The farmer has a mall

Chapter 452 Publicity Plan

Chapter 452 Publicity Plan
Seeing Li Yi's injured appearance, Gu Nanyan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

Li Yi also didn't speak, just stared at her with the corners of his mouth sullen.

Seems to be waiting for her to explain.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

It is impossible to explain.

Or you go out first.

let me say that again?
Gu Nanyan, who had never experienced such a situation before, had his brain running fast.

However, no relevant information was found in the brain.

Gu Nanyan: I am in a difficult situation.

Liu Zhenzhen was a little overwhelmed, and her eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them.

Li Yi lowered his eyes, glanced at the dusty sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Since Anyang Kingdom came back, she has never refused his overtures.

On the day of courtship, he also took the initiative to choose the day of marriage.

He thought she had accepted him, and even occasionally felt that she liked him too.

But it turned out that he was thinking too much about all of this.

Li Yi pinched the corner of his clothes, and let out a breath slowly.

"Since you don't care, why did you agree to this marriage in the first place?"

Gu Nanyan frowned: "I didn't."

It's not uncommon, just now that was just angry words, who made him come back so late.

She looked at the broken porcelain plate on the ground, feeling a little weak.

Come back, come back, walk still...

Gu Nanyan was very suspicious that this guy was eavesdropping on purpose.

She wanted to say something more, but Li Yi misunderstood what she meant.

I thought she didn't say no, because she didn't agree to the marriage proposal.

His figure was as stiff as a piece of wood carving, and there was an uncontrollable wry smile from the corner of his mouth.

That's right, she didn't personally agree to marry him, but she didn't refuse.

"I understand."

His eyes were always on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and now he squatted down slowly, as if he wanted to pick it up.

But I found that I had nothing to pack at all.

Then he got up again and brushed the dust off the hem of his clothes.

"It looks like I can't eat it anymore, I will buy it tomorrow."

Turn around and leave.

It seemed that he was walking in a hurry, and he staggered a bit, as if he was running away.

Gu Nanyan stood there quietly, watching his figure disappear without stopping him.

Liu Zhenzhen glanced at her cautiously.

"Sister Nan, why don't you explain it to King Sheng?"

Gu Nanyan looked back at her inexplicably upon hearing the words.

"Explain what? Didn't you explain clearly just now?"

She said it was all right.

Li Yi also said that he knew.

Explain what?

Liu Zhenzhen:? ? ?

What did you explain.

Why didn't I hear it?
And didn't you see that Prince Sheng's handsome face turned pale? It's clear that there is still a misunderstanding! ! !

Liu Zhenzhen, who has always been gentle and gentle, was a little crazy.

What more did she want to say.

Unexpectedly, Gu Nanyan, who consciously let go of the important things on his mind, waved at her.

Turn around and go back to the house to sleep.

After waking up, I ate something, and when I had nothing to do, I took a piece of paper to write and draw, and didn't go out all afternoon.

Liu Zhenzhen, who didn't catch anyone, had to give up.

Just after breakfast the next day, Cui Yao couldn't wait to come to the door.

Like Li Yi, Cui Yao didn't believe that a steam car was a means of transportation that was faster than riding a horse.

It's just that the things Gu Nanyan makes are always strange, and she never speaks big.

Coupled with his curiosity, he tossed and turned with suspicion and anticipation, and he didn't sleep well all night.

Woke up before dawn.

It was so easy to look forward to the dawn, and ran over immediately.

Gu Nanyan finished her breakfast unhurriedly, and followed Liu Zhenzhen out under Liu Zhenzhen's hesitant eyes.


In the backyard of the arsenal, Gu Nan stepped on the smoke door to the end.


Cui Yao was sitting in the co-pilot, with his head sticking out of the car window, opening his mouth to eat the wind like a erha, letting the dust fly into his mouth mercilessly.

Gu Nanyan's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he dragged him in.

"Can you be more honest."

What tiger and wolf words are they talking about!
Lost a person.

Didn't you see that Yu Guanshi's face turned green when he heard it!

