"Little brother is a cheerful person, but this wine is really strong, not suitable for young friends."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to the woman beside him and said, "Go give it to..."

He paused before he finished speaking, and said apologetically, "I don't know what to call this little brother?"

Li Yi lowered his eyes, as if he didn't want to say anything.

Shopkeeper Wang's eyes flashed.

"If it's inconvenient to say..."

"Master's surname is Bai." Gu Nanyan recovered his strength, picked up a peanut with chopsticks and threw it into his mouth.

Since you want to borrow Taifu Bai's power, you can borrow it thoroughly.

Although she hadn't discussed it with Bai Taifu in advance, but the Bai family had many heirs, she didn't believe that the other party dared to investigate one by one.

"Bai?" Shopkeeper Wang was startled.

The surname Bai is very rare, and he has not seen many of them in his thirty years of life.

And the other party has something to do with Bai Taifu...

Could it be someone from the Bai family?

Shopkeeper Wang looked at Li Yi inquiringly.

Li Yi bowed his head and remained silent, as if he didn't want to say more.

So Shopkeeper Wang was even more sure.

As a member of the Bai family, he certainly doesn't want to reveal his identity, not to mention that this is in a brothel, if it gets out, it will also affect the reputation of the Taifu Mansion.

Shopkeeper Wang, who consciously learned the truth, was ecstatic.

He thought he met just a doorman, but he didn't expect even the Bai family to come.

Isn't it true that this matter was instructed by the Taifu.

"It's really an honor for a villain to meet the young master."

Shopkeeper Wang's attitude instantly became more respectful, and even his title changed.

Gu Nanyan hummed lightly, without raising her eyelids, her expression was rather haughty.

Shopkeeper Wang didn't care at all, but felt more at ease.

Cheerfully raised his glass and toasted Li Yi.

The other party was so close to this young master, presumably his status beside the Taifu was not low, shopkeeper Wang became more and more respectful.

I am also very happy in my heart.

This is a great achievement.

Those who do what they do do not know what will happen tomorrow, and they may be arrested someday.

Lord Jin has always wanted to find a backer, and when he learned that the county magistrate of Mingshan County was from the Su family in the capital, he visited many times.

However, the other party is a stickler, no matter how many benefits he promises, he is still unmoved.

Instead, people began to secretly check them.

The so-called strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snake, if they still want to hang around in Mingshan, they can only restrain themselves temporarily.

So much less income.

It would be fine if Su Wenfeng was an ordinary county magistrate, no matter how intimidating or intimidating, he would always let him go.

But behind him is the Su family, and behind the Su family is General Pingnan's mansion.

Behind General Pingnan's Mansion is Cui Guifei.

If you make him anxious, it will be a hornet's nest.

Jin Yechou's hair was turning gray, but he couldn't find a way to solve it.

I am considering whether to leave Mingshan City.

But God opened his eyes and let him meet a nobleman!

Shopkeeper Wang was delighted in his heart, if he could really climb up to Taifu's mansion, he, a great hero, would certainly benefit from it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still.

When the fruit wine was served, he took the opportunity to urinate and ran to report the news.

The woman who accompanied the wine was still there, so even though shopkeeper Wang left, Li Yi and Gu Nanyan didn't say anything to expose their identities.

That woman is the red card girl in the building, and she was originally recruited by shopkeeper Wang to serve Li Yi.

However, Li Yi was serious about her, and he didn't even drink the wine she poured.

A face is as cold as winter ice, freezing a person to death.

Shopkeeper Wang saw that he was not happy, so he called the woman to serve him.

The woman is also sensible and has never been entangled.

At this time, he just poured a glass of fruit wine for Gu Nanyan, and sat obediently with his eyes downcast.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan took a sip, without showing any disgust, but smiled at her, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then glanced at her cautiously.

Although the young master is young, he looks handsome.

Hong Shao sat up straight and poured her another glass of wine.

"Too much alcohol hurts your body. You need something to eat to fill your stomach. My servant will fetch it for you."

Gu Nanyan looked down.

There were only a few plates of snacks like peanuts on the table, which really didn't suit her taste.

