The farmer has a mall

Chapter 456 Gu Shen Feels Emotional

When Gu Shen arrived, it was like this.

A tall, petite and cute girl, dressed in black, stood facing the wind, with her white and tender face raised slightly, she stood there with no expression on her face, letting the common people watch.

Standing beside her were King Cheng, who was as tall as jade, and that kid from the Cui family.

The temperament of the two is equally good, but they can't hide her sharpness at all.

It even made her look cooler.

Like an isolated green pine on the edge of a cliff, no one can affect her, and she is out of reach.

The cheers in Gu Shen's ears slowly disappeared, and his eyes turned red.

Suddenly thought of Gu Nanyan when she was young.

When Wei Lan gave birth, she was not in good health, so that she had difficulty giving birth.

It took a whole day and night to give birth to the child.

The female doll, who was not much bigger than his palm, almost suffocated to death in the mother's womb.

In addition, Wei Lan died of dystocia, and without breastfeeding, Gu Nanyan's health has not been very good since birth.

How could he, a big man, know how to take care of a child, so he found a nanny for her.

It's just that the little person who can't even speak, seems to know that the person is not his mother, and very repulsed her approach.

He refused to take a sip of milk.

Even if you are hungry and eager to eat a few mouthfuls, you will still vomit half of it.

Gu Shen changed several wet nurses for her, but the result was the same.

A month passed like this.

The already frail little baby lay quietly in his wide arms, and even the crying became weaker.

Later, he simply gritted his teeth and took care of her himself.

Collect high-quality rice from remote and poor frontiers and cook rice soup for her to drink.

This time she ate obediently and didn't vomit again.

He just looked at him curiously with his two big black eyes every time.

As if knowing that he is her father.

Occasionally, he would hold his big hand and giggle twice.

Gu Shen, who originally only regarded her as a responsibility, faced her defenseless eyes, and his heart of fighting all the year round couldn't help softening.

Before he knew it, she was more than his responsibility.

Gu Nanyan has been very stubborn since she was a child, and this can be seen from when she was a baby.

He later found two nurses, but the little one cried as soon as he got into other people's arms, and still refused to drink other people's milk.

But something like rice soup can't be as nutritious as human milk.

Xiao Nanyan's body is still thin, and her calf is not as thick as his thumb.

Gu Shen felt distressed.

Hearing from his colleagues in the military camp that goat milk feeds people, he went to the farmers' houses and knocked on the door to buy fresh goat milk.

Then he, a big and strong man, sat there all day long, holding a doll in his arms, and carefully fed her drink spoon by spoon.

Xu knew that it was fed by her own father, and she ate very deliciously.

But in half a month, I gained a lot of weight.

Gu Shen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the frontier was frequently harassed, and war seemed to start again.

He was worried about leaving a child in the military camp, so he brought her back to the General's Mansion in the capital.

He straightened Ge Shi, who seemed gentle and considerate, and helped him take care of the child.

Then he went back to the barracks.

It wasn't until Gu Nanyan was two or three years old that he came back again.

Seeing her again, Ge Shi took her little hand and gently asked her to call him Daddy.

However, the little man just gave him a strange look.

He lowered his head timidly.

During this meeting, Gu Shen found that she was no longer as close to him as she was when she was a child.

On the contrary, I was very afraid of him, and would hang my head every time.

Don't even dare to look at him.

Ge Shi smiled and said, the child is still young, so he should admit it.

Just wait a few days to get familiar with it.

He didn't know Ge Shi's viciousness at that time, so he believed it.

Later, he stayed in the army for a long time and seldom came home. The child became more and more estranged from him, and his temperament became more and more silent.

Apart from being able to speak a few words with his mother, he spent most of the time alone in the corner, not even allowing the servant girl to come close.

He only thought that the child was born to be born, just like she rejected the nanny when she was still in her infancy.

It wasn't until Ge Shi's matter was exposed and Gu Nanyan counted all the things she had done that he suddenly understood.

