Chapter 453

As for the candidates for the team, apart from Gu Nanyan himself and Cui Yao, there is also Steward Yu.

And a few courageous men in the factory.

Everyone has seen Gu Nanyan driving a car.

Although I am still a little afraid of this iron lump that can run, I am also very yearning.

Therefore, when Gu Nanyan explained, he listened very carefully.

Except for Yu Guanshi.

Manager Yu listened very carefully.

Just very pale.

Gu Nanyan thought he was afraid, so she comforted him very patiently.

Since there is only one car now, several people took turns to test drive.

When it was Steward Yu's turn, his expression changed unpredictably, he gritted his teeth and sat in the driver's seat.

After a lap, it is quite stable.

Just as Gu Nanyan wanted to praise him to cheer him up, he saw him frantically opening the car door and running to the base of the wall.

The sun and the moon that spit out are dim and dark.

After throwing up, it was his turn to test drive again.

After the test drive, I vomited.

So after a few laps, Yu Guanshi's face turned green when he vomited.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

what physique.

Didn't you say that you don't get motion sickness while driving?

Afraid that he would spit out something wrong, Gu Nanyan wanted to change people.

However, Manager Yu, who experienced the feeling of flying, did not want to change.

So painful and happy.

Until night fell, Gu Nanyan finished teaching.

Guanshi Yu already needs someone to support him before he can walk.

I thought he would give up the next day.

Who knew that when Gu Nanyan arrived, he was already waiting in line.

In desperation, he had to take two motion sickness pills.

However, the goose is useless.

Guanshi Yu still drove comfortably and spit wildly.

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

Motion sickness medicine expired?

So I gave him two more.

Still doesn't work.

At the end of vomiting, it has developed to the point where I retch when I see a car.

Steward Yu is still stubbornly sitting in the driver's seat, swearing to face the difficulties...

Then he retched and drove fast.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

It's hard to say.

The old lady will obey you even if she refuses to accept it.

These people that Gu Nanyan selected are very smart, and they have mastered the essentials in a few days.

The construction of the steam engine is also very smooth.

With the blessing of overtime pay, plus a few more people transferred from the smelter, two units can be built in an average of three days.

Calculated in this way, there will be eleven cars on display on the Shangsi Festival.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy, Gu Nanyan leaves early and returns late every day, and can only return home when it is dark.

When she returned to her room that day, she smelled sweet osmanthus cake as soon as she opened the door.

She raised her eyebrows, not surprised.

Since what happened last time, Li Yi has asked someone to give her sweet-scented osmanthus cake every day.

At first it was sent in the morning, and then it became evening.

Every time she comes back, the sweet-scented osmanthus cake is still hot.

Li Yi gave her an osmanthus cake, but he himself didn't show up.

They were all sent by Long Yi, handed over to Yunchu or Sister Yunxi and brought them to her room.

Gu Nanyan thought he was busy recently, so he didn't care, so he just let Yunxi run to his yard and sent some money there.

After all, I haven't got married yet, once and for all, she is not used to eating people all day long.

Li Yi accepted the money, but his expression was not very good.

The one who gave the money was Yun Xi, a simple-minded person who didn't notice.

As a result, the air pressure in Li Yi's courtyard became lower and lower day by day, and his face became more and more gloomy.

So gloomy as to drip water.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Long Yi, who had already changed from a dark guard to a bright guard, hid in the hiding place again, not even daring to take his head off.

In this way, more than ten days passed in fear.

Until the day before the Shangsi Festival, Gu Nanyan had a little accident.

A worker in charge of driving had a bad stomach, and was unable to get out of bed because of vomiting and diarrhea.

By the time Gu Nanyan found out, it was already afternoon, and it was impossible to train another driver.

Originally, it was not a big problem to lose one car, but the bad thing was that she added a few extra formations for the sake of viewing, and eleven cars were indispensable.

Based on the principle of safety first, she didn't want to find someone to make up the numbers.

There is only one night left, and it is impossible to temporarily change the formation.

After thinking about it again and again, Gu Nanyan found Li Yi.

Her original intention was to let Long Yi try it, after all Long Yi is good at martial arts, if something happens, he can stop it in time.

