The farmer has a mall

Chapter 468 Don't even think about it

Li Kangran has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he has no interest in poetry and songs, and has never studied hard at all.

On the contrary, Wang Yanran, who grew up with her, became a famous talented woman in Prince Jing's fiefdom.

Therefore, when the two were brought into the Cuixiang Tower together, Qinggu originally preferred Wang Yanran.

It was Li Kangran who stood in front of her resolutely and replaced her.

Wang Yanran knew she was wrong, bit her lower lip and remained silent.

After a while, he said weakly: "I know that you have protected me since you were a child and suffered a lot for me. I am very grateful, so I asked a few more questions. You...don't be angry."

It is true, she cannot deny,

Li Kangran has a tough personality, but she has a soft and weak appearance, and she is always the one who is protected behind her.

Li Kangran heard the words but was noncommittal.

"You are afraid that I will be ransomed, and no one will be your shield." She said sharply.

It completely exposed Wang Yanran's hypocrisy.

Seeing what she wanted to say, Li Kangran waved his hands impatiently, as if he had run out of patience.

"Don't worry, even if I am redeemed, I will ask my benefactor to take you away with me." She said mockingly.

"It's all about you and my sisterhood."

Wang Yanran's eyes flickered, but she didn't make another sound.

There was a moment of silence in the house.

After drinking a cup of tea, she said slowly: "It's time to practice the piano. The piece yesterday was not suitable for you to play. I'll teach you a new one."

This time Li Kangran did not refuse, he got up and walked towards the piano stand.

Wang Yanran breathed a sigh of relief after following her, when she stopped in her tracks.

Li Kangran didn't look back, his voice was a little erratic.

"Tell me, if one day I meet an old person again, such as... Gu Nanyan, what kind of mentality should I use to face her?"

Gu Nanyan?
Why mention her so well?
Wang Yanran was a little puzzled.

Thinking about it, Mingshan is the land of Gu Nanyan, so it is not impossible to meet her.

This is because he was worried that he would be ashamed to meet Gu Nanyan in his current status.

Wang Yanran clenched her fists, thinking of Gu Nanyan with hatred.

Since Prince Jing's accident, all the people in Prince Jing's mansion have been locked up.

She heard that Prince Jing's defeat had a lot to do with Gu Nanyan.

If it wasn't for her joining forces with the Zhenbei Army, Prince Jing would have a great chance of succeeding.

Empress Dowager Shen is an old woman, what she wants to do with the throne is not to pass it on to the younger generation.

And her own son, Prince Ning, had already died in the hands of Gu Nanyan. Although Prince Jing was an adopted son, he was also the person closest to her.

Does it need to be said who the throne will fall on at that time?
When Prince Jing ascended the throne, Concubine Jing was the queen empress.

And as the niece of the Empress Empress, she grew up under her knees, and she was very favored on weekdays.

Even a princess is considered low.

However, it was because of Gu Nanyan's intervention that Prince Jing's achievements fell short.

Her dignified niece of Princess Jing also ended up in a brothel.

And Brother Yi...

Thinking of Li Yi, Wang Yanran hated him even more.

"Naturally treat him as an enemy!" She gritted her teeth.

If she is named princess, she will definitely ask her aunt to make the decision and betroth her to brother Yi.

At that time, there will be nothing to do with Gu Nanyan.

Her life, her love.

It's all in the hands of this bitch.

How can she not hate it!

"An enemy?" Li Kangran murmured in confusion.

She used to think so too.

But after this period of hard work, she is no longer the little princess who is aloof and respects herself in everything.

Only after being exposed to the rain can I better understand the feelings of those who also did not hold an umbrella.

This also allowed her to gradually learn to think from the perspective of others.

If she was Gu Nanyan, what would she do in the situation at that time?
I'm afraid they will also rise up to resist.

After all, the father and the Zhenbei General's Mansion are hostile. If the father succeeds in rebelling that day, the Gu family's fate may be even worse than that of Prince Jing's Mansion.

Li Kangran shook his head, shaking off the complicated thoughts in his mind.

