Long Yi was hit, and his whole body was in a trance.

Gu Nanyan thought he was tired, so he hurriedly told him to go back and rest.

Long Yi resigned, went directly to Li Yi's yard, and didn't show up for several days.

Anyway, the task assigned to him by the master has been completed, and he doesn't want to see anyone recently.

He wanted to be quiet.

Knowing that Li Yi was not in the mansion, Gu Nanyan didn't think much about it, and seeing that it was getting late, he asked someone to wait for him to rest.

At this time, in the Yingsong Inn, Li Yi was drinking tea in the Tianzihao room.

Opposite him stood a man in his thirties, dressed in brown cloth clothes and a square hat, bending over with a flattering expression.

"Master Li, our boss said that the price we gave you is already very low, and we also have costs, don't we..."

Li Yi put down the teacup in his hand, sighed and shook his head.

"Ben...Master buys so much, it seems a bit unreasonable to give you five cents cheaper."

He stroked the fake beard sticking to his chin, and said helplessly: "Shopkeeper Wang also knows that there are people above me, sir, and this price is really unreasonable."

He squinted at each other.

"Besides, I heard that Mr. Wu from the next county bought the goods at a price similar to mine, and his quantity is not even half of mine. Could it be that your boss is cheating?"

Li Yi snorted coldly, looking a little unhappy.

"How can it be?" Shopkeeper Wang accompanied him with a smile.

"The owner always treats guests equally. Mr. Wu is the same as our owner, but the goods he gets directly from the Qi family steward are naturally lower. However, our owner has cooperated with the Qi family for many years, and the price is lower than his. You make a profit, other than our boss, no one else can give this price."

"Besides, you are doing big things. You should know how difficult it is to buy this kind of goods. Our boss has also taken a big risk, and we have to make some money."

Shopkeeper Wang seemed to cherish Li Yi as a big client, and patiently explained for a while.

Seeing that Li Yi seemed to be still hesitating, Shopkeeper Wang gritted his teeth and said, "I see that you are sincere, how about this, I will make my own decisions, and I will give you five cents cheaper, which is the lowest price. Our boss doesn't have a penny." Earn yours."

Li Yi curled his lips: "Business is nothing more than seeking money. If you say that your boss doesn't make money, isn't it a waste of work? I don't believe it, sir. Don't lie to me."

Shopkeeper Wang chuckled: "You're right, the boss is doing this business for money, but since you were sent by that lord, whether you make money or not is the second priority."

He moved closer and said in a low voice: "The master just wants to have a good relationship with you and make friends. If there is a chance, please say something nice for our master in front of that person."

Suddenly, Li Yi laughed, and nodded in the direction of Shopkeeper Wang.

"So that's it. I never thought that your boss is also ambitious."

He picked up the teacup again and took a sip, sighing: "This is not a difficult task. Your Excellency trusts me, so you entrust me with such an important matter. As long as I can handle this matter well, your master will be indispensable." the benefits of."

He paused, and said meaningfully: "When the time comes, don't just say a few nice words, even being promoted to a noble is not a problem."

Shopkeeper Wang was overjoyed, he hurriedly bowed to Li Yi, nodded and bowed and said, "Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Li, don't worry, I will definitely convey this to the boss, and do my best to do things for you."

Li Yi nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the servant behind him.

The boy took out a few banknotes from his pocket and handed them to shopkeeper Wang.

"This is a deposit. I don't know when Ben... the master can pick up the goods."

Shopkeeper Wang took the bank note in a hurry, without even looking at it, he stuffed it into his bosom, with an air of trusting him.

"A shipment just arrived today, but it was all ordered by someone else. You may have to wait for a few more days."

Li Yi frowned upon hearing this.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper Wang hurriedly said: "You want a large quantity, so you should tell your superiors. After the goods are ready, they will be transported by water. It will take at least one month to come back and forth. But you are a valuable customer, the owner said, Let me give you the second boat first, this boat was originally intended to be sold by the owner in the shop."

