The farmer has a mall

Chapter 458 Qu Zifeng proposes marriage

Gu Nanyan feels that Li Yi has been acting weird recently.

Since the Shangsi Festival, I always peeked at her from time to time and didn't speak.

When she looked over, she turned her gaze away again.

Moreover, he often leaves early and returns late recently, so he doesn't know what he's busy with.

Li Yi would let Long Yi come to her place every day and bring her some snacks.

Gu Nanyan ate Jinji's sweet-scented osmanthus cake every day, and got tired of it in a few days.

Long Yi began to bid her farewell again.

A dignified royal guard has become a servant who runs errands.

Long Yi felt very hurt.

But he couldn't help it.

The master is having an awkward fight with the mistress recently, although the mistress doesn't seem to have the slightest awareness of this.

But the master refused to show up, so he had to send it.

So every time when Yunxi was not around, he dropped the snack box and ran away without showing his head.

Even if you want to show your head, you will cover your face with a black cloth, leaving only one pair of eyes to look at the road, and covering your whole body tightly.

To be sneaky is like being a thief.

There was one time when Li Yi came back late, Long Da came to deliver snacks in the middle of the night, and was spotted by Yun Xi when he showed up.

Yun Xi thought that thieves had entered the yard.

Hold him down for a good fight.

Long Yi is the number one hidden guard in Jianan Kingdom, his martial arts are naturally better than Yun Xi's.

But this is the future mistress of his family.

He dared not do it.

He was also afraid of disturbing Gu Nanyan's rest, so he didn't dare to make a sound, and could only be rubbed.

In the end, it was Yunchu who heard the movement, saw that his figure was very familiar, and only after taking off his mask could he vaguely see who he was.

Why is it vague?
Yun Xi beats people only in the face, Long Yi's nose is bruised and his face is swollen, and he can vaguely see his appearance, it is considered that their sisters have good eyesight.

Although it was a misunderstanding, it is true that he trespassed in the middle of the night.

From the standpoint of protecting her master, Yun Xi subdued him immediately, which was not wrong.

Bai was beaten, and Long Yi was even more unlovable.

When I got back, I asked Li Yi for sick leave.

Li Yi only gave him a slight sideways glance, the meaning was obvious.

You are a hidden guard, you just suffered a little skin trauma, why do you ask for leave?

Why are you more hypocritical than a little girl?
Long Yi: "..."

You are not hypocritical.

You are not hypocritical, but you will send it yourself!

Long Yi accepted his fate, and then delivered food to Gu Nanyan.

Occasionally, he would deliver it in the middle of the night, but every time Yunxi caught him right away, and beat him without saying a word.

Long Yi: "..."

Long Yi: I suspect this girl did it on purpose.

Don't ask why!
Look at the bruises on his face.

Step on the horse in the same place every time!
Gu Nanyan also listened to this matter twice, but didn't care.

After she marries into the palace, people on both sides will have frequent contact.

It is also good to enhance the relationship in advance.

Li Yi didn't think too much about it.

It's just a simple feeling that Long Yi's concealment skills are not good enough.

Just took the opportunity to practice more.

Long Yi: "..."

Now remember that I am a dark guard.

Let me deliver snacks every day.

Is this what a dark guard should do!

yes! ! !

Li Yi: Yes.

Long Yi suddenly.


Since the auto show, steam cars have quickly become popular in Mingshan City, and spread outward at the speed of viral spread.

Especially when Cui Yao released the news that only [-] units of the first model would be produced, the wave of people who were still hesitating finally couldn't sit still.

And so orders fell like hail.

The person who smashed it was full of bags.

Gu Nanyan didn't expect the sales to be so good, so he hurriedly asked for a space to set up a separate car park.

The workers in the yard are in pain and happiness.

Happily, there may be overtime pay again.

The pain is that there are too many orders and the follow-up force is still strong. I don't know how long I will have to work overtime.

Just when the workers were gearing up and preparing to flex their muscles.

Gu Nanyan waved his small hand to tell them to slow down and just work step by step.

Cui Yao didn't know what kind of medicine she sold in the gourd, so he came to ask her.

Gu Nanyan explained to him tirelessly.

In ancient times, there was no network, and the transmission of information was very slow.

The fame of the steam engine did not spread very far, and the purchasing power at this time depended entirely on the nearby towns.