She is just a little brothel girl now, even if she wants to kill Gu Nanyan to avenge her father, what can she do?
She has been unable to protect herself.


In the princess mansion, Li Yi was sitting in Gu Nanyan's yard, his body was a little stiff.

It's getting late, and the cold spring wind is still a bit cool.

He glanced at the person opposite, and his lips twitched, wanting her to go back to the room and put on some clothes.

But the moment Gu Nanyan raised his eyes, he turned his gaze away and picked up the tea cup to sip lightly.

His eyes were a little flustered.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I always feel that this guy is very guilty.

Could it be that he did something wrong behind his back?

"What are you going to do about Li Kangran?" She asked with a frown.

It stands to reason that she is not familiar with Li Kangran, and she doesn't bother to care about her.

But now that she is engaged to Li Yi after all, Li Kangran is also her... niece?
Thinking of this relationship, Gu Nanyan raised her chin, feeling a little proud.

Time flies and time flies, and she is also an aunt in a blink of an eye.

Gu Nanyan sighed maturely, if she had a beard, she might be able to stroke it.

Looking at her virtue of being a villain.

Li Yi: "...

Li Yi didn't know what she was proud of, so he murmured: "I had someone go to Guanya to look for her before, but unfortunately it was a step too late. Guanya only said that she was bought by a wealthy businessman."

He would go to Li Kangran, and he would do it casually because of the little brotherhood.

Not too persistent.

Therefore, after knowing that she had been bought, she just sighed secretly and no one continued to investigate.

However, Prince Jing's family members are dignified princesses, and they are of royal blood, so they shouldn't be sold to places like brothels.

Not only was she sold to a brothel, but she also fell into the hands of Master Jin. This matter must not be that simple.

A stern look flashed in Li Yi's eyes.

Dare to insult the blood of the royal family, which is a serious crime against the nine clans.

Most people don't have the guts to do that.

But since he encountered it, he couldn't stand by and watch.

After all, Li Kangran called him uncle.

"It depends on the situation, if there is a chance to redeem her and send her away."

Gu Nanyan glanced at him upon hearing this, and had a plan in mind.

Seeing her looking at him, Li Yi cleared his throat and stood up.

"I still have some things to do, so I'll go back first, you... rest early."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away as if fleeing.

Gu Nanyan: "..."


What to run.

How can I eat you!

Li Yi paused and said stiffly, "Is there anything else?"

Shouldn't you mention the matter of retiring with yourself?

Li Yi shook his fingertips.

I regretted that I followed him unconsciously.

"Can't I talk to you if it's okay?"

Gu Nanyan's small face was gloomy.

"Why do you keep avoiding me recently?"

She's just a little more nervous, not a fool.

Even a blind person could see Li Yi's obvious avoidance behavior.

"I'm just... busy."

What a liar!
This is Mingshan, not the capital city.

I, the landlord, are idle, you are so busy!
Gu Nanyan didn't speak, and squinted at the back of Li Yi's head, as if trying to stare him out.

Li Yi was like a light on his back, and a layer of white sweat appeared on his forehead.

I couldn't help being crushed under my feet, and I resisted the urge to run away.

After a long while, he closed his eyes and suddenly turned to face Gu Nanyan.

"You want to talk about retiring?"

Sooner or later death is death.

Extending the head is a knife and shrinking the head is also a knife.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Li Yi made countless mental preparations, and finally spoke up, deciding to show her his attitude.

Gu Nanyan was startled when he heard that.

"You want to divorce me?" she asked in surprise.

Then, thinking about Li Yi's recent actions, a thought came to his mind.

"Are you looking for a little fairy outside?" She squinted her eyes and asked in a bad tone.

She said why this dog man is so abnormal recently, the relationship is cheating!
Li Yi was dumbfounded by her question, and was still wondering what a little goblin was.

But Gu Nanyan glanced at him coolly.

The tone was cold and swishing: "Since that's the case, I won't force others to make things difficult for me. I will go to the capital to write a letter tomorrow and ask Li Mi to issue an order to withdraw..."

"Don't even think about it!"

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