The farmer has a mall

Chapter 444 School Rejection

Chapter 444 School Rejection
The news of Gu Nanyan's return to the village spread throughout Shangshan Village in less than half a day.

The village head came in a hurry with his daughter-in-law Tian.

Looking back on the Internet, Nanyan came and left in a hurry, and didn't even have a dust-cleaning banquet.

This time the village chief said that he would set up a few tables in the village.

Said to thank Gu Nanyan for the villagers.

And generously stated that all the expenses of the dust-cleaning feast will be borne by the village.

Gu Nanyan, who was thinking of staying overnight and leaving, had no choice but to agree.

It's just that she proposed to the head of the village that she should pay for the money herself.

Since she paid the money, naturally she couldn't just set up a few tables.

The banquet was held from the beginning to the end of the village, and almost all the villagers came.

Adults and children sat around a table, laughing and cursing, and the atmosphere was more lively than the Chinese New Year.

Gu Nanyan sat at the main table, with Mrs. Liu and the village chief on both sides, and the village chief's wife and several prestigious elders in the village were at the same table.

According to the rules of the village, the Tian family cannot sit at the main table.

However, since Gu Nanyan and Mrs. Liu were here, it would not be good to sit alone with the village chief and the elders, so she was called to accompany her.

Sitting next to Tian was a six or seven-year-old boy with a chubby baby face, blinking his eyes and looking at Gu Nanyan curiously.

Gu Nanyan smiled back, and the little guy immediately blushed and hid behind Tian.

Tian couldn't laugh or cry, and nodded his forehead angrily.

"Usually when you make grandma angry, you're pretty good. Why are you so honest today?"

After that, she apologized and said to Gu Nanyan: "This kid is very skinny, his father is not at home, and his mother is pregnant again. I was afraid that she would disturb his mother's rest, so I brought him out."

The village chief has two sons.

The youngest son Song Chengcai is studying in the town and is preparing to take the scientific examination this year. Now he is studying hard in a private school and rarely goes home.

The eldest son, Song Chenghai, works in the town and only comes back every three to five days.

After the village had a planting base, Tian wanted Song Chenghai to quit his job in the town, but his boss refused to let him go, repeatedly asked him to stay, and even raised his wages.

Song Chenghai couldn't shirk it, and his boss was really nice to him, so he stayed.

In this way, Tian and her eldest daughter-in-law are the only ones in their family who can take care of their children.

The daughter-in-law is pregnant, so Tian can only take care of her.

"Brother Huan is skinny everywhere."

Mrs. Liu liked this child very much, and said with a smile: "I think he is much quieter than Cheng Hai when he was a child. If you are not interested, I will take him home later."

After finishing speaking, he moved forward and said to Brother Huan in a negotiating tone: "Brother Huan, do you want to go back with grandma? Grandma's house has a lot of delicious food, as well as sugar."

Brother Huan looked at Mrs. Liu, and then at his grandma.

The little face was tangled into a ball.

For a child, sugar means everything, but he doesn't want to leave Grandma either.

The little guy pursed his lips and said aggrievedly, "Can I just want sugar?"

Although he likes this grandma very much, his favorite is still his grandma.

"That can't be done." Liu deliberately teased him, "Tang and grandma can only choose one, you can only eat candy if you go with grandma."

"Forget it then." He flattened his mouth and sighed.

"I also have sweets at home, although Grandma is a bit stingy and only gives one piece at a time..." Speaking of this, he glanced at Tian, ​​who was smiling but not smiling, with an even more aggrieved expression.

As if to say, look what a sacrifice I have made.

When Tian heard the words, she was very angry and funny: "Is grandma so stingy? It's because I'm afraid that you will damage your teeth. You have no heart."

As he spoke, he reached out to poke his forehead again.

Seeing Tian's smile, Brother Huan followed suit.

The atmosphere was harmonious for a while.

An old man at the same table stroked his gray beard and said cheerfully: "I remember Brother Huan is seven years old this year. I heard that your family Chenghai sent him to study in the school in the next village a few days ago. Why? Didn't go today?"

The ancient schools closed on two days a month, the fifteenth day and the end of the month respectively.

