The farmer has a mall

Chapter 455 Auto Show

One after another, shiny silver iron boxes turned out of the street corner, lined up neatly, and passed in front of everyone.

A big red flower made of red cloth is pinned to the front of the car, fluttering in the wind.

The speed of the car is not too fast, so that people can clearly see the people in the car.

Gu Nanyan was the first to bear the brunt, sitting in the front driver's seat, controlling the steering wheel.

A pretty little girl was sitting in the co-pilot, holding a bamboo pole in her hand.

A bamboo pole sticks out of the car, with a flag hanging on it.

On the golden flag were written four large black characters - Gu's Car Dealer.

"Hey, what is this thing, why are you still running by yourself?"

Eleven steam cars passed by the gate of the city, and the old man on the side of the road held his chest, gasping for breath as if he had seen a ghost.

"Old man, are we dreaming? This, this is too..."

too much?

The old lady who couldn't read a single word couldn't speak, but felt her heart beating violently.

They are old and don't want to join in the fun.

However, the grandson insisted on pulling them out, saying that he wanted to give them a surprise.

The two children died young, and their grandson was brought up by hand, and they loved him dearly, so of course they would not refuse.

"Yang'er, you brought us here just to see this?" The old man looked at the iron box in front of him with lingering fear, and pulled his grandson's arm back two steps.

"What the hell is this...?"

It was so weird, even though he was old, he could still see clearly what was inside the iron box.

At first, I just felt that the shape of the iron box was a bit strange, and thought that the people inside were pushing the iron box and running.

But those people didn't move at all!
One by one, they sat in it motionless, holding an iron pan.

Obviously this thing is moving by itself!

This is the first time the old man has seen such an unreasonable scene in his decades of life.

The young man named Yang'er puffed out his chest, and said proudly, "This is a steam car. It was just made by our arsenal. It can run without manpower."

"What? Steam car?"

The old man was dumbfounded.

He has only heard of steamed steamed buns and steamed buns, and the car can also be steamed?
Not only was he surprised, but the people around him were also in disbelief.

Hearing that this young man is a worker in an arsenal, they all cast envious eyes.

"My little brother, do you work in the arsenal? That's a good job. Are you still recruiting? My son is a good hand at work. Can you introduce him?" the chubby aunt flattered .

"What's the introduction? Is it time to talk about that? Young man, ignore her and tell Uncle about this steamer."

"Yeah, if you want me to say that this princess is too evil, she can move everything in her hands by herself, maybe she is a monster..."

It was a little girl who said this, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

This girl is a bit dark and her skin is rough.

Her eyes are too small to open, her nose and mouth are not too big, but her face is as fat as a silver plate.

At this moment, a pair of small eyes were staring straight at Gu Nanyan in the car.

Looking at her pretty face, the little girl was beyond recognition with jealousy.

"Hey, what nonsense are you talking about? How can such a good person as our princess be a monster!"

Before the little girl finished speaking, the old lady sprayed her face with saliva.

"That's right, which family is your girl from? Why are you so nonsense... Could it be that you are from outside?" Someone looked at her suspiciously.

Thanks to Gu Nanyan's blessing, their life is getting better and better, and the people in the nearby cities are envious and jealous.

When meeting them, it is common to say a few sour words.

The little girl didn't expect that a word of her own would provoke the anger of the crowd, she muttered a few times uneasy, and shrank back guiltily.

"I recognize her. This is the daughter of the Baozi shop in the west of the city. Her father brought the stall to the gate of the arsenal a while ago, and was arrested and locked up for a few days. I'm afraid he hates the princess."

Where is the arsenal?
It is a military base in modern times, how can people approach it at will.

But this girl's father relied on his own shamelessness, refused to listen to persuasion, and ran to make trouble several times.

The soldiers guarding the factory didn't know what to do, so they notified the Yamen to take him away.

Everyone suddenly realized when they heard the words, and looked at the girl with disdain.

What is an arsenal?
That is their God of Wealth!

Disturbing the order of the arsenal is blocking everyone's money, and of course everyone will not give a good face.

The little girl was targeted by so many people, she cried out loudly, covered her face and ran away.

The people at the scene were busy watching the convoy, but no one paid her any attention.

After being introduced by a young man named Yanger, the concept of steam cars gradually spread among the crowd.

While everyone was amazed, they couldn't help but wonder how much money they could earn by helping others buy a steam car.

The convoy gradually drove away.

At this time, Gu Shen was already stunned in place.

He watched the convoy passing by without any reaction.

"General Gu... General Gu?" Although the young general was also shocked, but as princesses, they obviously knew better and were already mentally prepared.

Therefore, he woke up faster than Gu Shen.

"General Gu, you can go over now."

The convoy had gone far away, and the soldiers who blocked the road withdrew one after another.

Gu Shen turned his head in confusion, and looked at the young general who was half a head shorter than himself.

"Huh?" What did this person say?

Gu Shen felt a little confused, and the scene just now appeared in front of his eyes.

"General Gu, the road has been unblocked, you can go." The young general repeated patiently.


Gu Shen nodded, looking erratically at the direction in which the convoy disappeared.

Then he looked at the young general again.

Gu Shen: "What did you say?"

Junior: "..."

The teenager watched Gu Shen gallop towards the convoy with complicated emotions.

I really want to go and have a look.

Thinking of the promise of the princess instead, I felt a surge of excitement in my heart.

The princess said that they should also be equipped with several cars that can run by themselves.

I heard that this thing runs much faster than a horse, and it takes less than a day to cover a thousand miles.

Moreover, the body is made of all steel, even crossbow arrows can't pierce it.

If it can be used on the battlefield...

The young general couldn't be more excited.


He had to hurry back to camp.

Tell the good news to your brothers in the army.

Let everyone be happy together!

Shangsi Festival Lantern Festival.

The convoy drove in slowly and stopped in a wide field.

The venue was enclosed, surrounded by people who followed.

The convoy lined up, and Gu Nanyan's car drove out slowly from the middle.

Then a beautiful tail flick, face to face with the opposite car.

There were bursts of exclamations.

Led by Li Yi, the ten cars pulled apart, and the formation kept changing.

Gu Nanyan kept interspersing among them, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, the last one accelerated, stepped on the valve to the bottom, and rushed straight towards the surrounding audience.

Under the terrified eyes of everyone, he slammed on the brakes, flicked his tail again, and drifted on the spot for several laps before stopping.

There was a moment of silence in the arena, and there was a cheer from the crowd.

Seemingly infected, the agitated audience came back to their senses and cheered continuously.

Gu Nanyan got off the car first.

With ten drivers including Li Yi and Cui Yao, they waved to the surroundings.

They move in unison and dress neatly, giving people a very solemn and solemn impression.

Another indescribable handsomeness.

Even the ordinary employees of those arsenals have a brilliant sense of sight.

So the cheers were even louder.

Someone in the crowd recognized several riders and was even more excited.

"Mother, look, that's my brother, that's my brother!" The thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl stood in the front row, pointing forward with a flushed face, jumping on the spot excitedly.

"I saw it, mother saw it." The woman who was leading her wiped away her tears.

Lovingly wiping the girl's hair, her eyes were gratified and proud.

When Xu Shi heard his sister's voice, the man pointed at by the girl looked over, then smiled shyly, and waved to his sister.

When Gu Nanyan selected people, he deliberately selected a few with good facial features.

This man was already good looking, and with the atmosphere, he was even more handsome.

Therefore, his smile immediately caused the little girls to exclaim.

It's like a modern groupie meeting their idols.

If it wasn't for the soldiers blocking it, I'm afraid I would have rushed over directly.

The crowd is even more crowded.

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