The farmer has a mall

Chapter 443 Li Yi Chases His Wife

Chapter 443 Li Yi Chases His Wife

Of course, Gu Nanyan was not the one to suffer.

She asked someone to develop a steam engine, not just for her own convenience.

What is the most important thing about a warship?
Naturally, it is the hardness of the weapon equipment and the hull, as well as the maneuverability.

With her smelter and armory, the first two are not a problem.

As for mobility, it naturally depends on the steam engine.

Cui Yao wasn't that brainless either. When he calmed down and thought about it now, he also felt that he couldn't be tough with the other party, and his interest suddenly faded.

As a dandy, he has never been angered like this since he was a child!
But it's useless for his father to come forward, because there is no navy in Pingnan's army.

He sighed faintly, raised the wine cup aggrievedly and drank it down in one gulp, as if trying to drown his sorrows with wine.

"You are broad-minded. The Qi family is still investigating the cargo ship."

Gu Nanyan didn't care: "Just check it out, I didn't want to hide it."

She didn't want to be tough because she was afraid of them. She was staying on land, and with the Kamikaze team, the Qi family, who were only good at water warfare, would not dare to do anything to her.

As for the local governments, after they find out who robbed the cargo ship, they can still arrest her.

However, nights would be long and dreams would be many, so the matter of the steam engine had to be settled as soon as possible.

Gu Nanyan returned to the Princess Mansion after eating, while Cui Yao stayed in the county office for a few days.

In the early morning of the next day, several factory stewards came to visit her. She explained a few words in a hurry, and then took the two sisters Yunchu to Shangshan Village to visit Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu has lived in the village for decades, and she is not used to living in the Princess Mansion. In addition, Gu Nanyan is not around, so she has been staying in the village.

When Gu Nanyan arrived, she was playing mahjong with some old ladies in the village.

Seeing that her granddaughter didn't even care about the cards in her hand, she trotted forward to meet her.

"Oh, grandma's daughter, when will you come back, why don't you tell me in advance."

Mrs. Liu was overjoyed, looking at her granddaughter whom she hadn't seen for a long time, her eyes were red.

Gu Nanyan turned back and held Liu Shi with a gentle expression.

"I left in a hurry, and I didn't have time to send you a letter. How is Grandma doing recently?"

She helped Mrs. Liu to sit down, with a smile in her eyes.

"Okay, grandma is doing well, but I miss you a little bit." She stretched out her hand with a smile, and straightened her temples.

"I was planning to visit you in the capital a few years ago, and spend a new year with you by the way, but I was afraid that I would delay your work..." Liu Shi paused, seeing guilt in Gu Nanyan's eyes, and hurriedly changed the topic.

"Are your grandparents okay? I heard that Mrs. Gu's health has improved a lot, but is it true?"

"Yes, grandma is already well, and she pays attention to recuperation on weekdays, just like ordinary people."

Liu was relieved: "That's good, the old lady is a good person, and she is blessed by the Buddha."

After she finished speaking, she laughed again and said, "Of course, it's also because our niece is capable."

She touched Gu Nanyan's face and squeezed her arm, as if she couldn't kiss enough.

Gu Nanyan smiled without saying a word, letting Liu's affectionate touch.

The old ladies who played cards with her hadn't left yet, and they also looked around Gu Nanyan.

"Oh, Miss Gu really looks better the more you think about it, look at this little face, it's so tender that you can pinch water."

"That's not it. I saw that the skin is much whiter than before. It seems that the capital's water and soil support people."

"What kind of water and soil support people, obviously Gu girl is born with a good foundation."

The three old ladies circled around Gu Nanyan, touching her clothes and cheeks.

Gu Nanyan was not angry either, she still smiled and let them watch.

She doesn't care, and Mrs. Liu will quit.

"Hey, hey, where can I touch it? Your hands are full of calluses, and my niece's clothes are all scratched." Mrs. Liu stretched out her arms to protect the calf from the three old ladies who played cards.

The three of them were having a good time, and joked: "Oh my God, I'm so disgusted with this, I know your hands are tenderer than ours."