Today is not the middle of the month, so it stands to reason that the school should not be on holiday.

Speaking of this, Tian's smiling face sank visibly, and even the village chief fell silent.

A table of people felt strange, but they didn't want to ask more questions, after all, this was their private matter.

And it looks like there is something inside.

When Mrs. Liu returned to the village, Mrs. Tian took good care of her, often went to talk to her, and would visit her during the holidays.

After coming and going, the two became acquainted, and often made appointments to play mahjong together.

Mrs. Liu had long regarded her as her younger sister, and seeing her like this, she knew something must have happened.

"What's the matter?" Liu asked.

Mrs. Tian pursed her lips, she didn't want to say anything at first, but when she saw Mrs. Liu's worried eyes, she murmured, "It's nothing serious, but the head of the village next door didn't let Brother Huan go to school."

"Why?" Liu was surprised, and so were the others.

Just now the old man was puzzled and said: "Then isn't it possible to go to the school by paying money?"

Their village was called Shangshan Village, and the village next door that Tian mentioned was called Xiashan Village.

Before Shangshan Village had a planting base, Xiashan Village was the wealthiest village in Shili Baxiang.

Not to mention that every family can eat and clothe warmly, but they have never starved to death.

The wealth of Xiashan Village is not only reflected in the money, but their village is also the only village nearby that has an Enlightenment School.

Therefore, if the nearby villagers intend to let their children know a few words, they will send them there.

Of course, the premise is that you can afford the money.

In the Enlightenment School in the town, there are no more than five taels a year.

But in Xiashan Village, the income is monthly, five hundred cash per month, and six taels of silver in a year.

More expensive than in town!

As for why it is so expensive.

It's just that the town is too far away, and it's inconvenient for the adults in the family to pick up and drop off.

In addition, the cost of hiring a car back and forth is quite a lot, it might as well be cheaper to send it to Xiashan Village.

It can be seen from this that there is no reason why Xiashan Village is richer than other villages.

People dare to cheat!
The problem is for children, even if they know it is a pit, they have to jump into it.

Of course, this school has a little advantage over the town.

That is, there is no need for assessment, no matter what the foundation is, you can directly enter the school after paying the money.

This is also the reason why everyone was surprised that Brother Huan failed to enroll.

The village chief and Mrs. Tian didn't seem to want to say more, they just smiled in embarrassment and didn't say anything.

"Why else, our village has become rich and is hated by others."

Seeing that they didn't speak, an aunt at the next table said angrily.

She lives next door to the village chief's house, so she knows best about Brother Huan.

"What's the meaning of this? Isn't Xiashan Village very warm to us? During the New Year's Eve, Old Shuantou even came here in person."

The one who spoke was Ma Dazhuang from the other table.

He is still driving at the entrance of the village.

The villagers became rich, and they would ride in his ox cart when going out, and his family's income had also doubled several times.

Old Shuantou is the head of Xiashan Village.

He saw it with his own eyes that day, he went to the village chief's house to pay New Year's greetings with big bags and small bags.

"Bah! He's a weasel giving New Year greetings to chickens, he has no good intentions!"

The aunt spat on the ground and said with a look of hatred.

The old lady sitting next to her shrank her feet in disgust: "I said Mrs. Chen, what are you talking about, why is our village chief a chicken?"

When Mrs. Chen heard the words, she realized that she had said something wrong, and she couldn't help saying embarrassingly: "I didn't mean that, I meant that old thing is a weasel, he... oops! Anyway, he didn't come to pay New Year's greetings sincerely!"

Seeing that everyone was looking over, Mrs. Chen, who was talking with her head turned sideways, turned her whole body around.

"I heard that day that Old Shuan came to the door with a few boxes of broken dim sum, and asked the village chief to share half of the planting base with his village!"

"What? Well, the planting base belongs to our village, why should we distribute it to them, the village chief, did you agree?"

"What belongs to our village? It belongs to Gu girl."

"Yes, yes, what I mean is that Miss Gu trusts us and entrusts it to the people in our village. Why should Xiashan Village open its mouth and divide it in half?"

"That's right, it's too shameless."

"Why did Old Shuantou have the nerve to open his mouth like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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