His sister Nan didn't admit her birth, but she didn't want to be seen because of her injuries.

A sense of guilt swept over him, and Gu Shen, who was standing outside the auto show, gradually heard the noise around him again.

He closed his red eyes and looked forward again, only to see a few men in the same color clothes standing on both sides.

In the middle is Cui Yao who is talking with the audience.

But Gu Nanyan, who was still there just now, disappeared.


Just as Gu Shen wanted to go through the crowd to find her, he felt someone poke him on the shoulder.

When he turned his head, he saw that his daughter was clasping her hands like an old lady, and she was looking at him with her head tilted.

Gu Shen blinked away the tears in his eyes, opened his mouth to say hello to her, but his throat was choked, and he couldn't speak for a while.

"Why don't you come over when father is here?" Gu Nanyan asked in a relaxed tone.

As if she had let go of a heavy responsibility, she stood there casually, her body crookedly standing side by side with Gu Shen.

Also looking forward, he was soliciting customers... No, Cui Yao, who was soliciting customers, looked.

"Father just arrived." Gu Shen twitched the corner of his mouth.

The voice is slightly hoarse.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him, but said nothing.

Turned to chat about business matters.

"Will my father blame me for giving the shares of Gu's car dealership in the capital to the General's Mansion?"

It stands to reason that even though Gu Shen never cared about her business affairs, he never coveted her, but as the second wife's daughter, the shares should be owned by the second wife alone.

But she directly gave it to Gongzhong.

Regarding this matter, Gu Nanyan always wanted to explain to Gu Shen why he did this, but Gu Shen waved his hand indifferently.

"It's yours. You can give it to whoever you want. Daddy doesn't need money."

As a general, Gu Shen is not that particular about food and clothing, he always eats what he has and spends as much as he has.

In addition, there are few entertainment facilities in this era, unlike modern men who play games for krypton gold and smoke money, basically do not need money.

When Gu Shen was in the military camp, he didn't even spend ten taels a year.

Therefore, with Gu Shen, he has never experienced what it is like not having enough money.

I don't care much about these extraneous things.

What's more, he felt that it was right for his daughter to respect the general's mansion beyond him.

After all, he has hardly raised her for so many years, and it was his parents and the big house who took care of her.

Thinking of this, he specially added: "In the future, you don't have to think about your father. If you want to honor your elders, just go to your grandfather."

"Father, are you sure?" Gu Nanyan blinked and asked.

Gu Shen waved his hand indifferently: "Well, sure."

At this time, the performance started again in the front, Gu Shen just came late, didn't see it in front of him, and dealt with his daughter absent-mindedly.


Gu Nanyan shrugged his shoulders, regardless of whether Gu Shen could see it or not, and said with regret: "I wanted to leave this car for my father, but since my father doesn't want it, I'll give it to my uncle."

Gu Yao is getting old, and the speed of this car is too fast, so I don't feel comfortable driving it for him, so I never thought about giving it to Gu Yao.

Gu Shen was still immersed in the shock that the steam car gave him, he didn't listen to her words at all, and only gave a perfunctory hum when he heard the words.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"Father really doesn't want it?"

Gu Shen: "Huh? Hmm."

Gu Nanyan: "...Don't you think it's rare?"

Gu Shen: "...Mmm, it's not rare, it's not rare..."

Gu Shen, who hadn't reacted yet, stared at the front with glowing eyes, saw Cui Yao showing off like Gu Nanyan and dumped the rear of the car, applauding again and again.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Good... what a fart!

Seeing him being so perfunctory, Gu Nanyan's cheeks puffed up, and he turned and left angrily.

When Gu Shen came back to think about it, and wanted to understand what the girl said, he was shocked all over.

Surprisingly, she turned around and wanted to take back what she had just said.

But all he could see was the back of his daughter clapping her hands and leaving unsteadily.

Gu Shen: "..."


Don't go!

Please listen to the sophistry for the father! ! !

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