Everyone present knew about Qu Zifeng and Liu Zhenzhen.

Although Qu Xiao still has grudges about the past, but thinking that Liu Zhenzhen is Gu Nanyan's cousin and the granddaughter of the famous old General Wei, he feels much better.

It's not that he wants to climb high branches.

Qu Xiao had heard of the prestige of Old General Wei a long time ago, and admired him very much.

As his granddaughter, Gu Nanyan can be said to be better than blue.

More importantly, the Wei family is famous for its good family style.

Thinking about it, Liu Zhenzhen's character is not bad.

It's just that I didn't have an adult by my side before, so I went astray.

Thinking of her sneaking into the Ning Mansion at a young age just to avenge the Wei family and find her biological father, Qu Xiao's heart softened.

He sighed: "I'm not that unreasonable. Although that girl was responsible for breaking the city, my kid was the one who made the most mistakes."

If Qu Zifeng hadn't been fascinated by beauty and lost his vigilance, how could someone have stolen his waist card without knowing it?

It's also fortunate that I still have military merits, and Gu Yao's intercession saved this kid from dying.

"The two of them have known each other for a long time, and they are not too young. Since they like each other, it is better to get married earlier, what does the princess think?" Qu Xiao asked, stroking his beard.

When mentioning what happened back then, Qu Zifeng bowed his head guiltily, thinking of the soldiers who died because of the destruction of the city, he felt ashamed to face everyone.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him, and ordered Liu Zhenzhen to be called.

This matter has to be asked about the intention of the person concerned, she and Liu Zhenzhen are of the same generation and cannot be the master.

Although she despises such indecisive men.

However, Liu Zhenzhen has a weaker temperament, and since she followed her, she has become indifferent to the world.

If you marry a man like Qu Zifeng, you won't suffer any disadvantages in the future.

Liu Zhenzhen was discussing recipes with Brown Tang in the kitchen, and she didn't think much of it when she heard that Gu Nanyan was looking for her.

After returning to the house, he changed into clean clothes and went to the front hall.

Once inside, she froze.

Not only because of Qu Zifeng, but also because of Qu Xiao.

She walked forward nervously, and was about to bow her knees to salute Qu Xiao when Gu Nanyan stopped her.

"You are my cousin, so you don't need to perform this big gift."

Liu Zhenzhen was taken aback for a moment, and looked at her inexplicably.

She has no grades or grades, she is a commoner girl.

Qu Xiao is the general, so it stands to reason that she should kneel down and worship him.

But she has always listened to Gu Nanyan's words, if she is not allowed to kneel, she will get up and not kneel.

Even if in front of her is the elder of the person she likes.

Slowly nodding towards Qu Xiao, he sat next to Gu Nanyan.

Qu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then quietly looked at Gu Nanyan, knowing in her heart that she was going to use her status as a princess to support Liu Zhenzhen.

This has never happened before.

Due to his relationship with Gu Yao, this girl has always regarded herself as an elder.

He didn't expect that Liu Zhenzhen was so important in her heart.

Qu Xiao's straight figure was shorter, and his critical eyes were much more solemn.

Gu Nanyan didn't seem to see it, she drooped her eyes and sipped her tea before saying calmly, "General Qu came here today to bring his grandson to propose marriage to you. I don't know what your cousin thinks?"

What she said was straightforward, and Liu Zhenzhen, who was unprepared, froze on the spot.

"Propose, propose marriage?" Looking at Qu Zifeng opposite, Liu Zhenzhen's cheeks blushed, she lowered her head and muttered for a while, not knowing what to say.

"The old man knows that you have no elders in your family. If you are willing to marry my useless grandson, I will ask someone to go to Gu's mansion to propose marriage in person."

He paused, looked at Gu Nanyan and then at Gu Shen: "It's also possible to come to the princess mansion to propose marriage."

Originally, he came here today just to ask Liu Zhenzhen what she meant.

If she agrees, the marriage of the two children will be settled.

The betrothal gift that should be given will also be given, but the woman has no elders, so she never thought about going to the door to propose marriage.

Unexpectedly, Gu Nanyan opened his mouth and embraced it.

Liu Zhenzhen pursed her lips when she heard the words, and looked at Gu Nanyan hesitantly.

Gu Nanyan understood what she meant, and said softly: "You decide on your own, without the consent of others. If you nod, I will inform my little uncle later."

