The wine is fruit wine, not intoxicating.

And the taste is sweet, revealing a touch of fruity aroma.

Even Gu Nanyan, who rarely drank, couldn't help but drink two more cups.

After an incense stick of time, Li Yi, wearing a wide-sleeved dress and a mustache, swayed over.

His neckline was slightly open, revealing his delicate collarbone, and his skin against the vermilion shirt was even fairer.

Li Yi had a faint scent of wine on his body, and a tinge of pink appeared on his cheeks.

After entering, he took a look at Gu Nanyan, then closed the door and sat down opposite her.

He poured himself a cup of tea, took a few sips, and sighed while rubbing his eyebrows.

Seeing that he looked like he had drunk too much, Gu Nanyan frowned slightly.

"Why the offer here?"

Not that she hated the place.

After all, this is ancient times, an era that was quite unfriendly to the status of women.

Most of the women in the brothel had to sell themselves here because they were desperate for a living.

Of course, most of them are forced by others.

Therefore, to Gu Nanyan, the women in Cuixianglou are just poor people.

However, Li Yi actually invited his fiancée to the brothel.

It's also quite... informal.

the most important is.

She can't play again!
She watched helplessly as a group of old men were having a good time, but she could only drink alone.

Don't worry!

Gu Nanyan glanced at Li Yi unkindly, and the latter froze.

He naturally knew that this was not a good place, nor should a princess like her come here.

If it wasn't a last resort, he didn't even want to come.


Yan'er looked at herself like this, could she be jealous?
Li Yi was delighted, cleared his throat and explained: "If you think about it, you also know that I've been investigating the sale of private salt by Qi's family recently. One of Master Qi's cronies, Jin Ye, is the owner behind the Cuixiang Building."

"A few days ago, I pretended to be an out-of-town merchant and had contact with Mr. Jin's shopkeeper Wang. He was very cautious and refused to show his face. It wasn't until I moved out of Taifu Bai that he let go and agreed to meet me here. .”

He didn't want to agree at first, because he was afraid that Yan'er would misunderstand him.

It's just a rare opportunity, for Yan'er's safety, he must bring down the Qi family.

And this Jin Ye is a good breakthrough.

Therefore, when the other party refused to meet him, he moved out of Taifu's residence.

At the same time, he sent a letter to Beijing to collude with Taifu Bai.

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly: "Then you asked me to come, but is there anything that needs my help?"

Otherwise, how could this guy take the initiative to ask himself out.

Gu Nanyan is not stupid, he has long noticed that Li Yi has been avoiding him recently.

Even if the two met in the mansion, he still seemed to be dodging, and fled without daring to look at her.

This made her very puzzled, and she wanted to ask why.

But this guy guards her like a thief, and doesn't give himself the slightest chance to catch him.

Li Yi raised his lowered eyes slightly, and took a sneak peek at her.

Holding the teacup in one hand, he said casually: "Of course I want you to meet this Lord Jin together."

Jin Ye is too vigilant, it would be better if Gu Nanyan didn't come.

But it was Li Yi's first visit to a brothel since he was a child, and he felt very guilty. He was afraid that Gu Nanyan would find out about it afterwards and would not explain clearly.

So he invited her over and accompanied her the whole time to prove his innocence.

Although she probably doesn't care.

Li Yi's eyes darkened, and his expression became depressed.

Since the last time I heard Gu Nanyan say that he doesn't care about himself, Li Yi has been depressed until now.

Avoiding her like a thief every day.

I was afraid that she would have the opportunity to say the word "retirement".

Although he was certain in his heart that she had no intentions for him, he still wanted to struggle.

Maybe... maybe he still has a chance...

Li Yi felt bitter in his heart.

Gu Nanyan didn't pay attention to his expression, and just nodded slightly when he heard the words.

"Then let's go now?"


The private room that Li Yi took her to was arranged by Master Jin himself, it was much larger than Gu Nanyan's room, and the environment was equally quiet.