This means that their boss lost a lot of money in order to please him.

Li Yi calmed down and poured a cup of tea for Shopkeeper Wang himself.

"In that case, please trouble shopkeeper Wang. As long as the quality of those goods is acceptable, my family will definitely buy them for a long time, and your benefits will be indispensable at that time."

"Yes, yes, the villain knows it, and will definitely devote himself to the adult."


Mingshan County has developed rapidly in the past year, attracting many businessmen and nobles.

This Coke spoiled the shopkeepers of various inns, and their turnover more than doubled.

In addition to inns, tea houses and restaurants are also full of customers.

However, it is not these three places that make the most money, but several brothels in Mingshan County.

Cuixianglou is the largest brothel in Mingshan County. The girls in it come from all over the country, and there are even many beauties from foreign countries.

Each of them has icy muscles and fine bones, charming and seductive, and just one stop will attract men to bow down and throw money out like flowing water.

Recently, the reputation of Cuixiang Building has become better because of the fact that a girl with both talent and beauty came to the building.

This girl's name is Fu Rong, and although she is not considered a magnificent figure, she has an aura that is different from ordinary brothel girls.

Not only is the poetry and painting excellent, but the piano skills are also comparable to the palace luthiers. Every time they play, people are intoxicated by the sound of the piano, and the lingering sound lingers for three days.

Of course, most people have never heard of how well the piano master in the palace plays, they just follow what others say.

Moreover, this girl from Furong was a performer but not her own body. Although she was imprisoned, she was very lonely.

It is a real lotus that comes out of the water, and it is washed with mud but not stained.

Because of her arrival, the reputation of Cuixiang Building has risen to a higher level, and there is an endless stream of visitors, most of whom come to see Miss Furong.

It's a pity that Miss Furong only plays one piece every night, and if she wants to listen to it, she has to buy a clock.

Starting at a hundred taels, whoever gives the most money will be able to listen to Miss Furong playing the piano all night.

Other things cannot be done.

If this is the case, there are countless guests who entered the curtain.

Some people even spent a lot of money just to see her.

In just one month's time, Furong's reputation spread throughout Mingshan City.

Even Gu Nanyan had heard about it.

It's just that she has never been interested in this kind of thing, so just listen to it.

It's just that Li Yi invited her to her first trip to the brothel.

Different from the usual neutral dress, Gu Nanyan was dressed in men's clothes, standing in the private room of Cuixiang Building, his complexion was unpredictable.

Long Yi wiped the sweat from his brow, lowered his head so as not to look at her.

"The master asked you to wait for a while, and I will come to see you in a while."

Gu Nanyan didn't say a word, just lifted the hem of her clothes, and sat on the cattail mat in front of the low table.

Yun Xi, who was also dressed in men's clothes, gave Long Yi a sidelong glance.

That look...

Rumors are on the back.

Long Yi was sweating coldly.

"Your master often comes here recently?" Gu Nanyan said slowly, with a calm tone.

But for no reason, it makes people feel cold behind.

Long Yi shivered, and hurriedly defended: "Return to the Lord... Young Master, it is also the first time for Master to come here."

As if afraid of Gu Nanyan's misunderstanding, he added swearingly: "However, this subordinate assures that the master has never done anything against women!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What the hell is disobedience to women.

Li Yi is still a good woman!

Gu Nanyan was speechless for a while.

She naturally believed that Li Yi had done nothing out of the ordinary, otherwise she would not have invited her here openly.

I just didn't know what he was looking for in such a hurry.

Gu Nanyan looked at the furnishings of the room.

The room is very elegantly furnished, but it is also luxurious. There are several paintings and calligraphy hanging on the wall.

Although she doesn't understand these things, she can see that these calligraphy and paintings are not bad.

At first glance, I thought it was the study of some literati family.

Gu Nanyan waved his hand, telling Long Yi to go back to his master, and silently picked up the wine cup for a light drink.

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