The farmer has a mall

Chapter 457 Limited Edition Models

Gu Nanyan didn't want to hear his sophistry at all.

With two legs flying upside down, he kicked away the pebbles that hindered his feet, and walked towards the backstage of the auto show with a dark face.

"Girl...Girl, please go slowly."

"Daddy is wrong, don't leave daddy behind."

"You're gone, what will Daddy do..."

Gu Shen chased after his daughter crying and howling, every word he yelled seemed to send her away.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

How about mourning!
Gu Shenzhong was very angry, even though the scene was chaotic, he still couldn't stop his loud voice.

The people around looked at them strangely.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan couldn't afford to lose this person, covered her face and ran backstage quickly.

Not to be outdone, Gu Shen also quickened his pace and chased after him.

Li Yi was drinking tea in the background, and even the father and daughter ran in one after the other as if they were being chased by a dog.

Then I heard Gu Shen's howling like a gong.

"Girl, you are my own daughter, so I can't give that car to your uncle." Gu Shen followed behind Gu Nan's cigarette butt step by step.

His expression was anxious, and his forehead was sweating anxiously.

"Look at your uncle's weak figure like a willow supporting the wind, he can't control this thing at all! Wouldn't it be a waste for him!"

This is his daughter.

His daughter!
If there are good things, of course give him first.

That little white face... No, Lu Qing is not white now either.

Why should Lu Qing enjoy his daughter's filial piety before him!
Gu Shen gritted his teeth bitterly, suddenly felt that Gu Qing was an eyesore.

He actually stole the car from him!

So for the sake of a car, Gu Shen made persistent efforts and continued to spare no effort to smear Gu Qing.

"Girl, you don't know. Your uncle has a bad brain since he was a child. He can't stand stimulation. He can't drive your car!"

"Don't look at your uncle who speaks righteously all day long. In fact, he has a lot of thieves. When he was a child, he even snatched his father's candied haws. Girl, you can't help the tyrant!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She just sent the trolley, so how could she become an abettor?

Li Yi: "..."

Didn't they say that the Gu family brothers are very united?

That's it?

It is clearly cannibalism!
Gu Shen howled for more than half an hour, and the veins on Gu Nanyan's forehead burst out.

In the end, he promised to leave one for him, and then he calmed down, and went out to see his beloved car contentedly.


The cost of a steam car is not too high, but it was a very rare thing in ancient times, so the price is not low, 20 taels of silver each.

This price was suggested by Cui Yao.

Gu Nanyan had no objection.

The auto show was held in a hurry, so the nearby towns received the news, so although there were many wealthy businessmen who heard the news, most of them were from the families of small riches.

The real rich master has not come yet.

Gu Nanyan originally thought that she would not be able to sell a few cars today, and her main purpose was just to make a wave of publicity and make her famous.

Unexpectedly, before the lantern festival started, Cui Yao went backstage excitedly and found Gu Nanyan tremblingly.

"Gu Nanyan, you, how many cars do you think we sold?"

After asking, without waiting for Gu Nanyan to answer, she stretched out two hands that trembled like Parkinson's, and turned them up and down.

"Twenty! A full twenty!"

Gu Nanyan was surprised.

"so much?"

No, there are only eleven sets outside, which is not enough.

Cui Yao was triumphant: "There are still nine units, I will ask them to pay a deposit, and they will be delivered in one month."

Can this matter be difficult for him?

The people outside were all scrambling. As soon as he said the word "reservation", he was surrounded by several people, and he paid the full amount immediately without saying a word.

Cui Yaole's mouth was crooked when he only planned to accept the deposit.

He can see that many people have a strong intention to buy.

It's just that the auto show was held in a hurry, and many people didn't bring enough money, or thought the steam car was too novel and were still waiting to see.

But it doesn't matter to him.

As long as the first batch of purchases will spread their reputation, it is guaranteed that customers will come like a cloud!

"That's good." Gu Nanyan nodded.

Although she was quite happy, she was much calmer than Cui Yao.

After pondering for a moment, she said: "However, I plan to make this car a limited edition, selling only fifty units, and then design it into other styles."

