The farmer has a mall

Chapter 449 Li Yi is Abnormal

Chapter 449 Li Yi is Abnormal

After all, we will be a family in the future, Yan'er's business is his business.

Li Yi picked up the teacup in a good mood.

This is the first time the two have been alone together since their engagement.

Should I say it or not, I'm quite nervous.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyes slightly, but said nothing.

Otherwise, how can someone be a prince.

Consciousness is high.

Knowing that her Mingshan City has a promising future, he started to curry favor with her now.

Definitely want to invest!

It's not a loss to invest in shares, anyway, Mingshan is also a loser.

It's also nice to have multiple people to share with her.

"By the way, is the matter I mentioned to you last time settled?" she asked.

Li Yi nodded: "I was just about to tell you about this. I have already told Brother Huang that you will be responsible for all the iron mines in Mingshan in the future, but for the sake of fairness, you have to pay [-]% of the tax every year."

Twenty percent is not much.

Half of the fief's taxes have to be handed over, even Li Yi is no exception.

It's just that Gu Nanyan is very unreasonable and aggressively refuses to pay taxes, unless the imperial court pays half of all the expenses of Mingshan City in the future.

How dare Li Mi agree.

Don't say that other fiefdoms don't have this rule.

Simply explaining that Shancheng, since Gu Nanyan took over, it has become an incinerator for bank notes.

One year's expenses have caught up with half of his treasury.

Li Mi also knew that he was a meat bun and beat a dog, and there was no return.

In addition, he also wanted to see what Gu Nanyan could develop Mingshan into, so he didn't force her to pay taxes.

It's useless to force.

Still have to be beaten.

This time, if Gu Nanyan hadn't told him to ask for iron ore, he wouldn't have collected the [-]% tax.

Although the fiefdoms were divided, the iron mines still belonged to the imperial court.

If it is given to her for nothing.

The censor of the court is afraid that he will collectively bump into a pillar to protest...

Gu Nanyan had the final say.

There are a lot of iron mines in Mingshan City, and it would cost a fortune to buy them with silver.

This proposal is not bad.

So he nodded.


The Shangshan School in Shangshan Village invited a number one scholar to be a teacher.

The news spread quickly.

As a result, more people came to set up relationships to watch the excitement, and many of them were students from several surrounding towns.

The number one scholar is a rarity in a small place like theirs, and many people come here admiringly.

However, the village chief who had been prepared for a long time blocked him from outside the village.

In order to prevent outsiders from harassing Qiu Wen, the village chief ordered all the paths into the village to be closed.

Only the one at the entrance of the village remained.

Also installed a wooden railing.

The wooden fence is as high as one and a half people, and the top is sharpened to prevent outsiders from turning in.

The sharp point is so sharp that it seems that a piece of meat can fall off if you touch it.

Gu Nanyan went to see it, and when she came back, her eyebrows twitched.

Looking at the benevolent and kind-hearted village chief, he couldn't say a word.

There are only [-] or [-] school-age children in the village, and they can be taught by Qiu Wen alone.

Of course, she won't let Qiu Wen stay in Shangshan Village all the time, after all, he is a champion and has greater uses.

What's more, since it is a worker's school, it cannot only exist in Shangshan Village.

Most of her employees are in Mingshan County.

Although communication was underdeveloped in ancient times, they were all in the same city, and the news here would pass on sooner or later.

She didn't want the people below to say that she was unfair.

Therefore, the staff school still needs to be built.

What Gu Nanyan didn't say was that she planned to carry out targeted compulsory education.

The children of those employees who work for her are free of tuition and miscellaneous fees.

Outsiders thought that her school would be free of tuition, but she still had to pay for books.

This is only limited to the people of her Mingshan City.

Those who come to study in other places will have to pay money.

Three days later, Shangshan School started.

There was another flurry of chaos in the village.

Mostly it is the parents asking the children to listen to the teacher's words and so on.

Gu Nanyan lived in the village for a few more days, and when she saw that everything was running normally, she thought about going back to Mingshan County.

Mrs. Liu is used to living in the village, and because she was afraid of causing trouble to her granddaughter, she chose to stay.

No matter what Gu Nanyan said, it was useless.

