The farmer has a mall

Chapter 445 Mr. Xiashan Village

Chapter 445 Mr. Xiashan Village
The village chief originally wanted to keep this matter a secret.

In order to avoid conflicts between the two villages.

But right now the crowd is furious, if he keeps hiding it, it will become his fault.

"Quiet and quiet." The village chief patted the table.

"Don't worry, I didn't agree. Besides, I can't decide this matter. I have to take care of the girl."

Although the planting base has brought their entire village to life, the village head is not the one who holds chicken feathers as arrows.

Everyone looked at Gu Nanyan after hearing the words, with anxiety and expectation in their eyes.

Gu Nanyan didn't express his opinion immediately, but instead asked about the school.

"It's because of this that they refuse to accept brother Huan into the school?"

The village head nodded first, then shook his head after a pause.

"Old Shuantou asked the teacher from the school to ask a question, but Brother Huan didn't answer, so he said that Brother Huan was stupid and not suitable for studying."

The village chief looked at his grandson, seeing him blushing and lowering his head, his heart was filled with soreness.

When Chengcai came back, he would occasionally teach him a few words.

Brother Huan recognizes characters very quickly.

Just watch it almost once.

Chengcai said he has a talent for reading.

Only then did he discuss with his elder son and send his grandson to school.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened.

Thinking of the injured eyes of his grandson at that time, the village head felt uncomfortable.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

They don't understand such things as reading.

They can't tell if they have talent or not.

Although everyone suspects Xiashan Village Gong to avenge his personal revenge, they can't guarantee that brother Qi Huan is really untalented.

Seeing Brother Huan's head drooping even lower and tears streaming down his face, everyone couldn't bear it.

Although this child is a little skinny on weekdays, he has done all the work that should be done.

Sometimes neighbors need help, and he will do what he can.

He is also a very good kid.

"What questions did they ask?" Gu Nanyan, who had been silent all this time, asked suddenly.

"This... I don't remember either. I don't understand any disciples or anyone, but it sounds like a book that our Chengcai usually memorizes."

The village head thought that Gu Nanyan was asking him, but after thinking for a long time, he finally remembered three words.

"Where's Brother Huan, do you still remember?" Gu Nanyan asked again, this time calling the names directly.

Brother Huan wiped away his tears and gave a low "hmm".

"The old gentleman asked me, what does it mean to be filial when a student enters, and to be a younger brother when he leaves.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "Then how did you answer?"

"I said, children should be filial in front of their parents and elders, respect and love their teachers when they go out, be cautious in what they say, keep their promises, get along with everyone in friendship, and get close to those who have a heart of benevolence. After doing these things, if you still Use the remaining energy to study..."

Brother Huan's voice was muffled, as if he was aggrieved.

"Oh, what did the gentleman say?"

"Mr. said that my answer was wrong. Students should be filial. It means that students should be filial in front of their husbands, not children should be filial in front of their parents."

"Then do you think you got the answer wrong?" Gu Nanyan said in a rare soft tone.

Brother Huan didn't say a word, and lowered his head again with his mouth pursed.

Gu Nanyan didn't rush him, but quietly waited for him to speak.

After a long while, he said slowly: "The little uncle explained this to me, I think the little uncle is right, I didn't get it wrong..."

Gu Nanyan nodded lightly, and asked the village chief: "What is the origin of the old man?"

The village head said: "I heard that he is a student of great Confucianism. He has studied hard for decades in the cold window and has a lot of knowledge. After being selected as a scholar, he originally wanted to take the exam, but he couldn't stand the rush when he was too old, so he gave up. Later, he was dismissed. Please go to the mountain village."

"That's quite powerful." Gu Nanyan sighed upon hearing this, "It's really thick-skinned."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone looked at each other again, not understanding what she meant.

"Princess means..." The village head was also puzzled.

This gentleman was invited by Lao Shuan with a lot of money.

It is said that many private schools in the county are robbing him.

It's a pity that he is indifferent to fame and wealth, and just wants to find a small village to support his life.

Only then was Old Shuantou persuaded.

However, hearing what the princess said, it seems...

"The passage Brother Huan said just now is a passage from the Analects of Confucius, and he answered correctly."

"That's right, then..." The village head looked at his grandson in a daze.

Brother Huan suddenly raised his head, his small face was full of surprises, then he thought of something, and lowered his head in a low voice.

"But... the old man is a student of Daru, he said I was wrong..."

Gu Nanyan sneered: "He said you were wrong, so you are wrong?"

Didn't this little brat still poke his neck and say that he was right?

It took only a while to change your mind?
So fickle?
Gu Nanyan straightened his expression and said: "Let's not talk about anything else, this question comes from the Analects of Confucius, and the Analects of Confucius is a compulsory question in the annual scientific examination. What is selected in the scientific examination? Tongsheng, Xiucai, Juren and even Jinshi!"

"And you are just a child who has just started enlightenment. Using this kind of question to test you is obviously bullying."

How else could she say that this old gentleman has a thick skin?

Questions that I didn't understand myself, dare to take them out to test others.

And it was a child!
If you don't know what you know, you will embarrass the scholars all over the world!

"Furthermore, I heard what your grandpa meant. This old man Han Chuang studied hard for dozens of years, and he passed the scholar exam when he was old. How stupid is he to do it?"

Is this a disciple of a great Confucianism?
Which great Confucianist is so blind, accepting such a mentally handicapped student as his disciple!

"His only advantage is that he has failed the rankings for decades, but he can still persevere against the big wall."

People don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

Fortunately for him, he couldn't run away with a concussion.

Everyone: "..."

This... makes sense!

If the old gentleman is really so capable, how can he fail the scholar examination for decades?

Mengdu should be right!
The crowd was silent.

"If you say that, aren't the people in Xiashan Village all deceived?" A young man who was relatively behind suddenly said.

That's five hundred texts a month.

Six taels of silver a year.

He had heard of it.

The villagers of Xiashan Village feel that they are superior to others.

All the little boys in the village are sent to school.

Those who have one son will get one, and those who have two sons will get two.

For those who are unlucky, there are all male dolls in the house.

It is said that in order to provide for several children to study, the whole family eats bran swallowed vegetables.

If they find out, this old gentleman is actually not as good as a child...

Sure enough, people in the city know how to ride a horse.

The young man looked over at Brother Huan and felt a chill in his heart.

"Since this is the case, wouldn't it be a good thing that Brother Huan didn't go and succeed, so as to save the seedlings who study hard and be taught badly." Liu concluded flatly.

Gu Nanyan took it for granted.

The husband is not scary, but I am afraid that the husband is uneducated.

On the way of learning, not only the teacher is far away from the disciples, but also the disciples should choose the right teacher.

"Hey, if you want your child to learn how to read in the future, don't you have to run to the town?"

"Yeah, it's at least an hour to go back and forth. The fare... I'll do the math... Oh, 360 coins a month, how can I afford it."

"Don't say that you can't afford to throw money away, how much work can you do in an hour, my man and I are both working on the plantation base..."

"Our family is the same, or forget it, anyway, I don't expect our family's iron egg to be a scholar."

"That's true, but it's good to know a few more words..."

Now that they have money in their hands, they don't have to worry about food or drink. Naturally, what they think about most is the future of their children and grandchildren.

People who can read and write can make people look up to them when they go out.

Everyone was talking about it in full swing, and everyone showed regret, feeling that the meat on the table was not was still delicious.

The village head is also very worried.

He was thinking about whether to send his grandson to the town to study, when Gu Nanyan suddenly asked him: "Village Chief, is there an open space at the south end of Shangshan Village?"

(End of this chapter)

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