Chapter 447

The open space in front of the teaching building is all paved with flat concrete.

On the concrete floor, the red paper wrapped with firecrackers exploded all over the ground.

Looking at it is festive.

All the villagers rushed over, and many of them were wiping their tears.

Looking at such a clean and beautiful dormitory, the children are full of expectations for going to school.

Brother Huan held his grandfather's hand and looked up at him with sparkling eyes.

"Grandpa, the school is so big, even bigger than the one in Xiashan Village. Will I be able to study here in the future?"

The village chief wiped his face, his eyes were slightly red, and he hummed hoarsely.

Not only is it bigger than Shangshan Village, their earthen house, how can it compare with this.

Even the toilet in the corner on the first floor is better than that.

Brother Huan was very excited. Seeing that all his friends had run to the second floor, he quickly let go of his grandfather's hand and chased after him.

The village chief calmed down and walked towards Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan was talking to Su Wenfeng.

Building a school is a big deal. As the lord of a county, even if Gu Nanyan is not a princess, he will come to support her.

When Su Wenfeng came, Cui Yao naturally followed.

But he couldn't stay idle, and ran to the second floor to visit the teaching dormitory with the children in the village.

"Girl Gu, Uncle Song thank you on behalf of the whole village. Thanks to you, our village is where it is today." The village head's voice was choked with sobs.

"Yes, Gu girl, we all have to thank you. Thanks to you, my bastard can also be a scholar." A woman in yellow shirt said gratefully.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and farmers are ranked second, but they are often looked down upon, even the lowest businessmen.

Scholars are different, no matter whether they have achieved or not in the end, they can be looked up to by others.

"Isn't it? Last year, we couldn't even fill our stomachs, but this year we can let our children study. It's all because of Gu girl." Another woman followed.

Everyone agreed, thinking of the scene in the village a year ago, and now, it was like a dream.

The villagers gathered around and said words of gratitude, and the scene became chaotic.

Although the village chief wanted to stop them, but when everyone's mood was agitated, how could they stop them.

Gu Nanyan didn't care, and listened patiently.

Su Wenfeng smiled and took a few steps back, giving space to the villagers.

Then he turned around and looked at the teaching building made of bluestone bricks.

But seeing Cui Yao running downstairs with a sigh, he dragged him to run upstairs with a sigh.

"Hurry up, cousin, follow me up and have a look."

Su Wenfeng was staggered, and he gave a soft reprimand helplessly.

"How old is he, and he's still frizzy."

What's interesting on it, he's seen the blueprint a long time ago, it's almost the same as downstairs.

Su Wenfeng was already busy, but after the completion of Gu Nanyan's factories, he became even busier.

So today he was also stuck in order to come here, and he accompanied Gu Nanyan to cut the ribbon when he came, and he didn't go upstairs to see it at all.

Cui Yao was beaten by his father since he was a child, and he has been trained to be strong and iron, so he didn't listen to Su Wenfeng's reprimand.

"Let me tell you, cousin, this girl usually seems to be in a hurry. I didn't expect to spend a lot of money this time, and installed floor heating for all the teaching dormitories on the second floor."

Su Wenfeng knows about floor heating, and has seen it at Gu Nanyan's house for a long time.

It is said that in winter, as long as there is enough coal, the whole house will be as warm as spring, without being cold at all.

And there is no smell of smoke at all.

Cui Yao was still sighing: "What do you think this girl thinks, she doesn't charge any tuition fees, and she does so many things, how much money does she have to spend on buying coal all year round, and that..."

He pointed to the top of the teaching plan: "The capital is crazy about this thing, and even if you have money, you can't buy it. She actually pretended to come to this small village."

And one room per room, it is simply not too extravagant.

Hearing this, Su Wenfeng looked along his fingers.

I saw a mechanical fan more than one foot wide embedded in the wall.

"And this." Cui Yao reached out and tapped on the blackboard in front of him.