Guanshi Yu, who was so noisy by the steam engine, couldn't hear what they said: I don't know why, but I feel sick when I see the princess driving.

Gu Nanyan held the steering wheel with one hand, and grabbed Cui Yao's collar with the other to prevent him from being stupid again.

Cui Yao struggled for a long time but couldn't get away, so he had to give up being with Erha, his eyes were as bright as day.

"Gu Nanyan, you are too powerful, this feeling of sprinting is really exciting, I seem to be flying up..."

Gu Nanyan couldn't bear it and covered his mouth, his temples hurt suddenly.

"Shut up!" she said fiercely.

I'm a man with a marriage contract, you'll get beaten for playing a hooligan like this, you know that!

Fortunately, that guy Li Yi didn't come today, otherwise I would be overheard by that cheapskate and I wouldn't be able to explain clearly even with my mouth all over my body.

Gu Nanyan, who didn't want to hear these two idiots yelling anymore, braked decisively, opened the car door and gave up the driving seat to Cui Yao.

"You sit here and feel it for yourself, and then write a detailed publicity plan and give it to me."

After that, she explained the essentials of driving in detail.

Cui Yao couldn't wait to sit down.

"What kind of publicity plan do you need? Just use publicity for this thing?"

Cui Yao recalled what Gu Nanyan taught him just now, and he couldn't stop talking.

He was smart and had a good memory, so he started the car after only two tries.

"Let me tell you, I have already thought about it, you let the factory workers hurry up and try to make a few more, and it will be the Shangsi Festival in a few days, we will drive a motorcade there... Hey, come up quickly. "

Cui Yao was eager to try, and amidst the roaring sound of the steam engine, he signaled Gu Nanyan to get on the car.

Gu Nanyan didn't want to get in the car.

However, looking at Cui Yao's excited and expectant appearance, she silently climbed into the co-pilot and fastened her seat belt.

It's not that she has a colleague love.

Cui Yao is obviously in a state of high excitement, if he gets too excited and gets into a car accident...

It doesn't matter if he has a good or bad thing, he is afraid that it will affect her car sales if it gets out.

Thinking of this, Gu Nanyan tightened his grip on the seat belt.

Driving is completely different from riding in a car.

Cui Yaohao's voice split, and he walked around the yard again and again.

It's been a whole morning!

If it wasn't for Gu Nanyan holding his head down and telling him to stop, he would probably have to drive until he ran out of fuel.

Fortunately, the fuel used is oil distilled from crude oil, otherwise, according to his way of playing, he would have stopped cooking a long time ago.

When he got out of the car, Cui Yao was floating, as if he was still immersed in the feeling of fast speed, whirling on the roof of the car unsatisfactorily.

That appearance, as if what was in front of him was not a car, but his beloved girl.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

No wonder some men call their cars their wives in modern times.

Emotions have precedents in ancient times.

The ancients never lied to me.


Cui Yao's publicity plan is simply an auto show.

The auto show needs to occupy a lot of space, which is a trivial matter in Gu Nanyan's capacity.

It's just that the Shangsi Festival is less than half a month away. To achieve a shocking effect, at least seven or eight cars must be built within this half month.

The car shell is relatively simple to make. The technicians in the factory are all experienced old blacksmiths, and they can make it in five or six days.

The key is the steam engine.

A steam engine is a delicate job, and it is not easy to make one in two days.

Gu Nanyan had to make people work overtime to catch up.

Under the temptation of double overtime pay, everyone is very active and hates to stay in the factory without eating or sleeping.

Cui Yao planned to have someone drive all the way to the auto show venue on the Shangsi Festival, so he and Gu Nanyan split up.

Gu Nanyan was in charge of selecting a few people to teach them how to drive.

Cui Yao is responsible for planning the route.

Not all people will participate in the Shangsi Festival.

In order for the whole city to see it, Cui Yao planned to let the motorcade circle the city.

This requires timely dispersal of the people before the convoy reaches a certain road to avoid accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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