The farmer has a mall

Chapter 470 Wang Yanran's Thoughts

Lord Jin told Li Yi the time to pick up the goods, and Li Yi immediately asked to redeem Li Kangran's body.

How could Master Jin agree, he still counted on Li Kangran to coax Gu Nanyan well, so that he could stand more firmly on the boat of Taifu.

He used Cuixianglou as an excuse.

To say that Cuixianglou is separated from Furong girl is like smashing the signboard, and the business will definitely plummet.

Cuixianglou cannot do without Furong.

This is a polite refusal.

But when Gu Xiaowan knew about it, he immediately made a decision to buy Cuixiang Tower together.

No matter the cost!

Let him make an offer.

She was completely outraged by her confidante, and she spent a lot of money.

Jin Ye: "..."

What kind of evil did the Taifu's mansion do?

Mrs. Bai tried every means to make money, even the most taboo private salt.

But his great-grandson spared no effort to hold him back.

With such an heir, the Bai family's ancestral grave is probably full of smoke!
He didn't want to agree, but it was hard to refuse, for fear of offending this little dude.

So he asked Gu Nanyan to give him a few days to think about it.

Gu Nanyan readily agreed.

I still go to Cuixianglou every day to be romantic and happy.

For Gu Nanyan who came to her every day, Li Kangran was both happy and angry.

Happily, she no longer has to bow down to a bunch of stinky men and force a smile.

You don't have to worry about your innocence all the time.

This undoubtedly relieved her.

Angry, this dead girl is clearly here to find fault!

It's not that she thinks the music she plays is bad, or that she doesn't serve her wholeheartedly enough.

She blamed her for not picking the seeds for eating grapes.

The temperature of drinking water is not right, it is either cold or hot.

Squeeze the waist, beat the back and rub the legs, there are many tricks.

After a few days, Li Kangran was stunned by all the people she tormented.

Several times he was so angry that he almost smashed the piano on her head.

She went out every day angrily, and came back listlessly, looking extremely tired, and fell asleep.

Sometimes I fell asleep without even removing my makeup.

In this case, there was no time to think about it, but he was more energetic than usual.

Wang Yanran had noticed it a long time ago, and she wanted to see that young master Bai, so that she could hold her eyes for her.

After all, the news that Mr. Bai was going to redeem himself for Fu Rong had already spread among the girls.

Although she had never met him, it was obvious to all that Master Jin attached great importance to him.

Almost everyone believed that Fu Rong would be a concubine for Young Master Bai in the future.

Wang Yanran felt that, as a cousin, she had the responsibility to help her cousin try him out.

After all, they are sisters, if she becomes a concubine in a noble family, she will follow her too.


Wang Yanran pursed her lips, her cheeks flushed.

Her thoughts are deep, and she speaks softly all day long, so others don't know what she is thinking.

But Li Kangran, who grew up with her, couldn't see it.

So when Wang Yanran worriedly proposed to go with her to serve in order to reduce her burden, she was flatly rejected by Li Kangran.

"Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, but you just want to use me as a stepping stone to climb the ladder, and borrow me to cross the bridge to catch up with the young master and become the concubine of that rich family." Li Kangran looked at her coldly.

"I'll tell you clearly today, don't even think about it."

"Don't talk about whether the young master will redeem me, even if she is really kind, I will not stay by his side as a concubine, let alone you."

The identity of the dead girl is fake at all, it's good if she doesn't get exposed, and you still expect her to redeem herself?

Even if he redeemed himself, he could not be a concubine to a woman.


Regardless of whether Gu Nanyan is a man or a woman, she never thought about being a concubine.

Wang Yanran's face turned pale upon hearing this.

"Is this how my cousin treats me? I'm just afraid that you will be cheated, and I want to see what kind of person that young man is."

"No need, no matter what kind of person she is, it's none of your business. She's just a guest in a brothel, and I'm just a plaything she bought with money."

