The farmer has a mall

Chapter 451 Misunderstanding

Chapter 451 Misunderstanding
Gu Nanyan only thought he was excited and didn't care.

The movement of the steam car was not small, and the workers in the factory thought that something had happened, so they ran out to check.

Just in time to see Gu Nanyan driving past them at high speed.

Exclamations came and went.

"This, what is this!"

An older worker clutched his chest, opened his eyes wide as if seeing a monster, and stared in shock at the fast-moving iron box in front of him.

"It's a steam engine, that's a steam engine we made with our own hands!"

Many of them participated in the construction of steam engines, and they recognized the black smoke pipes at the rear of the car at a glance.

"Look, that's Guanshi Yu, and Guanshi Yu is in that box!" Another person shouted, his voice was so startled that he split his arms.

"Oh my god, is it broad daylight, how can the steam engine run?"

"I, I don't know either. Didn't Manager Yu say he wanted to use that thing to build a car..."


Is this a car built with a steam engine?
Everyone was stunned, and thought it was too incredible, they all froze on the spot, even forgot to do the work in their hands, and stared blankly at the iron box "flying" past them again.

Did they... make a monster?
Gu Nanyan held the steering wheel and turned around the open space for two more times. Feeling that it was almost done, she turned her head and glanced at Li Yi.

After the initial shock, Li Yi had calmed down, and his eyes were shining with excitement.

Gu Nanyan bared her teeth.

Then a tail flick and the brakes.

Caught off guard, Li Yi was almost thrown out of the car window, and gasped in shock.

"Yan'er, be careful."

Li Yi's voice was trembling.

Gu Nanyan snorted with a straight face.

"How about it, do you want to try it?"

Li Yi didn't say anything, but his eyes were fixed on the steering wheel, the meaning was obvious.

"Then promise me to postpone the wedding date. As long as you agree, this car will be given to you." Gu Nanyan said seductively.

She didn't expect it to be so smooth, and it succeeded at the first time. After that, as long as it is built according to the original drawings, it can be mass-produced.

It's okay to give this one to Li Yi.

A man's car-loving nature made Li Yi involuntarily want to nod, but he endured it.

He gave Gu Nanyan a burning look, narrowed his fox eyes, and regained his composure in a moment.

"Is that why you don't want to marry me?"

He can't wait to marry her in right away, but this girl yells every day to postpone the wedding. Could it be that she doesn't like him at all?

Thinking of this possibility, Li Yi's heart tightened, and he looked at Gu Nanyan with disappointment in his eyes.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Don't like him?Not really.

If she really didn't like him, she wouldn't agree to the marriage.

Even if Li Mi ordered a marriage, it would be useless.

She just felt a little hasty, and she wasn't ready to be a wife yet.


"You don't have to say it."

Just as Gu Nanyan was about to say something, Li Yi hurriedly interrupted her.

"I won't make things difficult for you, if you really don't want to marry me..." Li Yi pursed his thin lips, the corners of his mouth trembling.

"It doesn't matter whether you postpone the wedding date or cancel the engagement..." He opened the car door and got out of the car, standing with his back to Gu Nanyan, "It's up to you."

After all, he walked out of the gate without looking back, staggering a little.

Through the car window, Gu Nanyan watched his desolate back gradually drift away.

His brows furrowed slightly.

She didn't say anything, why did this person seem to be abandoned.

Gu Nanyan scratched her head irritably and sighed deeply.

After Li Yi's figure disappeared, Gu Nanyan wanted to get out of the car, but suddenly remembered that Guanshi Yu was still sitting in the car.

She glanced back at him.

The other party's face was as pale as paper.

"Princess...I, I...vomit..."

Before finishing a sentence, Steward Yu quickly opened the car door and ran a few meters away, leaning on the courtyard wall to vomit.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

The car was temporarily placed in the warehouse of the arsenal, and Gu Nanyan went directly to Su Wenfeng's place in a sedan chair.

Hearing that the steam locomotive was finished, Cui Yao, who had been idle for a long time, almost jumped up for joy.

"How do you plan to sell this thing?" Cui Yao asked.

