The farmer has a mall

Chapter 446 Staff School

Chapter 446 Staff School
There is indeed an open space in the south of Shangshan Village, with mountains behind and water in front, and the environment is good.

The village head didn't understand why Gu Nanyan asked this, he was startled and said: "Gu girl is talking about the old grain drying field?"

Gu Nanyan didn't know what that place was used for before, and she didn't deny it when she heard the words, she just asked softly: "I remember it's been vacant for many years, I wonder if there is an owner?"

"That's not true." The village chief shook his head slowly.

"There are so many rocks in that place that you can't plant land. It was originally a place for villagers to dry wheat, but there is a small river there. Everyone thought it was too wet, so they moved the grain farm to the west of the village."

The village head thought she was going to expand the planting base, so he quickly suggested: "But there is still a place in the north. If you want to use it, I will send you the land deed later."

The more things Gu Nan grows, the better it will be for their village, so the village chief is very active.

"No need, that one is fine."

It's good to have more stones.

There are more stones and the foundation is stable.

A house built on a solid foundation is solid.

"I want to build a staff school there, what does the village chief think?"

What is a staff school?
That is, the children of all the employees who work under Gu Nanyan can be sent to the staff school to study.

No money is accepted, and pen and ink textbooks are provided free of charge.

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings immediately fell silent.

The village head thought he was too old and had misheard, so he pulled out his ears and asked again.

Reading is a very expensive thing.

In the entire village, only their youngest son had attended a private school with the eldest grandson of the old Gu family for a few years.

The condition of his family is better than that of the old Gu's. Before Gu Nanyan's planting base was completed, he could still get some meat every day.

Even so, in order to provide for Song Chengcai's education, the whole family lived a tight life.

The village head, who likes to drink a few sips, even gave up drinking in order to save money.

Every time I smell the aroma of wine, I feel greedy.

At one point, he didn't even dare to go out the door.

I'm afraid that someone will drink and let him smell it.

Fortunately, Song Chengcai was able to do his best, and after only one year of school, he was able to help copy books for bookstores, earning some pen and ink money at least.

Since then, the village chief's family has been a lot better off.

Not to mention having a planting base.

It is so difficult for the village chief's family to provide for a scholar, let alone others.

Even if every household is rich now and the villagers have extra money in their hands, they just want their children to learn how to read.

It takes only three to five months to finish studying. It is impossible to study for a long time.

But what did Gu Nanyan say?

Build a school for workers and let children go to school for free?
The villagers were dumbfounded.

Until the dust-cleaning feast was over, he didn't recover.

Afterwards, there were cries of pain one after another in the whole village.

"Oh, it hurts me so much, it's not a dream!"

"Hey hey hey...Old Du, why are you pinching me..."

"I'm sorry big brother, I was too excited to pinch the wrong one, my brother will pinch it back for you... Hey, you really pinched it, you bastard!"

"It hurts, it hurts, daughter-in-law, why are you pulling my ears? I haven't made any mistakes recently..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll just ask you if it hurts..."

"It must be hurting, you can see that the base of your ear is red..."

"Ah, is it really popular?'s so popular, I have to go back to my mother's house and tell my mother the good news!"


Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan sat in her room, holding a pen in her hand, lowering her head to write and draw, and the corners of her mouth slowly curled up.

The news that Shangshan Village will build a school, like a tornado passing through the border, quickly spread to the surrounding villages.

If it is an ordinary school, it will be fine, and the villages will be slightly jealous, and they will forget it after two days.

But the village head of Xiashan Village couldn't hold his breath, and immediately ran to inquire about the news. This inquiry was terrible, and he was completely stupid.

He has been competing with Village Chief Song for so many years, and he has to compare everything.

In the past, they were richer than anyone else's village, and they did their part.

He has firmly trampled Shangshan Village under his feet for many years.

Unexpectedly, there was a golden phoenix in Shangshan Village, they couldn't compare it.

Started to compare whose village has more scholars.

Their village has a good environment and beautiful mountains and rivers.