One of them, who was chubby and wearing a blue cloth, took a step forward and moved closer to Mrs. Liu.

"But your hand cream is very useful. After my little granddaughter wiped it on, her little hands are as tender as tofu. You can mix it up with me, and I'll exchange it with you."

As she spoke, she gently tugged at Liu Shi's clothes, with a tone of discussion.

Mrs. Liu snorted: "I owe you! You have already exchanged several boxes of hand cream, why are you so dissatisfied?"

Having said that, I still asked Mammy to go to her room to get a box out.

"That's all there is left, use it for your granddaughter, don't stick it on your hands all day long."

This old thing smells delicious every time she comes here, why can't she smell it?
The old lady in blue was not embarrassed to be dismantled, she rolled her eyes and took out a piece of silver from her bosom, which looked like a tael.

"Maybe you are not beautiful... You take these first, and if it is not enough, I will make it up for you later."

In the past year, with the planting base of Gu Nanyan, the village has become a lot richer, but everyone who works there has at least one tael of silver per month.

In addition, this old lady also loves her granddaughter, so the money was paid very happily.

Mrs. Liu didn't refuse either. This hand cream was sent by her daughter-in-law. It is said that the pharmacy in the capital can sell it for more than ten taels.

Although one or two is a little less, it still means that.

It's better than taking it from her for nothing, and it's not good if you get used to it.

Mrs. Liu still had a lot to say to her granddaughter, so she waved her hands to coax the three poker players away.

The yard fell silent, and then Liu took Gu Nanyan's hand and went back to the house.

At the same time, on the official road hundreds of miles away, a group of people were rushing to Mingshan City.

The leading man was riding a black horse, his skin was as white as snow, his brows were drawn into his temples, the tails of his eyes were slightly raised, and his thin lips were tightly pursed. He was indeed King Sheng Li Yi.

Li Yi was overwhelmed by this matter.

It never occurred to him that he had only been busy for a few days, and he would not be able to find his wife later.

If it weren't for worrying that the remaining sins were not cleared, he went to Gu Nanyan and kept Long Yi paying attention to her movements, maybe he didn't know that she had run away.

"Master, Long San replied, the princess has arrived at Mingshan safely." Long Yi let go of the pigeon in his hand, and handed the note to Li Yi.

Li Yi glanced at it and let out a light breath.

After knowing that Gu Nanyan had left the capital, Li Yi threw the matter in his hands to Brother Huang and rushed over for several days.

When I was halfway there, I heard about the Qi family, and I felt that it must be related to her.

The Qi family's influence on the water should not be underestimated, he was afraid that Gu Nanyan would suffer, so he asked Long San to take his token and go to various county government offices to beat him.

Now knowing that she arrived safely, I am finally relieved.

Then he lowered his face again, his expression gloomy.

Long Yi lowered his head, his eyes swept over the carriages behind him, he understood why his master was so cold all the way.

The master and the princess got engaged, and originally planned to come to Mingshan with the princess after finishing the messy affairs, and to visit the Liu family who lived in the countryside with her.

To show his importance to the princess, he even prepared several carts of gifts early in the morning.

The master was still excited, ready to surprise the princess.

Who knows if he is happy or not, but he is shocked.

Thinking of his master's face at that time, Long Yi lowered his head even lower.

"Master, do you want to continue on your way?"

They walked along the road without much pause, except when they were sleeping at night, they were always on their way.

"Are you tired?" Li Yi was very upset, and gave him a cold sideways glance.

"Should I find you a place to sleep before leaving?"

Long Yi: "..."

I'm not worried about you.

Why can't you tell the difference?

"Subordinates dare not." Long Yi said calmly.

"The subordinates just feel that the prince has not had a good rest after traveling for many days, and now there is less than a day's journey, so it is better to find a place to rest."

As he spoke, he looked at Li Yi's clothes. There was a pool of stains there, which were accidentally splashed on the road yesterday.

Li Yi followed his line of sight and couldn't help but pause.

After a while, he coughed lightly: "You're right, it's time to take a break."

Li Yi nodded, knowing that his current image is not very good.

In order to appear in the best condition, he decided to freshen up and dress up beautifully before going to see his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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