The farmer has a mall

Chapter 469 and the Agreement

Li Yi gave a low drink with a livid face.

At the beginning, the marriage between the two of them was bestowed by the emperor's brother, if they want to withdraw their marriage, the emperor's brother must take back his life before it counts.

But is she so impatient to get rid of herself!
Don't even ask him what he thinks? !
Although he knew that Yan'er didn't care about this engagement, he never thought of retiring from her.

Dazed by anger, Li Yi stepped forward a few steps, and without waiting for Gu Nanyan's reaction, he pulled her into his arms.

"I'm telling you, I won't divorce you in this life. It doesn't matter if you hate me or hate me, even if you cut me into pieces, don't let me let go!"

His tone was a little gloomy, and he could faintly hear the gnashing of teeth.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Isn't that what you said about retiring?

You are still wrong.


The light saponin smell mixed with the heat of Li Yi's body, and the warm breath went straight into her nose.

Gu Nanyan: Has Lao Tzu been molested?

"You let go first."

Gu Nanyan made a living.

Did not break free.

Li Yi hugged her tightly, unmoved.

"Relax, let's talk."

Is this dog man sprinkled with ecstasy powder?

Why did she feel like her mind was going berserk?
Gu Nanyan took a deep breath.

Sure enough, the warm scent of soap locust entered her nose, making her dizzy even more.

Gu Nanyan's face turned dark.

The dog man drugged her because of lust!


It smells good.

Li Yi didn't know what Gu Nanyan had imagined, and he still hugged her persistently.

Feeling the warm and soft temperature in his arms, his restless heart seemed to be soothed for several days.

He said hoarsely: "Gu Nanyan, since you don't care about this marriage, you shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place."

"Since the day I got engaged, I have decided that no matter what happens in the future, I will never let you go, even if you have no feelings for me, even if you meet someone you like one day."

Li Yi gritted his teeth again, and said viciously: "I would rather torture each other with you for the rest of my life than let you go."

This was the first time that Li Yi was so strong in front of her.

Gu Nanyan was stunned.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she could hear a deep sense of sorrow in such overbearing words.

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes, and slowly let go of her ready-to-go fist.

In the early morning of the second day, Li Yi unexpectedly appeared at the dinner table, and silently accompanied Gu Nanyan to finish breakfast.

After what happened yesterday, he seemed a little embarrassed, he kept his head down and didn't dare to look at her.

Gu Nanyan was fine, the meal was delicious.

Seeing her heartless appearance, Li Yi heaved a sigh of relief and felt a little sad at the same time.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and Li Yi left in a hurry after breakfast.

At noon, he came again.

Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, but ordered Brown Tang to add two dishes.

The two finished their meal in silence again.

This continued for several days.

Li Yi used it in the morning, afternoon and evening, plus supper, all in her yard.

Gu Nanyan has no shortage of food for this.

But he didn't say a word in the past few days, and he showed up at the meal time and left after eating.

Really a bit of a dog.

Although I often bring some rare ingredients over.

Gu Nanyan was speechless, wanting to say something, every time before opening his mouth, Li Yi seemed to have a sixth sense, running faster than a rabbit.

So, on a dark and windy night.

Gu Nanyan finally...

Drugged him.

Li Yi, who was weak and collapsed on the ground: "..."

If he was a prince who grew up in the palace, he was obsessed with drugs and poisons, they were all must-have side dishes for every meal.

It is not so easy to bring him down with these.

However, he has been tense these days, paying attention to Gu Nanyan's every move all the time, and has long since lost his vigilance.

Coupled with the belief that she would not harm herself, there was no defense from the beginning.

Li Yi was lying on the ground, only his fingers could move.

Long Yi who came with him shrank in the corner, without the slightest sense of protecting the Lord.

In Long Yi's view, this is a flirt between the two masters.

It's all trivial matters, and he doesn't need to take action.

not to mention……

Long Yi raised his head, and secretly glanced at Yun Xi who was staring at him covetously.