It may take two or three months before we hear the news from a place farther away.

In case the order is interrupted, if it spreads, it means that the car park will be unable to follow up, which is not conducive to future development.

It's better to slow down, extend the delivery period, and make it look more expensive.

After all, what is not available is the best.

The harder it is to get something, the more itchy it is.


Gu Shen got a car from his precious daughter and drove it around all day long.

He was only in his 30s, and with years of martial arts practice, he looked even younger.

Coupled with the good genes of the Gu family, he is a masculine and handsome Shushu.

Driving out for a stroll, the town's women screamed again and again.

Gu Shenyou was not satisfied after seeing the girls in Mingshan Town.

He hurriedly drove to the barracks.

What used to be a day's journey took less than an hour to arrive.

Calling back and forth within half a day was no problem at all.

He went out early in the morning and came back at noon.

There were two more people in the car.

Qu Xiao and Qu Zifeng grandparents.

And... Hu Wei?
Gu Nanyan happened to pass by, and raised her eyebrows when she saw this.

On the way, Gu Shen got off the boat halfway and took Hu Wei and his group away.

Although they are pirates, their navigation skills and water combat effectiveness are real.

Gu Shen's eyes were very greedy.

He wanted to strengthen the navy with all his heart, but this was the shortcoming of Jianan Kingdom, and it was very difficult to implement it when talents were scarce.

Hu Wei, the leader of the pirates, has never done anything harmful to nature, and he did it only because of helplessness.

Gu Shen cherished his talent and took him back.

Seeing Gu Nanyan, Hu Wei got out of the car and first saluted respectfully.

Then he stood on the side with his head bowed, and he was a little more disciplined than before.

"Boy of the Gu family, this old man watched you grow up, so it's not an exaggeration to say that you are an elder? What's the matter with driving your car? I see you are stingy, you don't have the demeanor of the Gu family at all."

After the car turned off, Gu Nanyan heard Qu Xiao's dissatisfied chatter.

He hummed twice, and circled around Gu Shen's car twice, looking eager to try.

"Young people nowadays just don't know how to respect the elderly. When you were still wearing crotch pants, the old man even peed on you. Even if you don't care about this kindness, you should also think about the relationship between the old man and your grandfather." ..."

Gu Shen: "..."

Gu Shen blushed.


Didn't you see his daughter is still here?
What nonsense!
And he hasn't warmed up the car yet, so the old man is fine, he just fumbled for a while when he got on it, what if he broke it?
If it weren't for the sake of his business, I wouldn't even give him a seat!
Qu Xiao kept rambling, but Gu Shen didn't care at all.

Seeing that he was about to touch the driver's seat again, he quickly locked the car door and walked towards his daughter.

Qu Xiao: "..."

Do you understand respecting the old and loving the young?

If this is my nephew, playing eight times a day is not enough!
"Girl, Daddy is back!"

Gu Shen carried a paper bag and handed it to Gu Nanyan.

Under her puzzled eyes, she smiled and said, "This is the fruit of the fig tree in the military camp last year. I let someone dry it."

Wei Lan loves to eat this food, and so does his daughter, so Gu Shen has been raised by someone, even if he is not in the military camp, he is still taken care of.

Gu Nanyan opened the paper bag, and saw five or six dry figs lying inside.

She took out one and put it in her mouth to take a bite. It was sweet and soft, with a unique fragrance.

"Thank you father." Gu Nanyan thanked him with a smile.

Seeing that his daughter was eating happily, Gu Shen smiled and waved her hands.

Gu Nanyan looked at Qu Xiao again.

"General Qu is safe and sound, is your body okay?"

Qu Xiao twirled his beard and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Okay, thanks to the princess, I can eat and sleep, and it won't be a problem to live another 20 years."

Qu Xiao is not a few years younger than Gu Yao, and he will be nearly 20 this year, and he will be 80 years old if he lives for more than [-] years.

In ancient times, it was considered longevity.

Gu Nanyan smiled more gently: "I don't know why General Qu came here this time?"

Gu Yao is not here, Qu Xiao is in the army, and will never leave the barracks if there is nothing to do.

"There is indeed something wrong." Qu Xiao said, looking at Qu Zifeng who was beside him.

"The old man is here to help this kid propose a marriage."

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