Chapter 450

Outside the arsenal.

Li Yi and Gu Nanyan arrived one after another.

A young man in his 20s greeted them and saluted them respectfully.

Gu Nanyan remembered that this person's surname was Yu, and he was in charge here.

"Princess, I have carried those things to the courtyard according to your instructions. Do you think you should go there now or..."

"Go now." Gu Nanyan said.

As for managing affairs, one step ahead leads the way.

This was the time when the workers were going to work, and many people were walking into the factory, so they couldn't help but take a second look when they saw Gu Nanyan in Tsing Yi.

Many of them are old employees who have seen her before and know her identity.

So the news of Gu Nanyan's arrival quickly spread.

Before the factory was established, the economy of Mingshan City was not good.

One is the remote location, few people come here to do business.

The second is that it is adjacent to Anyang Kingdom, and there are often wars. It is difficult for the people to live and work in peace and contentment, even if they want to have a full meal.

But since this place became Gu Nanyan's fiefdom, the Weiyang army was first expelled, and then the factory was established.

The economy of Mingshan City is getting better and better.

Especially in Mingshan County, Mingshan City, because there are two processing workshops for making clocks and watches, it has really attracted many big merchants.

The common people naturally also benefited.

As long as the people of Mingshan City have a household registration certificate, they have the right of first refusal to the things produced by the processing workshop.

Although the price is high, ordinary people can't afford these.

But this does not prevent them from helping others to buy.

As a result, those merchants who couldn't get it quickly, looked for someone to buy it on their behalf.

Of course there is a price to pay.

Each Mingshan commoner has only one right of first refusal, and the daily limit is limited. Merchants have to raise prices and hire local people to buy.

The price is getting higher and higher, not only the signboard is launched, but the pockets of the people are also bulging.

Of course this is only a minority.

What really benefits the people is the continuous recruitment by the factory.

The reputation of the workshop is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more businessmen are attracted to it, and the scale is expanding rapidly, which naturally requires more workers.

Gu Nanyan's wages are sufficient, and ordinary workers have two or two months.

This is much more profitable than carrying heavy bags at the pier, or working in restaurants.

Even some scholars can't earn so much!

Really happy to spoil the people of the city.

The most important thing is that this job is stable and not so tiring. As long as you work hard, no one will be dismissed for no reason.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an iron rice bowl.

It's not like before, no one is useful if you don't have the ability to carry a big bag.

I can only do some breakups, barely starving to death.

The people have no worries about food and clothing, and their spirits have also improved.

All of them are well fed and clothed, their complexions are rosy and shiny, and they can tell the difference at a glance when they stand with foreigners.

In addition, Gu Nanyan once issued a notice.

Anyone who has worked in the property under her name for more than 15 years will also receive a pension.

The amount of pension varies, and the more years you work, the more you get.

But at least one tael of silver.

What is a pension?

Even if you don't work, you still get money.

The people have never seen such a pie in the sky.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Many people didn't believe it at first, thinking it was a joke by some idiot.

But this notice was pasted at the gate of the yamen. Although most of the people could not read, the servants guarding the gate of the yamen could read.

The hard-working yamen servants read notices to people at the door every day, and their voices smoked, and they repeatedly assured that it was true.

you do not believe?

Can the majestic government still lie to you!

Besides, when you retire, the yamen will personally issue a retirement certificate.

This thing is equivalent to the guarantee letter from the government. As long as the holder is still alive, the pension will be issued by the government personally every month.

It's stamped on it!

Not only the official seal of the county lord, but also the seals of the factory and the princess mansion!

Who is the princess?

What is their identity?
Can you lie to ordinary people like you?

What a joke!
So Mingshan City boiled again.

Countless people go to factories and workshops to sign up every day, it's like a mobilization of the whole city!
All those recruited into the factory are proud, and when they return home, they are treated like their ancestors.

Especially those female workers.

Originally, in this era, there was a lot of patriarchal thinking. Many women listened to the words of the matchmaker and would be sold by their families when they reached their age.

It doesn't matter whether the other party is crooked or of bad character, as long as the dowry is large.

There is no such thing now.

Parents wish they could stay at home for the elderly!
Even if they talk about being close, they will ask their daughter's opinion first, so as not to make her unhappy, and they will be ignored in the future.

What?And son?

You can get it.

They are all ordinary people, which son can earn so much money?
Two taels a month, 24 taels a year!

The people in the city can't wait to offer Gu Nanyan up, and burn incense and worship Buddha every day to pray for her long life.

It's just a matter of building a temple for her and repairing a golden body.


At this time, Gu Nanyan didn't know how popular he was in Mingshan City.

She is directing the workers to assemble the steam car.

In this era, rubber trees have not yet been introduced, and the wheels are bare, which looks very bumpy.

Gu Nanyan had no choice but to install springs on the wheelchair to prevent shocks.

Although not very satisfactory, it is much better than ordinary wheels.

Towards noon, the steam car was assembled.

Looking at the square box with a chimney at the rear of the car, everyone was excited.

Gu Nanyan was also very excited, opened the car door under the apprehensive eyes of several people, and got in.

Li Yi thought for a while, couldn't help being curious, and also got into the co-pilot.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him sideways.

Li Yi smiled back.

Gu Nanyan: "...huh"

dog man!
If you dare to let me eat ashes, you will be able to ride a horse!
I have a car!

She got up and opened the thick oil-paper car roof, smiled wickedly at Li Yi, and quickly started the car without saying hello.

The car moved forward slowly, even though he was prepared, Guanshi Yu who was sitting in the back seat still let out an exclamation.

The scenery outside the car window began to reverse, and there were constant exclamations from all around. They were all workers in charge of building the steam engine. After hearing the news, they came to see the results.

"It's done, it's done!" Manager Yu was very excited.

He has always felt that using the heat of a fire to drive a car is simply a fantasy.

He didn't believe it until the steam engine was ready and he witnessed the powerful power with his own eyes.

Even so, this moment is like a dream.

Li Yi was also in a daze, clutching the handle of the car nervously, his heart beating violently.

However, he has a better psychological quality than Guanshi Yu, and after two breaths, he slowed down.

After all, Guanshi Yu was young, and he was still looking out of the window.

Call out excitedly.

Li Yi turned his head to look at Gu Nanyan, who was holding the steering wheel with a calm expression, his expression was complicated and difficult to discern.

The start-up time of the steam car is a bit long, and the driving speed changes from slow to fast.

Feeling almost familiar with the operation, Gu Nanyan slowly stepped on the valve.

The car rushed out suddenly.

This kind of speed is not fast for Gu Nanyan. Compared with modern cars, there is still a big gap.

But for an ancient person.

This speed is several times faster than riding a horse, and it is no different from flying.

Even if he was as calm as Li Yi, facing such an impact, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide, and tightly clenched his fingers holding the handle.

Li Yi's heart was beating like thunder, and he watched the scene flying by outside the window in disbelief, holding his breath and not daring to move.

It's not that I'm afraid.

On the contrary, feeling the wind outside the window hitting his jade-like cheeks, his heart was agitated like never before.

Not to mention Guanshi Yu, he held the back seat stiffly, and only his eyeballs could move.

"Her...His Royal Highness..."

He was short of breath, and his face was as white as paper.

Gu Nanyan smiled triumphantly at him through the rearview mirror.

"how do you feel?"

She turned the steering wheel skillfully, and stepped on the valve hard.

There was smoke and dust immediately behind the car.

"Princess...I..." Guanshi Yu's face turned even paler.

He seemed to want to say something, but suddenly closed his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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