The farmer has a mall

Chapter 464 Meeting Li Kangran Again


Jin Ye's eyes flashed.

At the beginning, he called himself a guest of the Bai family. Is this a disguised admission of his relationship with the Bai family?

Jin Ye naturally wouldn't believe him so easily.

Changing the subject: "Brother Li, are you talking about the things sold by the princess?"

Without waiting for Li Yi's answer, he nodded: "It's really not easy to change, but the Grand Tutor and the old man of the Su family are officials in the same dynasty. Wouldn't it be much easier to ask the magistrate of Su for help?"

"Don't mention it, Mr. Su is an upright and honest official. He only said that he would recommend the princess for me, but he didn't mention anything else." Li Yi said in frustration.

There was a strong sarcasm in his tone.

"Then you can see the princess?"

"No." Li Yi's face became even more ugly.

Master Jin understood that although Su Wenfeng belonged to the Su family, he was only a county magistrate here, and he didn't just meet the dignified princess, let alone introduce others.

"Since brother Li came here for those things, why did he find Jin to do business?"

This is what Jin Ye really doubts.

Collusion between officials and businessmen has been common since ancient times, but few officials intervene, at most accepting bribes for convenience.

What is the status of the Tai Tuo, and he can't do anything, so how can he take such a risk and intervene in the private salt business.

If someone finds out, not only will the official position be lost, but decades of reputation will also be destroyed.

It's not like a sensible person can do it.

Thinking of this, Jin Ye narrowed his eyes again, and clenched his fists under the table, as if he would take down the two facing him at any moment.

Li Yi noticed his defense, but pretended he didn't see it.

He sighed: "When the child grows up, the elders always need to plan more. However, the elders in the family think that they are proud of their literati and treat money like dirt. They haven't accumulated much money for many years. Now it's time to use the money. I regret it."

"It's a pity that it's too late. How much money can you make in an aboveboard business?"

After his words, Master Jin immediately thought of the White Queen and the little prince in the palace.

The little prince is already nine years old, and at the age of accumulating strength for himself, if he doesn't have money to back him up, he may not be able to take a single step.

Selling private salt is indeed quick money.

In this way, in order to pave the way for his grandson, it is normal to take a risk.

Jin Ye suddenly realized, and the original suspicion finally dissipated a little.

He didn't continue to ask, and he had to check other things by himself.

He looked up at Gu Nanyan who had been silent all this time, and then at Li Yi.

No matter what, if you are not sure whether the two are liars, you still have to entertain them well.

Thinking of what Shopkeeper Wang said, this Master Li doesn't like the approach of the sweet potato, so Mr. Jin pondered for a moment, then lowered his head and whispered to the sweet potato.

Hong Shao raised her head in surprise, glanced at Gu Nanyan, pursed her lips and got up, and gave a few orders outside.

About two quarters of an hour later, there were footsteps outside the door.

The heavily made-up bustard, wearing a bright red dress, was smiling all over her face, and pushed open the door with her plump buttocks twisted.

"Oh, Lord Jin, you've made an appearance, and the girls are always thinking about you." Seeing Lord Jin's eyes light up, the old bustard leaned over obsequiously, and kept sticking to him.

The old bustard is not young, since he managed the Cuixiang Building, he has not paid attention to maintenance.

Therefore, although he is one or two years younger than Master Jin, he looks much older than him.

The figure is also overly plump, but the red dress on her body is still slim, with strips of fat sticking out.

The powder on the face was also applied so thickly that it fell down with a smile, and cracks could still be seen faintly.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I advise you to scrape the upper layer of putty and try again.

Anyway, it is not easy to lose powder.

The corner of Jin Ye's mouth twitched, and he brushed her away in disgust, but did not reprimand her.

"With this thought, let them serve the guests well and talk about what I do."

He glanced at the woman in white behind the old bustard, and started to chase people away: "Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can go out and do some work, sir, there is still business here."

The old bustard pouted, and moved his body away from Master Jin.

If there is something serious, we must discuss it in the building.

Not here for drinking and merrymaking.