A few years ago, it attracted a wealthy businessman to return to his hometown for retirement.

In order to repay the village, the rich businessman took out a sum of money to build a school, and all the children in the village went to school, and the tuition fee was halved.

Of course, you still have to pay for the books yourself.

Even so, in several villages, this is unprecedented.

But it has made him proud for many years.

Later, when Shangshan Village became rich, he didn't say anything, but he was not convinced in his heart.

At the same time, he was still thinking about the planting base.

In his opinion, it was a big piece of fat.

Although the land belonged to the princess, he just wanted to take the management right over.

As long as it doesn't affect the income of the base, the princess is far away in the capital, and there are so many things going on every day, how can I care about these things.

And he didn't want to snatch them all, after all, the place was in Shangshan Village, so he only needed to share half of the management rights with him.

But Village Chief Song didn't agree to anything, which made him angry.

So when he heard that Song Chenghai's son was going to study with them, he joined hands with the old gentleman to severely humiliate him.

I thought that for the sake of his grandson's future, he would let go and invite himself to manage the planting base with him.

But who would have thought that the golden phoenix would fly back before he was too proud!
Not only did it fly back, but it also brought back a piece of gold bump!

The village head of Xiashan Village returned to the village in a daze. When the villagers saw him, they couldn't help asking curiously.

But he was not in the mood to talk to them, so he returned home with a donkey face.

Gossip is human nature, the more he doesn't talk, the more curious the villagers will be.

Shangshan Village was right next to them, and there was a young daughter-in-law who married from there, so the villagers asked her to go back to the village to find out.

This little daughter-in-law's family conditions are not good.

There is also a younger brother in the family.

Back then it was sold to Xiashan Village.

Not only her husband's family doesn't want to see her, but even the villagers look down on her.

Until last year, when the family became rich, her parents came to visit in person and returned the money from selling her to her husband's family.

Only then did she straighten her back and be a human being.

There was a lot of rumors about Shangshan Village, and she was also very curious, so she went back to her mother's house that day without being disturbed by others.

Early the next morning, the little daughter-in-law came back with her head held high.

At the same time, he brought back good news from his natal family.

Her brother can read!
My family can't afford to read?

whispering sound!
Need money to study?
We all read it for free!

Not only is it free, but if you get good grades, you can also get money.

100 taels per year!
Earn a lot more than you.

Xiashan Village was blown up.


Shangshan Village has been very lively recently, and the entrance of the village is crowded with people.

It's all about other villages coming to ask about free admission.

From morning till night, the village chief explained that his throat was full of smoke, and he kept emphasizing that only the children of Gu Nanyan's employees could go to school for free.

However, it was of no use. There was still an endless stream of people who heard the news, even people from the town.

The village head had no choice but to let people guard the entrance of the village and not allow people to enter casually.


Gu Nanyan is a person who does what he says, so on the day of the dust-cleaning banquet, he sent people to the town to find the best craftsmen.

In order to save time, she invited a lot of people, and people in the village offered to help. In just two days, the foundation of the school was dug.

The next step is to build the teaching building, which will take about half a month.

During this period, she went back to Mingshan County.

The steam engine model has been completed, and after several improvements, the performance has been improved a lot.

Looking at the two-square-meter-sized steam engine, Gu Nanyan was still dissatisfied and asked people to change it.

The person in charge of this is the steward of the arsenal.

He is the person left behind by Gu Qing, and he is very loyal to the Gu family.

Therefore, even though he didn't know the purpose of this steam engine, he still tried his best to follow Nanyan's instructions.

Both sides are carried out at the same time, and the first to be completed is naturally the teaching building.

The teaching building has two floors.

The first floor has a kitchen and a student canteen.

Those who come to school will have a meal at noon every day.

Next to the cafeteria, there are also staff dormitories, as well as a utility room.

The second floor is the enlightenment class, which is dedicated to teaching those children who have no foundation.

On the day when the teaching building was completed, Gu Nanyan rushed back to the village to cut the ribbon in person, and even let people set off two strings of firecrackers.

(End of this chapter)

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