However, after she explained her intention, Long Yi immediately felt the threat from his master.

Feeling the master's sharp eyes on him, Long Yi stood stiffly on the spot with his hair on his back like a light on his back.

"You don't have to be afraid. I will teach you in person in a while. If you don't learn well, I won't let you go." Gu Nanyan comforted.

Long Yi: "..."

Long Yi was in a difficult situation.

The prince is the master, and the princess is engaged to the prince, so she is the mistress.

He can't afford to offend either of these two.

But it cannot be rejected directly.

Otherwise, the hostess will lose face, and she will not give face to his master.

Offending two of them once, does Long Yi still have a way out?

promise to come down?

That's even worse.

Didn't you see the master staring at him unhappily?

If he dares to agree, Long San and the others can collect his body later.

So is the princess.

Knowing that the master is unhappy, he didn't know how to take a look these days.

Look for Long Yi as soon as he arrives.

Isn't this sincerely giving him small shoes?

No matter how you do it, it will not be good.

Long Yi: It's too difficult for me.

Long Yi was silent for a long while, finally he gritted his teeth and became angry.

Then one forcefully...


Gu Nanyan: "..."

Li Yi behind Long Yi: "..."

"Princess Qi, my subordinate has been feeling unwell recently, and I'm afraid it won't be able to cause you to confess. Why don't you ask the master to go out in person."

Long Yi knelt down on one knee, and he didn't forget to cover his stomach in a full set of plays, with a painful expression on his face that I couldn't hold back.


There's no after that.

Long Yi flew into the toilet, he could hear the commotion inside from a long distance away.

Li Yi: "..."

You don't have to.

Gu Nanyan had no choice but to ask Li Yi: "Do you have time tomorrow?"

As far as she knew, Li Yi's kung fu was better than Long Yi's, and his mind was also smarter. It's not impossible to learn how to drive overnight.

She looked at Li Yi intently, waiting for his answer.

Li Yi's expression softened, he clenched his hands into fists, and coughed lightly by his mouth.

Pretend to say: "Let me think about it, I remember tomorrow as if..."

Gu Nanyan: "Is something wrong? Let's forget it."

Gu Nanyan got up to leave.

"Yes!" Li Yi shouted hastily.

At the same time, she stood up abruptly, almost turning over the teacup on the table.

"I have time tomorrow!" The loud voice startled Kazuki Asuka.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

When there is a time, there is a time.

What are you doing so loudly.

What's wrong?
Gu Nanyan picked out her ears and rolled her eyes.


The two went to the backyard of the arsenal that night.

Gu Nanyan sat in the co-pilot patiently teaching Li Yi to drive.

Li Yi is indeed very smart, he opened it in style after only listening to it once.

He learned faster than Cui Yao.

Gu Nanyan had to sigh with emotion.

Sure enough, he is a royal, and his skill points are all on the brain.


Early in the morning of the second day, the day of the Shangsi Festival.

Gu Nanyan got up early on purpose, and went out to the arsenal with Li Yi.

Let him drive two more laps to increase proficiency.

At the same time run into formation with others.

The Shangsi Festival was originally a day for offering sacrifices to exorcise evil spirits. On this day, people would bathe in the river and then worship.

Like the combination of Songkran Festival and Ghost Festival in later generations.

On this day, all kinds of monsters and ghosts wear strange costumes, and dance gods all over the street.

Later, when the first emperor succeeded to the throne, he was very displeased with this kind of witchcraft, so he ordered the cancellation of sacrifices and added programs such as lantern festivals.

Gu Nanyan and Li Yi were dressed in black, and behind them stood a row of riders dressed in bunts of the same color, setting off aggressively.

At the same time, Gu Shen was sitting on a tall horse, looking at two rows of soldiers standing on the street.

The soldier held a very long rope in his hand, isolating passers-by to both sides.

Looking at the clothes of those soldiers, it looks like the garrison of the princess mansion?
Gu Shen frowned.

After he returned to the barracks, he heard that the Qi family was still investigating the cargo ship, and he was a little worried about his daughter's safety.

He handed over the general affairs to Qu Xiao, and rushed over overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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