"Let's build momentum first. I'll take you to see that car tomorrow, and you can come up with a publicity plan later." Gu Nanyan said absent-mindedly.

For some reason, Li Yi's face appeared in her mind from time to time, making her upset.

Cui Yao has known her for so long, so he can see that she has something on his mind.

However, he also knew the other party's temperament, so he didn't dare to ask more questions, and only made an appointment with him to meet tomorrow.

Gu Nanyan left the Yamen resentfully, and returned to the Princess Mansion.

When she arrived, Li Yi hadn't returned yet.

After hesitating for a moment, he returned to the main courtyard first.

She bumped into Liu Zhenzhen who was giving her drunk crabs.

"I remember you like eating this very much, try to make some, how do you taste it?"

As she spoke, she picked up a small piece of crab meat and put it next to Gu Nan's cigarette holder.

Gu Nanyan tasted it, and it tasted really good.

"Very good, better than your father's."

This is the truth, after all, Wei Hong is a man who does not stick to the sun, and he does drunk crabs occasionally, and of course his skills are not as good as Liu Zhenzhen.

Liu Zhenzhen smiled: "It's not me alone, the brown sugar also helped to improve the taste."

Brown sugar was the little maid that Gu Nanyan bought when he was in the capital, and she stayed in the village with Bai Zhi Bai Shao.

When she set off, Bai Shao's injury was not completely healed, Gu Nanyan didn't want her to be jolted, so he didn't take her with him, and left Bai Zhi to take care of her.

Bai Zhi was worried, so she asked Brown Tang to follow her back.

Brown sugar is good at cooking, and Liu Zhenzhen is interested in cooking. The two hit it off and spent every day in the kitchen studying food.

"Since you like it, I'll make more."

Gu Nanyan hummed lightly, sitting at the table, eating drunk crabs, obviously not thinking about it.

It's rare for her to look listless, and Liu Zhenzhen noticed it right away.

"What's going on here?"

She frowned, and reached out to try Gu Nanyan's forehead.

You're not sick, why are you looking listless?

"But where is it uncomfortable?" Liu Zhenzhen asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Gu Nanyan said weakly.

"Maybe you didn't sleep well last night."

Liu Zhenzhen didn't feel like it: "Do you have something on your mind?"

Although her cousin didn't talk much, she had never been so depressed.

Gu Nanyan poked the crab shell in front of him and said nothing.

After a long while, he told about Li Yi's matter.

"I just think it's too sudden. I want to postpone it for a while, but it's not that I don't want to get married."

Gu Nanyan, who had always hated the world and dared to beat up even the emperor, suddenly felt aggrieved.

The date was chosen by Li Yi, and it was only September at the latest. She still had a lot of things to do, so there was no time.

She just discussed with him to postpone the wedding, and the dog man gave her face.

He obviously left before her, but he still hasn't come back.

What do you mean?
Run away from home!
Thinking of this, Li Yi's lonely eyes once again appeared in his mind.

"I'm sick!"

Gu Nanyan threw the drunk crab back on the plate, and wiped her hands angrily.

"It's up to him to do what he wants, this relationship won't end, it's rare for me to be an old man!" she said angrily.

As soon as the words fell, a crisp sound was heard.

Liu Zhenzhen turned her head at the same time as her, and saw Li Yi standing at the archway with his lips pursed and his face pale.

The floor was littered with shattered tiles.

Near the tiles, Bai Shengsheng's pastries were scattered all over the place.

Gu Nanyan's eyes were good, and he saw the word "Jin" printed on the pastry.

The sweet scent of osmanthus wafts through the air.

It is Kam Kee's osmanthus cake.

Gu Nanyan's favorite pastry recently.

When she went out in the morning, she also asked Yunchu to remind her to buy a few yuan when she came back.

When she said that, Li Yi was beside the sedan chair.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

At once……

Kind of embarrassing.

Jinji is quite far away from the Princess Mansion, at least an hour every time.

If you ride a horse, you can go faster, and it will take about half an hour.

Based on this calculation, Li Yi should have gone straight to Jinji as soon as he left the gate of the arsenal.

(End of this chapter)

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