Gu Shen didn't expect to see such a scene in full battle as soon as he entered the city gate.

There were quite a few people waiting on the side of the road, bustling around looking around.

The soldiers on both sides of the sub-station drove back the civilians who tried to cross the line with serious expressions.

Did something happen?
Gu Shen rode forward and walked up to a young general.

"What's going on in the city?" Gu Shen said in a heavy tone, glancing at the scene in front of him, his brows furrowed even tighter.

This looks like martial law.

However, instead of seeing a trace of panic on the faces of the people, they looked...

Very cheerful?

Gu Shen was even more puzzled.

The young general was directing the crowd forward, and said without looking back: "You just entered the city, today is Shangsi Festival, Her Royal Highness will hold a car show in the city, and I will pass by here in a quarter of an hour, and I am specially ordered to clear the road for safety." .”

The strong horseshoe came into sight, and the young general spoke softly.

"If you are not in a hurry, wait for a while, so as not to collide with the princess' convoy. If you startle the horse... er, general."

The young general was from the Zhenbei Army, he recognized Gu Shen at a glance, and hurriedly cupped his fists to salute.

Gu Shen nodded slightly: "Then I'll wait here for a while."

It's only a quarter of an hour, and there is no delay.

It's just that his girl never likes extravagance, so why is there such a big fight this time.

Even the garrison was dispatched.

Although Gu Shen was puzzled, he didn't think much about it, he just told the young general: "Be nicer, don't conflict with the common people."

"My subordinates know." The young general hurriedly responded.

I heard that the arsenal has released a new product, and it was displayed today, and the common people are very cooperative.

After all, the arsenal can support a lot of people, maybe this new product can make them a fortune.

Thinking that General Gu is the princess' father and should know more than them, the young general didn't say much.

Just happy in my heart.

But the princess said that if this matter is done well, they will also be equipped with a few cars for their army.

Although I don't know what kind of car it is, but the things the princess makes are naturally good.

Besides, the princess can still think about these rough people.

Even if they were given a few ordinary carriages, they were all happy.

The young general grinned wider and wider, Gu Shen looked confused.

He got off his horse, and before he could ask a few questions, he heard a faint rumble coming from the corner of the street.

The sound ranged from small to loud, mixed with the sound of beating gongs and drums.

There were also exclamations.

The people on both sides stretched their heads and looked around.

"Hey, what are you calling over there, why do you look like a ghost?"

An old man dressed in silk and satin stood on tiptoe among the people with his belly as if he was pregnant in October.

Stretching his neck hard, he looked around the corner of the street.

This old man was tall and fat, and the people next to him staggered and looked at him dissatisfied.

"How do we know... I said this master, what are you doing here to join in the fun, why don't you buy a private room in a tea house and wait?"

"That's right, we poor people have no choice but to get the wind here, and you don't look like a master without money, why are you so picky?"

The old man was a little embarrassed, and he knew that there were people crowded just now, so he hurriedly apologized.

After apologizing, he sighed.

"I also want to find a place with a roof to wait, but all the restaurants and tea houses near here are full, and the private rooms are even more out of the question."

He also regrets it.

Regarding the auto show, the Princess Mansion released the news early in the morning.

He didn't care about it at the time, thinking that it would be too late to get another seat today, but he didn't know that he couldn't find a box by the window in the whole city.

Even the ones not by the window are gone.

The old man was heartbroken.

The people who heard his words showed a clear look.

This person must be from another place, I don't know how popular the rare things made by the princess are.

In order to get a sneak peek, those private rooms have been booked up by local businessmen early in the morning, so how can they be kept until today.

No wonder he "sleeped on the street".

While the people around are gloating, they still don't forget to sell themselves.

"This master is from another place, right? Do you want to buy a clock or a mechanical fan?"

A young man with a quick mind quickly pulled out his cuffs.

After fumbling for a while, he took out a crumpled piece of paper and handed it to the old man.

"Let me tell you, these things are not easy to buy. How many people are waiting to grab them. If you need them, you can find me at this address."

The young man stuffed the note over without any explanation.

"I, San Manzi, have the right of first refusal. As long as you ask, I will definitely grab one for you." The young man named San Manzi raised his chin and said proudly.

The elder took the note in a daze, and glanced down.

Household xx in xx street, xx county.

The address is very detailed.

"I said three lame, you are not kind, why are you still robbing business?" A woman next to the old man hurriedly took out a piece of paper.

It also has the address written on it.

"Our family also has the right of first refusal, and there are still two."

Her share has already been used, but no one told her that she has a lot of family members, there are only three children, and her family man.

It's just a pity that two of the children are not yet full and do not qualify for priority purchase.

Otherwise, their family will not be able to make a fortune.

The woman is a little pity.

But after thinking about it, the two children have been separated for a few years, and the money can't escape, so they are happy again.

Hearing the woman's complaints, San Laizi didn't take it seriously.

"I said Wang Tong's family, why are you in a hurry? He came all the way, can he just buy one? Besides..."

He turned towards the opposite restaurant and pouted: "There are a lot of fat sheep, are you afraid that no one will slaughter them?"

Master Fat Sheep:! ! !
What fat sheep?
Who are you going to kill?
My lord, have I entered a den of thieves?

The old man's legs trembled, if it wasn't for the crowds of people around him, he would have wanted to run.

"Yes." The woman smiled sheepishly.

Foreign businessmen come to Mingshan mostly to make money.

If you want to make money, you have to buy in bulk.

The quota of San Laizi can only buy one piece, so there is really no delay.

The woman was also free and easy, and immediately waved her hand to apologize.

"Yes, it's my aunt who blamed you. Tonight, my house is stewing chicken. You come to my aunt's house for dinner and have a drink with your uncle."

The two of them lived on the same street, and they were familiar with each other for decades.

If it was before, she would not have invited him, after all, San Dazi is a well-known gangster in the neighborhood.

Although he didn't hurt anyone, he did a lot of sneaky things.

However, since more than half a year ago, the Princess Mansion notified the people of the right of first refusal through the Yamen, San Laizi changed his sex.

Every day I either line up in the workshop or hand out notes all over the street.

Not only did his family make a lot of money, but he also helped others match up.

Just a small referral fee.

The street where the woman lives is mostly old and weak, and they don't understand these things at all. Even if they have the right of first refusal, they don't know who to buy and sell. Luckily, there is a third man to help.

Therefore, compared with the silver taels in hand, San Laizi was willing to give the introduction fee to the big guy.

San Laizi is not a hypocrite either, he immediately smiled and said: "Okay, Auntie, I just got a jar of good wine, I will bring it to Uncle to taste at night..."

"Oh, that's a good relationship, your uncle likes to drink a few..."

"I know that the jar of wine was originally bought for my uncle. Thanks to my uncle for taking care of my parents, otherwise I would not be where I am today..."

"Look at what you said, it's all from the folks in the village, so you should take care of it." The woman patted his arm very appreciatively.

Sandwiched between the two, the elder who was waiting to be slaughtered:? ? ?
What about killing me?

You are slaughtering!

I've been waiting for a long time, and I'm just waiting for you to drop the knife.

Can it work!
The old man was so heartbroken that he was about to die.

He looked at the two people who knew each other very well, and was wondering if he was an accomplice of some bandit village.

When he wants to take the opportunity to escape.

The rumble in the distance suddenly became louder.

The surrounding discussions disappeared, and there was a sudden silence in the ear.

Then there was a gasp.

The old man looked up at the corner of the street suspiciously.

At the same time, I heard the exclamation of the woman just now.

"My mother, what is this!"

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