Nanyan hadn't had the foresight, we might have been buried in the belly of the fish!"

Cui Yao looked displeased, "However, you just let them go like this? I think those two boats of dark things are not worth much."

He said this to Gu Nanyan.

"Then you are wrong, those are good things."

In modern times, oil is known as black gold, and not without reason.

It's just that no one has discovered its use yet.

And this thing can just replace coal and be used as fuel for steam engines.

The size of the steam engine can be greatly reduced, and the endurance is doubled.

In this way, her steam car can also be smaller and less bulky.

"That's cheaper for the Qi family. He robbed your ship. At least let them pay you the entire fortune."

According to him, according to Nanyan's temper, the Qi family will have to lose their skin even if they don't die.

I really don't understand why she let it go so easily this time.

I get angry when I think about it!
Cui Yao snorted angrily.

"The Qi family has a lot of snobbery in the sea, and it's not the time to be head-to-head."

Hu Wei and his gang were not the only ones colluding with the Qi family.

The navy of the Jianan Kingdom is like a decoration, and the court doesn't pay much attention to it. They don't even have the most basic warships.

If she confronts the Qi family rashly, these people will jump over the wall in a hurry. When the time comes, they will join forces with pirates to disturb the security at sea, which will affect the shipping of the entire Jianan country.

This is not what Gu Nanyan wants to see.

She put down the teacup in her hand and gave him a sideways glance.

"The future is long, and you are still afraid that I will suffer a disadvantage."

(End of this chapter)

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