Anyway, with her here, Liu Zhenzhen can't suffer from marrying anyone.

Even if he regrets it in the future and remarries Heli, that's not a problem.

Qu Xiao didn't know about Wei Hong, and Gu Shen didn't tell him about it.

I thought that when she said "inform me", she meant to go to the grave and burn paper to "inform me."

"That's right, the elders should be notified about this kind of thing." Qu Xiao agreed.

Now that he knows that Gu Yatou cares about this cousin, he can't be careless and lose his manners.

Smiling gently at Liu Zhenzhen, Qu Xiao said slowly, "I'll let Zifeng go with you at that time, so that he can put incense sticks on his in-laws and recognize him."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Liu Zhenzhen: "..."

Gu Shen: "..."

Seeing the weird expressions on the faces of the three of them, Qu Xiao was puzzled.

"But what did the old man say wrong?"

Could it be that this girl does not agree to the marriage?
"Well, it's nothing, if uncle knows that you are so caring, I think I will be very pleased." Gu Shen said with a blank expression.


Liu Zhenzhen agreed to the marriage, and Qu Xiao also knew that Wei Hong was still alive.

But before he left, he gave Gu Nanyan full authority over his daughter's affairs.

Gu Nanyan asked Gu Shen, as Liu Zhenzhen's elder, to choose an auspicious day for the Qu family to come to propose marriage.

And personally wrote a letter to inform Wei Hong who was far away in Daliang.

Yes, notifications.

Gu Nanyan feels that this kind of man who abandons his wife and children is not qualified to express his opinion.

All the letters to him were for Liu Zhenzhen's sake.

Qu Xiao still had military affairs in the army, so he left that day.

Hu Wei and Qu Zifeng stayed behind to discuss the naval affairs with Gu Shen.

The euphemistic name is out of tolerance.

But from Gu Nanyan's point of view, the kid whose surname is Qu Na clearly has other plans.

Running to Liu Zhenzhen's yard all day long.

They were sending flowers and jewelry, which aroused Liu Zhenzhen's heart in full bloom.

You can often see the two walking hand in hand.

The house is filled with the sour smell of love.

Gu Nanyan was extremely upset, as if someone had taken away her beloved toy, so she took 888 out as if to vent her anger.

Continue to brush.

888's hair will not grow automatically, and the bald areas can only be repaired by the company.

It really cost a lot of money.

Only two days later, Gu Nanyan wanted to pluck it again.

How could 888 be willing.

She even cried and howled to stop her frenzied actions.

Toss yourself half to death.

Gu Nanyan was unmoved.

888 had alopecia areata again, and returned to the space without love.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he angrily clicked on the light curtain to type out his resignation report.

It was only after I finished the fight that I remembered that the boss had already blocked it, and it has not been blocked so far.


888 was furious, submitting an expression of self-destruct angrily.

The meaning is obvious.

You won't let me quit my job.

I'll die for you!

888 was triumphant.

The company has a shortage of employees, and high-quality employees like it are even rarer. It doesn't believe that the boss is willing to let it self-destruct!

Of course, this high-quality employee is obviously self-appointed.

The authentication message came from the light curtain.

【Your friend application has been approved. 】

888's eyes lit up, and then he looked down.

【The application for self-destruction has been passed, please confirm】


[Reminder, once the destruction program is confirmed, it cannot be changed, please choose carefully. 】


888 calmly chose "No".

Hide back in the corner and cry like a dog.


Gu Nanyan didn't know about Xuanyu's flamboyant operation, and was currently in Gu Shen's yard, listening to him and Hu Wei talk about the Qi family.

Gu Shen frowned.

"The Qi family already knew that we were the ones who did it, and the local government has ordered you to return the two merchant ships and pay compensation."

"As for Qi Kun's matter, there is no mention of it in the notebook."

Obviously it was Qi Kun who made the first move, and the next one committed the crime.

The Qi family took a bite instead.

Said that his daughter acted recklessly and disturbed the law and order of the sea by relying on her status as a princess.

Let the emperor seek justice for the Qi family.

Gu Shen was so angry that his nose was smoking with anger.

Fortunately, due to the incident with Empress Dowager Shen a while ago, all civil and military officials were overwhelmed by Sister Nan, and no one dared to stir up trouble for the time being.

The emperor took advantage of the situation to suppress the matter and ordered someone to deliver a letter to him.

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