I feel my body hurting again.

So Li Yi, who was still counting on him to save him, watched helplessly as his hidden guard flew out of the yard and ran away without looking back.

Before leaving, he gave him an encouraging look.

Li Yi: "..."

Gu Nanyan squatted beside Li Yi who could not move, very satisfied with the effect of the medicine.

It is worthy of being produced by the system, and it is indeed a must-have for going out at home to rob houses.

She got up with a smirk, and ordered Yunchu and Yunxi to tie him to the stool.

Samples can't cure you.

If you have the ability, keep running!

Li Yi: "..."

You don't need to tie it.

What hatred and what resentment.

After a cup of tea, the old god Gu Nanyan sat opposite him.

He squinted and said, "Do you know why you were tied up?"

Li Yi: "..."

do not know.

At this moment, Li Yi struggled to move his lips, unable to utter a single word.

Gu Nanyan didn't need him to answer, took a dozen papers from Yunchu's hand, and threw them in front of him with a snap.

"Let's have a look, and sign if there is no problem."

Li Yi lowered his eyes and saw densely packed words written on the paper.

Xu thought of his current situation, Gu Nanyan paused, picked up the paper again, and read it to him.

After a while, Li Yi was in a daze.

Could it be that he was hallucinating?
What does it mean? After two people get married, the decision-making in the family is jointly decided by both parties. If there is a disagreement, the woman shall prevail.

What if one party cheats, the other party has the right to propose a divorce, and all the property of the two people belongs to the latter.

In addition, after getting married, the man must not use violence against the woman, otherwise the woman has the right to use violence to control violence, and the man will bear any consequences and propose a divorce.

Moreover, the woman has no desire to have children before she reaches the age of 20. If the man takes this as a reason to take a concubine, the woman has the right to take back the tools used by the man to commit crimes and propose a divorce at the same time.

Finally, the final interpretation of this agreement belongs to the woman. If you are not satisfied, please refer to the first article.

Li Yi: "..."

In fact, he has no opinion on these at all.

He had never planned to take a concubine, nor had he ever thought about making decisions for Yan'er.

It is even more impossible to fight her.

As for whether to have children or not, that doesn't matter.

Thank goodness she was married to him.

However, if you heard correctly, this thing should be a Heli book, right?
They haven't even gotten married yet, Yan'er and Li Shu have even gotten together?

Li Yi felt a little stuck, and felt that Gu Nanyan didn't want to marry him.

But then I thought about it, if we don't get married, what's the use of Li Shu!

So Yan'er isn't planning on retiring?

The surprise came too fast, making Li Yi dizzy.

Under Gu Nanyan's gesture, Yunxi untied Li Yi's restraints.

Li Yi signed the agreement in a daze.

And then... no more.

Gu Nanyan quickly drove him out of the yard, and went back to the house to wash and go to bed.

With Long Yi's support, Li Yi stood on the spot for half an hour.

It wasn't until the candles in Gu Nan's smoke house went out that he walked back unsteadily.

"Long Yi, this king's heart beats so fast." He murmured while clutching his chest, his expression was like a dream.

"Is this the feeling of being in love with each other?"

Long Yi: "..."

I don't know if it's love or not.

But is there a possibility that the drug effect in your body has occurred?

Now that he knew that Li Yi wanted to redeem Li Kangran, Gu Nanyan ran to Cuixiang Tower every day.

When Master Jin knew about it, he just smiled and occasionally showed up to exchange greetings with her.

Since Li Yi had already greeted Bai Taifu, when Lord Jin's people inquired about the past, the man who was bribed was actually a servant arranged by Bai Taifu, and he did not deny it.

Of course, in order to prevent any flaws from being exposed, I didn't say much, I just asked the person who came to take good care of those two.

For those who inquired about the news, this was the acknowledgment of the identities of "Master Li" and "Little Master Bai".

He sent the news to Lord Jin.

So the cargo that was promised to Li Yi was finally fulfilled.

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