I just told her to come back more often, and then...

Then there is no more.

Recently, she contracted the kitchen of the school, leading a group of women to cook lunch for the children in turn, and she seemed to be a leader.

Gu Nanyan had no choice but to give up.

Thinking that this place is not far from Mingshan County, she could come back anytime she wanted, so she didn't worry about it anymore.

Naturally, Li Yi wanted to accompany her, and lived in the princess' mansion grandly.

He has the posture of a male master, not to mention wandering around the yard all day, but whenever Gu Nanyan goes out, he will follow.

This behavior is really abnormal.

Where is the cold-faced Yan Luo that outsiders say?
Gu Nanyan occasionally looked at him with weird eyes.

Li Yi didn't care, he let her look at her generously, and smiled softly in return.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Split personality?

Long Yi, who had been on the sidelines, couldn't say anything, and suddenly remembered what his master had said about marrying into a family.

Long Yi: "..."

So what is he?
To marry a maid?
Long Yi was a little depressed, he hid in the dark for several days and was ashamed to see people.

Li Yi didn't know what his secret guards were up to, he just thought that his rebellious period had come, and he didn't bother to care about him.

Accompany Gu Nanyan to the arsenal every day, and listen to her talking with others about how to modify the steam engine.

Gu Nanyan had already mentioned this to him.

It's just that Li Yi doesn't really believe that the car can run by itself.

Until the steam engine, which had been modified dozens of times, was completed, he still felt that it was a thing for boiling water.

Gu Nanyan didn't blame him for being ignorant.

After all, this is ancient times, at least several hundred years away from the steam age.

Not to blame is not to blame, but it does not prevent her from reaping benefits for herself.

So she made a bet with Li Yi that if she succeeded, she would postpone the wedding for one year.

Li Yi: "Impossible."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan still wanted to bargain, but was rejected by Li Yi.

And the courtyard was closed to thank guests, and no one was seen for several days.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Isn't this dog man a little drifting?

So the irritable Gu Nanyan began to toss 888.

She got an iron brush from somewhere, and pulled the bristles of 888 every day.

Until 888 appeared alopecia areata.

Touching his speckled fur, 888 cried like a dog.

This day is over.

It is going to resign!

With grief and indignation, 888 wrote a resignation letter and sent it to his boss.

However, the letter of resignation was like sinking into the ocean without any splash.

888 thought that his posture in sending the email was wrong, so he typed and sent it again.

[Failed to send, please add the other party as a friend first. 】

888: ? ? ?
On the other side, Xuanyu pulled Hei 888 coherently, sitting in the pure white office, let out a breath slowly.

After a while, he grinned triumphantly.

If you want to resign, there is no door!

He didn't want to contact that ancestor because of the change of customer service.

Besides, she is so difficult to serve, who can bear another customer service?

That is to say, the second idiot in 888 is more able to bear it, and it has been a year since he started to make trouble.

Xuanyu opened the light curtain again, staring at the data on it.

After going to another world, the ancestor's anger value seems to be higher.

Thinking about what he had done, Xuanyu shivered.

Gu Nanyan didn't know anything about 888's resignation, she put the combed hair in a small box, and went out happily.

After the steam engine was finished, she drew a blueprint.

Let people make the shell of the car and other accessories.

Start assembling today.

Gu Nanyan decided to go to this historic moment in person.

She walked out of the gate of the Princess Mansion, and before she got into the sedan chair, she looked up and saw Li Yi, who had not seen him for a long time, standing at the door waiting for her with his hands behind his back like an old cadre inspecting him.

His expression was relaxed and comfortable, as if it wasn't him who had been hiding from her for several days.

Gu Nanyan: Dog man!
If you have the ability, don't go out.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes and walked over.

She didn't let anyone hide anything from him about the arsenal.

Knowing that today is the day to reap the fruits, Li Yi naturally wants to accompany her.

In order to prevent Gu Nanyan from mentioning the postponement of the marriage again, Li Yi saw her walking towards him, and immediately got on his horse.

Then he clamped the horse's belly and left in the dust.

The dust splashed up Gu Nanyan's face.

The disheartened Gu Nanyan: "..."

You have the guts to not come back!

(End of this chapter)

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