Master Jin has not arrived yet, and there is only the same woman as shopkeeper Wang in the private room.

The woman only had a green bellyband on her upper body, and a gauze dress of the same color, and she was pouring wine for shopkeeper Wang with a charming smile.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Shopkeeper Wang raised his head with a smile, and was about to say something to Li Yi, when he saw Gu Nanyan following behind at a glance.

"This is..." Shopkeeper Wang frowned slightly, displeased with Gu Nanyan's arrival.

Jin Ye seldom showed his face in front of outsiders, and it was only because of his hard work that he managed to save such a situation today.

Otherwise, even if the other party was Taifu Bai's servant, Lord Jin would not meet him until he found out the details.

Of course, he worked so hard because he collected a lot of money from the other party.

But he clearly said that Master Jin only saw him, so why did he bring another person over.

Although shopkeeper Wang was dissatisfied, he didn't drive people out directly.

"Brother Wang, forgive me. My cousin is used to messing around, and even secretly followed me, and even asked for a room next door. She is too young, so I was really worried, so I brought her here."

Li Yi rubbed his forehead helplessly, and gave Gu Nanyan a fierce look.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan, who instantly understood his intentions, did not wait for Li Yi to take a seat, and sat down opposite the shopkeeper Wang with his clothes up.

He pursed his lips and snorted softly, as if he was very unconvinced.

"I'm not a few years older than my cousin, so why can't I come if you can?"

After finishing speaking, she rolled up her sleeves, exposing her white and delicate forearms, and poured herself a glass of wine with a tilted body.

He winked at the girl and smiled evilly.

The virtue of a dandy boy.

"My cousin enjoys it, but it's hard for me to be alone next door, and I don't even have a drinker."

After finishing speaking, he put the wine cup to his lips and drank it down.

Unlike the fruit wine she drank just now, this flagon was obviously filled with spirits.

Gu Nanyan didn't react, and after drinking it, he felt his throat burning, as if it was about to burn.

Hastily put down the wine cup and coughed violently.

Seeing this, Li Yi hurried forward, patted her on the back lightly, and put down her sleeve quietly with the other hand.

"How old are you, and you are still so reckless, you can drink this wine."

As he spoke, he moved the wine cup in front of her and poured him a cup of tea instead.

Gu Nanyan coughed up tears, it was the first time she was in such a mess, she gave Li Yi an angry sideways glance.

"Who told you not to remind me!"

Nima what is this.

Can this also be called wine?
Poison is more or less the same!

Too burning throat.

Did this dog man deliberately see her make a fool of himself?

Li Yi really... didn't do it on purpose.

He was only temporarily intimidated by Gu Nanyan's behavior, and he didn't pay attention to her movements for a while.

It was too late to stop it after reacting.

He also knew that Gu Nanyan seldom drank alcohol. Even during the New Year's Eve, she only drank a little fruit wine.

This was the first time I saw her drinking strong alcohol, so I'm afraid she might be choking.

Looking at her suspicious eyes, Li Yi was angry and funny.

In Gu Nanyan's eyes, his expression turned into gloating.

His little face darkened, and he immediately felt that he was being looked down upon.

So he picked up the wine cup again, saying that he could still drink.


Although this wine is strong, it is still inferior to the white wine from the previous life.

With her current physique, drinking a few jars is not a problem.

It was just that I was not prepared.

She hummed twice and wanted to drink.

But it was snatched by Li Yi.

"Stop messing around!" Li Yi gave her a warning look, then put the teacup in her hand.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I haven't seen you for a few days, the dog man is getting bolder.

Dare to stare at her?
She is not tall, plus she has a baby face, even if she deliberately puts on makeup before going out to look like a handsome young man, she will inevitably look immature.

Now that he is full of anger, he looks extraordinarily naive and ignorant of worldly affairs.

Seeing her behavior like a little dandy in the rebellious period, shopkeeper Wang couldn't help feeling relieved, and rubbed his chubby belly with a smile.

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