The old bustard didn't seem to be afraid of him, instead he snorted and said to the woman in white behind him, "Take care of me well."

After that, he shook his handkerchief and walked out.

When passing by Gu Nanyan, seeing her tender face, her eyes suddenly glowed green.

However, since the other party was an honored guest of Lord Jin, she didn't dare to do anything, she just winked at Gu Nanyan.

The powder on the face fell off again, and it fell on Gu Nanyan's face.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Advise you to be kind.


The woman in white was half-hanging her head, her white neck drawing a graceful arc.

Her face was covered with white gauze, she walked slowly to the table, straightened her back and bowed her knees to salute.

"Little girl Fu Rong has met several masters."

Her voice was gentle and gentle, but her tone was flat, like an emotionless doll.

But Gu Nanyan could hear a tinge of sadness, faintly...familiar?

She looked up, but the other party's face was covered in shadow, so she couldn't see clearly.

"Haha, good, you really deserve the number one card in Cuixiang Building, go and sit next to Brother Li, this is my distinguished guest, you have to take good care of him." Jin Ye said loudly.

After finishing speaking, he said to Li Yi: "I have prepared a resting place for Brother Li, so don't leave tonight."

Li Yi frowned, before he could say his refusal, Master Jin said ambiguously: "It's the first time for Miss Fu Rong to spend the night with someone, Brother Li, don't want to hurt the beauty's heart."

"Jin Ye!" Fu Rong raised her head abruptly, her watery eyes widened in shock.

Her lips hidden under the veil squirmed for a moment, and she squeezed her sleeves tightly with her ten fingers, and said tremblingly: "It was agreed at the beginning, the little girl will not sell herself."

When Jin Ye heard this, his originally smiling face quickly sank.

One can imagine Master Jin's mood after being slapped in the face and still in front of outsiders.

The air pressure in the room was low, and because Li Yi and Gu Nanyan were present, he didn't say much.

A pair of crane eyes flashed a cold light: "Since you have signed the deed of sale, you will be a member of my Cuixiang Building." His tone was a bit cold.

"Could it be that you don't know what I do, or that Aunt Qing didn't teach you the rules!"

With a bang, the wine cup hit Furong's feet, and the splashed fragments scratched the thin fabric.

Dark red blood oozes out.

Fu Rong endured the severe pain in her ankle and remained silent.

But the stubbornness in his eyes was impossible to ignore.

Gu Nanyan and Li Yi looked at each other with serious expressions.

Although the girl was covered with a veil, the veil was as thin as a cicada's wing and could not hide her appearance at all.

The moment she raised her head, the two recognized her.

The name of the Cuixiang Building, which shocked Mingshan, was actually the daughter of Prince Jing—Li Kangran!

Back then, King Jing and the Queen Mother rebelled against the palace and were sentenced to beheaded and deprived of their royal status.

The men in his family were exiled to the army, and the women were enslaved, implicating the nine clans.

It is said that on the day when the imperial decree was delivered, Princess Jing could not bear the humiliation, and committed suicide by taking poison late at night.

Her daughter, Li Kangran, survived, but was taken away by Guanya, and sold somewhere.

Li Yinian had also searched for Prince Jing's children when he was with the brothers, but there was no news of the person he sent.

Did not expect to meet here.

It's just... now is not a good time to meet each other.

Li Yi lowered his eyes, his face was a little ugly.

Gu Nanyan looked fine.

The identities of the two are fake, if they are recognized, at worst, they will be typed out, and they will not suffer anyway.

It's just that even if she subdued Jin Ye and the others, the Qi family might have taken precautions.

It will be difficult to find opportunities in the future.

Gu Nanyan looked at Li Kangran quietly.

She remembered that when Prince Jing was fiefdom, this girl didn't get along well with her.

What's more, Prince Jing's death has a lot to do with her.

Seemingly feeling her gaze, Li Kangran, who had never looked at them, followed her gaze.

Although Gu Nanyan wore male makeup, people who knew her well could still easily recognize her.

The moment the two eyes met, Li Kangran's figure froze suddenly.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

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