At any rate, it is the first car she designed, making it into a limited edition is not only a gimmick, but also enhances the desire to buy.

Cui Yao's eyes lit up, and he obviously agreed with Gu Nanyan's thoughts.

"In addition, these cars have to be marked first before delivery."

Gu Nanyan thought for a while, took out a pen and paper and wrote a big "G".

Cui Yao had a quick mind, and after thinking about it, he understood the meaning of the car logo.

Just like their Cui family, the shops under their name will engrave the word "Cui" on the plaque.

No matter where it goes, it can be recognized at a glance that this is the property of the Cui family.


Cui Yao looked at the big G on the paper, a little confused about the meaning of this symbol.

This G is actually easy to understand, it is the first letter of the pinyin of "Gu".

However, there is no pinyin in this era, and Gu Nanyan has no way of explaining it.

Just tell him that the word represents Gu's car dealership.

She also thought about using Chinese characters directly.

However, the strokes of the word "Gu" are cumbersome, and it may be a bit troublesome to do it with today's technology, so we simply use pinyin letters directly.

Seeing that symbol is a bit strange, but it is quite nice.

And unique, it is easy to popular.

Cui Yao didn't have a good tradition of asking questions when he didn't understand, so he immediately put away the paper.

"Also, remember to record the buyer's identity information clearly, and hang a sign on the car. Each piece must be unique."

She paused and continued: "I still need to register at the Yamen."

While steam cars are good, they are also dangerous.

Still very lethal in this day and age.

If someone hit and run, they can escape without a trace as soon as they step on the valve, who can catch up?

Although it is a bit troublesome to hang up the license plate and go to the government office to register, but for the sake of social stability, this trouble is nothing.

"Success!" Cui Yao agreed immediately without asking any further questions.

Anyway, the yamen is opened by his family, and it's just a registration book, it's not a big deal!

Cui Yao ran away in a hurry, and only Gu Nanyan and Li Yi were left in the background.

It is said to be the backstage, but in fact it is just a shed and a layer of cotton cloth around it.

The sound from outside can still come in clearly.

Gu Shen's loud voice was mixed with the noisy cheers, it was very obvious.

Gu Nan twitched at the corner of his mouth, feeling a headache from conditioned reflex.

She picked up the teacup and took a sip, suppressing the depression that surged up.

When I looked up, I happened to see Li Yi hastily withdrawing his gaze.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She didn't care, she lowered her eyes and pondered about things.

There is no need to worry about selling the car, after all, it is the only one in the world.

It's just that the fuel used by the steam engine gave her a headache.

She now uses oil, which is simply distilled from crude oil.

Not to mention that directly using oil as fuel is a great waste, the source of crude oil alone is a headache.

You can't just grab Qi's cargo ship every time!

Isn't that a pirate?
Although she didn't mind being a pirate very much, she couldn't tarnish the reputation of the General's Mansion.

Otherwise, what kind of words will it spread?


Tangtang, the eldest lady of the North General's Mansion, didn't say that she inherited her ancestor's will to bring peace to Anbang, but instead went to sea to become a thief.

Don't say what outsiders think.

The coffins of the ancestors of the Gu family couldn't be held down.

Gu Nanyan sighed regretfully.

If you can't grab it, you can only mine it yourself.

So far, she has not heard of any oil fields.

Surely there is.

Just haven't found it yet.

If so...

She can only feel sorry for the old Mr. Qi... No, the old man.

Since she can't plunder the Qi family's merchant ships, why not just snatch the Qi family's oilfields directly!
Don't ask her how she knew the Qi family had oil fields.

As for the boats of crude oil, there will be ghosts without oil fields.

Moreover, even the Qi family dared to provide it to overseas "expensive" customers, so they couldn't just provide it this time.

It can be seen that the daily mining volume is quite large.

Gu Nanyan was thinking about how to take down the oil field, when he felt Li Yi's eyes turn over again.

Before she could react, she turned back again.

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

She lowered her eyes calmly.

After a while, when the other side's gaze fell on him again.

Gu Nanyan turned his head like a tiger.

It happened to meet Li Yi's astonished eyes.

Gu Nanyan grinned triumphantly.

Where is the thief running!
Li Yi: "..."

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