Although Li Mi pressed down the booklet, he couldn't hold it down for long.

On the surface, it seems that Gu Nanyan is bullying others.

Many courtiers have long been dissatisfied with her, how could they let go of such a good opportunity.

Although he didn't dare to do anything on the surface, he secretly joined forces with the Qi family to put pressure on Li Mi.

Qi's family is very powerful in the sea, and they also control the main shipping channels. Now that they have filed a lawsuit, it is impossible for Li Mi to turn a blind eye.

"As far as the villain knows, the Qi family not only colluded with the local magistrate, but many courtiers also received a lot of benefits from him. The network of relationships is very huge. Even the former Empress Dowager Shen received gifts from him." Hu Wei explained.

The Qi family once presented a gift to the Empress Dowager, which was a string of pearl necklaces, each one the size of a longan, evenly rounded in size, and a rare pink color.

There is such a one in the treasure house of Jianan Kingdom, which is very rare.

But the Qi family was able to come up with a whole bunch.

Gu Nanyan frowned: "The Qi family is only in charge of the operation of a wharf. The property collected by the ancestors as pirates has already been handed over to the treasury. Where did this pearl necklace come from?"

Also, according to Hu Wei, the Qi family will allocate a sum of money every year for "tribute", and the amount is in the millions of taels.

Can a terminal earn so much?

Hu Wei pondered: "Obviously the income of the Qi family is not much, but he has several cargo ships under his control. The villain only knows that these cargo ships go to sea twice a month, and the goods on board are shipped to various places. As for what to transport, the villain does not know. gone."

Master Qi asked them to escort the Qi family's cargo ship, but never told them what cargo was on board.

They are short-handed, so naturally it is not easy to ask.

"Could it be the kind of black oil you snatched back, my daughter?" Gu Shen doubted.

At the beginning, he didn't know the function of the black oil, and he was rushing to play with it like a girl, but who knew that after refining, it was much more resistant to burning than coal.

This is good stuff.

Gu Nanyan shook her head, feeling that it wasn't these things.

Sure enough, Hu Wei followed up and said: "Probably not, the Qi family only has two cargo ships to transport this black oil, and the frequency is not high. This thing is on the surface, and Master Qi has already told me."

"That's weird, they don't have any other business in their hands, at most they have a few shops." Gu Shen was worried that Mr. Qi would cause trouble for his daughter, so he hung his head and muttered in distraught.

"Do you know where the Qi's cargo ships go most often?" Gu Nanyan asked Hu Wei.

Hu Wei nodded: "I know this, the route of the cargo ship is fixed, and it goes to the same place every time."

He paused, looked at Gu Nanyan and said, "Mingshan Wharf is among them."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, she was thinking that it would be hard to find out if it was too far away, it was a coincidence.


The Qi family sent a cargo ship to Mingshan once a month, and it happened to be there tomorrow night, so Gu Nanyan asked Yunxi to check it first.

As for what to check.

Naturally, the cargo on board.

The Qi family is so secretive that even Hu Wei, an accomplice, is hiding it, so it must not be a good thing.

Yun Xi went there after dark and didn't come back until the middle of the night.

Long Yi came with her.

Long Yi fell behind her, eight zhang away, his face was quite ugly.

He was ordered by his master to stay at the pier for many days, but no one found him. Unexpectedly, Yun Xi found him as soon as he went there.

Long Yi gritted his teeth.

Is this woman offending him?

Although his concealment skill is not as good as that of Long San, it is not too far behind, why is she caught every time!

"Master, according to what you said, this servant secretly boarded the boat and found this in a corner."

Yun Xi took out a handkerchief from her bosom with a blank expression.

The four corners of the veil were unfolded, and a handful of white particles mixed with dust appeared in front of him.

Gu Nanyan took it, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it, and under the surprised eyes of the two, put a little bit of it with her white fingertips and put it in her mouth.

"Master!" Yun Xi hurriedly stopped.

Gu Nanyan waved at her, took the teacup and rinsed his mouth before saying, "It's salt."

To be precise, it should be private salt.