So he nodded and said, "Then there will be Miss Lao."

After finishing speaking, he took out a piece of broken silver from the pouch at his waist, thought for a while and replaced it with a silver ingot and handed it to her.

"Two plates of pastries and two plates of side dishes, thank you."

Gu Nanyan's tone was very polite, as if he didn't know the other party's identity.

The red sweet potato took it in a daze.

My mother said early in the morning that the account of this house is on the owner's head, so she should take good care of it.

The silver ingot was obviously a tip for her.

This is 20 taels.

Although she is one of the red cards, she is not as famous as Fu Rong, and the circumstances of the two are very different.

20 taels of silver, I don't know how much wine I have to drink with the guests to earn it.

Moreover, this young man looks like a dude, but he looks at her with clear eyes, without any blasphemy.

Even the words thank you are very sincere.

Hong Shao blushed and put the silver into her sleeve.

"Young master killed the slave family, please wait a moment, the slave family will go and have a look."

After all, Fu went down.

After leaving the door, he told the boy waiting at the door Gu Nanyan's instructions, and the boy hurried to the kitchen.

Hong Shao stood at the door for a while, looking down at her clothes.

After a while, he sighed, and went back to the room to change into a more conservative one.

Although she is a girl from Louzi, she also wants to save some dignity for herself when people give her face.


Shopkeeper Wang came back more than a quarter of an hour later, followed by another person.

This person is about 41 or [-] years old, with a slightly square face and blunt facial features, looking a little serious.

He was tall and thin, wearing a caramel-colored brocade robe embroidered with gold patterns, and on his hand was a jade wrench inlaid with gold rims.

He also wore a golden crown on his head, and his whole body was shining with gold, for fear that others would not know his identity.

"This must be Shopkeeper Jin." Li Yi said with the corner of his mouth hooked.

Although the tone was gentle, there was no intention of getting up to say hello.

Gu Nanyan was even more steady, grabbed a piece of snack and ate it sweetly, and at the same time did not forget to smile at the sweet potato opposite.

Hong Shao pursed her lips, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she got up to give up her seat to someone.

Seeing the gestures of these two people, the shopkeeper Jin narrowed his eyes like a torch, but he smiled instantly, and took the lead in cupping his hands and said: "Brother Li has good eyesight, and this is Jin."

After he finished speaking, he walked across the table and sat down cross-legged.

Shopkeeper Wang took a step behind and sat next to him.

"I had some things to do just now, but I made Brother Li wait for a long time. Jin punished himself with a drink." He motioned to Hongshui to pour him a drink, and then he gulped down.

"Master Jin is serious, it's Li who is bothering you." Li Yi also picked up the wine cup and drank.

Master Jin chuckled: "Brother Li, don't say that, you are a distinguished guest, someone Jin should have been a landlord long ago, but..."

He seemed to be helplessly sighing: "You also know that those in our line of work can't see the light, so it's better to be careful."

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan didn't seem to notice it, and was eating by herself.

She was still crooked, with one leg crossed, the other standing upright, with her arms resting on top,
Sitting posture... indescribable.

Even so, the demeanor of the whole body is still extraordinary.

"This is my cousin at home. I'm used to being unruly. Don't take offense to Mrs. Jin." Li Yi picked up a fried small yellow croaker for her, and his wide sleeves just covered Gu Nanyan.

Having said that, the tone is very doting.

Jin Ye looked back and gave a curious oh.

"Brother Li's cousin's surname is Bai?"

The two don't look like they have a superior-subordinate relationship.

If it's true what Shopkeeper Wang said, isn't Brother Li also a relative of the Bai family?

It's just a member of the Bai family, what are you doing here?
He couldn't have come here on purpose.

There are also Qi's goods near the capital, so why go so far.

As if seeing Master Jin's suspicion, Li Yi's expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "I was entrusted by someone, and I heard that there are many rare things in Mingshan, so I came to have a look, and bought some by the way, and brought them back to Beijing for sale."

He paused, and said with a wry smile: "Who knows that these things are in short supply. Li has only received a few pieces since he came here for nearly a month, and he won't make much money when he brings them back. He is really ashamed of the elder's entrustment."

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