Li Kangran's face was cold, and what he said didn't save himself any face.

He wanted to put an end to Wang Yanran's petty thoughts.

She herself can recognize Gu Nanyan at a glance, and Wang Yanran has a good brain since she was a child, so she must be able to recognize him too.

Li Kangran is very clear about the temperament of this cousin.

To avoid causing trouble, it is better to separate these two people.

Moreover, Gu Nanyan is very stingy, and never waited to see Wang Yanran before.

If the two meet, it will make her unhappy.

At that time, I still don't know how to toss myself.

Thinking of being eaten to death by that girl, Li Kangran's face darkened.

Frustrated, he threw the hairpin in his hand heavily on the dressing table.

Wang Yanran was taken aback by her action, her eyes turned red with grievance: "Is my cousin losing her temper with me?"

She said with a choked voice: "These days you and I depend on each other for life, it's really not easy to come all the way to the present, and now it's finally come to an end, if you don't follow Young Master Bai, don't you want to stay in this dirty place?"

"I know my cousin is arrogant, and she used to be a princess, and she disdains being a concubine, but you have been in a brothel after all, which good family will marry you as a wife."

She acted like I was doing it for your own good, but every word she said pierced her heart.

Li Kangran's complexion became even darker, he stared at her for a while, then suddenly sneered.

"My cousin is wrong. In comparison, your situation is probably worse than mine."

Facing the puzzled eyes of the other party, Li Kangran said calmly: "I am the top card in Cuixiang Building, there will always be those blind people who are willing to spend all their money to marry me, but you are different."

She hooked the corners of her lips mockingly: "A brothel maid who dares not even leave the door, who can get into anyone's eyes, left is nothing more than hiding her name in the future and marrying a country mud leg."

The woman wore a veil in the house.

Do not leave the gate all day long.

Even if Aunt Qing asked her to be her maidservant and serve her personally, she never stepped out of the room.

It's not because he's afraid of being remembered for his appearance, so he won't be able to climb high in the future.

She was afraid of being ashamed, but secretly encouraged herself to cling to the powerful.

Li Kangran sneered, this is to expect her to betray her appearance, and when someone redeems her body, they will take her out of the fire pit together.


Wang Yanran was obviously annoyed by her words.

A fair face was flushed, his chest heaved violently, and even his fists were clenched.

Li Kangran was not afraid at all, quietly waiting for her to get angry.

But she endured it.

"I know you have been tossed about by guests recently, and you are not in a good mood. I don't care about you." Wang Yanran twitched the corners of her mouth and forced a smile.

"You will continue to pick up guests tomorrow, so let's rest early today."

After that, she turned around and went to the bed and began to make the bedding.

Li Kangran shrugged, this woman has always been able to bear it, and she was like this when she was in Prince Jing's mansion.

When he gets angry, he is at most as before, with a few sarcastic words that are neither yin nor yang.

If it was in the past, she would definitely be blocked.

But now.

Li Kangran felt that Gu Nanyan was worse than Wang Yanran!

When you have this heart-blocking time, you might as well think about it.

How should I deal with that damn girl tomorrow!



In a secluded house, Gu Nanyan rubbed her nose and sneezed inexplicably.

"But it's cold?" Li Yi frowned, and stepped forward to block the wind.

"I told you to wear more clothes, the early spring is very cool."

Gu Nanyan sniffed and waved his hands, indicating that he was fine.

She bent down and grabbed a handful of table salt and looked at it carefully.

The quality of private salt is slightly worse than that of official salt. Not only are the grains coarse, but there are also many impurities in it.

It's just that the price is much cheaper than official salt.

Ordinary people can't afford official salt, so they will buy this relatively cheap one.

Although the stir-fried dishes are slightly astringent, they are better than those left uncooked.

He leaned to the tip of his nose and sniffed it: "It smells like sea salt. It looks like sea salt."

The Qi family has been at sea for many years, so it is not surprising that they can make sea salt.

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