The salt wells in Jianan Kingdom are all controlled by the imperial court, and ordinary people are not allowed to sell them.

"I found this on the Qi family's boat?"

"Yes, the servant was afraid of being discovered, so he only grabbed a little in a hurry."

Gu Nanyan nodded: "But did you find something else?"

"No..." Yun Xi paused.

Something else?

She looked back at Long Yi.

"The servant also found Long Yi."

Long Yi fell backward in anger.

"Your master is asking about things, am I a thing?!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Yun Xi: "..."

"I don't know." Yun Xi gave him a nonchalant glance.

Long Yi had a heart attack.

I feel like I'm asking a really stupid question.

In order to avoid the fate of being beaten for delivering snacks, he took the initiative to ask Ying out of the mission. He thought he had escaped, but he never thought that he would fall into this woman's hands again.

Long Yi was very upset, and wanted to retaliate.

"Okay, it's just a trivial matter. Yunxi is a daughter's family after all, so you can't let her order?" Gu Nanyan began to protect the calf.

"Besides, if you were discovered, it means that you are not good at hiding. Yunxi can also count as helping you improve your own cultivation."

Protect your own people!
Although Long Yi said he was a good person, he was Li Yi's man after all, and he was no match for his own.

Yun Xi straightened her chest when she heard the words, although her face was still expressionless, there was a hint of satisfaction in her eyes.

Long Yi felt wronged now.

So after the master, did the mistress also start to dislike him?

He just said that the woman offended him.

In the past, he was a celebrity in front of the mistress, but since he came into contact with her, his status has plummeted.

If this continues, I'm afraid I have to pack up and go back to my hometown!
Long Yi was not reconciled, so he took a step forward and said: "Princess Qi, my subordinate has been squatting at the pier for a few days, and I know a little about the Qi family's cargo ship. If you have any questions, just ask your subordinate."

Anyway, the master didn't want to hide it from the mistress, so he could just ask for credit and suppress the woman's arrogance.

Also let her know who is the most favored!
Long Yi glanced at Yun Xi triumphantly, then straightened his expression, ready to answer the mistress' questions at any time.

He squatted at the pier for seven or eight days, and he didn't even have time to return to the palace. He saw every move of the Qi family's cargo ship from beginning to end. No matter what the mistress asked, he could answer it!

Gu Nanyan had something in his mind, and he didn't notice the turbulent undercurrent between the two hidden guards, so he nodded slowly when he heard this.

"Where's your master?"

She hadn't seen Li Yi for several days since the auto show, and she didn't know what he was doing recently.

Long Yi: "..."

"Subordinate...I don't know."

He has been on missions for seven or eight days, so he really doesn't know where Li Yi is.

But if the hostess asks this question, she will definitely not be in the mansion.

But aren't we talking about the Qi family cargo ship?
Why did the topic suddenly change?

Long Yi is a bit square.

Gu Nanyan was surprised: "Aren't you Li Yi's secret guard, you don't even know where the master is?"

Long Yi: "..."

It was said that he was on a mission, but he was not in the mansion, so he didn't know why the master went there.

"Master's itinerary is secret, and his subordinates dare not ask."

He is a secret guard, as long as he does what he is told, he will not ask about other things if the master doesn't say anything.

What's more, the master has recently been secretly investigating Qi's house, so it is inevitable that he will be spotted and startled. No one knows where he has gone except the people who follow him.

So it's not surprising that he didn't know.

Long Yi comforted himself.

Yun Xi glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, and straightened her small chest again.

"Your maidservant knows that the prince has left early and returned late recently, and spent most of his time at the Yingsong Inn, as if he was in contact with someone."

"Impossible, I don't even know about Master's itinerary, how do you know?" Long Yi retorted.

"It was the lord who told the slaves himself, and also asked the slaves to tell the master that he will be staying in the Yingsong Inn for a few days. If there is anything, someone can go there to find him."

The master said it himself?

Long Yi shook his body.

The master used to ask him to pass on the message, but this time he went directly to this woman.

So he really fell out of favor?

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