"I don't know where she came up with so many ideas, and asked someone to make such a big board, saying it was for the teacher's teaching."

As he spoke, he picked up the white chalk on the lesson plan, scribbled on it, and wiped it with the brush hanging on the side when he was done.

The white writing disappeared immediately.

Cui Yao smacked his lips: "Just these things, if my father found me such a place back then, I promise to stay in the school all day and never go anywhere!"

How nice it is here, warm in winter and cool in summer.

It is more comfortable than a teahouse.

This time Su Wenfeng did not refute, but nodded in agreement.

Isn't it, let alone his cousin, in this environment, he wants to stay and study hard for two days.

Moreover, it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the air is good.

After staying for a while, the whole person felt much refreshed.

"The princess is really a wonderful person." Su Wenfeng sighed again.

In such a good environment, no two people would be sorry for the princess's good intentions.


"Has the princess invited you, Mr. Su Wenfeng?" Su Wenfeng asked.

When he knew about this before, he wanted to help find the two gentlemen.

There are not many Juren in Mingshan City, but there are still many scholars.

Besides teaching a few children, a scholar is enough.

But Gu Nanyan didn't ask him to help, he felt that this was not a difficult task, so he didn't bother.

"I don't know that."

Cui Yao absently looked at the furnishings in the house.

He has been living in the county government recently, so he hasn't had much contact with Gu Nanyan, and he doesn't know much about it.

"I only know that this matter was handled by King Sheng. I don't know where to invite the gentleman. He has been away for more than ten days."

"Prince Sheng?" Su Wenfeng was surprised.

"King Sheng has come to Mingshan?" Why didn't he hear about it?
"It's already here." Cui Yao curled his lips, "He will be here the next day after Gu Nanyan comes back."

I didn't realize before that King Sheng is still clingy.

Just after getting engaged, she chased Gu Nanyan around.

Quit doing business at all!
Cui Yao hummed unhappily, and then laughed out loud after thinking of something.

"You don't know, King Sheng just arrived, and Gu Nanyan chased him away before his butt was hot. When he left, his face was so stinky..."

He tugged on his cousin's sleeve and laughed, Su Wenfeng was speechless.

"Didn't you say that King Sheng went to find Mr., how could it be rushing..."

He pulled Cui Yao's hand away, smoothed his wrinkled sleeves, and looked at his overjoyed cousin without saying a word.

Didn't the little aunt say that this kid has become a lot more stable since he became the shopkeeper?

Why do you look even more stupid?


Naturally, Li Yi wasn't driven away. He heard that Gu Nanyan was looking for her husband, and when he thought of someone, he volunteered and rushed to a small town in the east overnight.

This man's name is Qiu Wen. He won the first prize in Sanyuan Jidi more than ten years ago. He is very knowledgeable and has a great reputation in the capital.

After that, he worshiped under Prime Minister Shen.

Later, Prime Minister Shen fell from power, and even though he was a newly appointed No. [-] scholar, he was not very familiar with Prime Minister Shen, but he was also implicated.

Being squeezed out by colleagues is terrible.

In a fit of anger, he resigned and went back to seclusion. He has been living in seclusion in a remote town for these years and rarely shows up.

Li Yi only knew his general location, so he searched for several days before finding his place.

Qiu Wen was not interested in teaching, so he refused without thinking.

Li Yi was not annoyed, and still visited the house every day.

Knowing that he was jealous of the common people, he told all the things that Gu Nanyan had done.

Gu Nanyan's reputation is not small, and Qiu Wen has naturally heard of her deeds.

I still admire the eldest lady of the general's mansion.

Therefore, after knowing that Gu Nanyan built a school for free for children to study, Qiu Wen, who also came from a poor background, finally nodded.

But he didn't agree immediately, he only said that he would go to Shangshan Village with Li Yi to have a look.

The two hurried and hurried, and finally arrived at Mingshan on the day of the ribbon-cutting, and entered the village amidst the faint sound of firecrackers.

(End of this chapter)

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