The farmer has a mall

Chapter 471 Purification of Sea Salt

After all, with today's technology, the cost of mining well salt is much higher.

But sea water is inexhaustible.

However, the taste of sea salt is astringent. If it is not refined properly, not only will it not have the effect of seasoning, but it will reduce the taste of the dishes.

They usually eat official salt, although it has a bitter taste, it is tolerable.

But these sea salts have a strong astringent smell, and the taste is probably not very good.

However, the people are greedy for its cheapness, and many people buy it.

Gu Nanyan pondered slightly.

Salt is a necessity for the common people. Not eating it is not only bad for your health, but also weak for your strength.

If you don't have strength, you can't work, and if you can't work, you can't eat.

The whole family just waited to starve to death.

But the officials and salts are in the hands of the nobles of the aristocratic family. They only want to make profits, and they don't care about the lives of the people.

After layers of exploitation, the cost will naturally be high, and not every household can afford it.

That's why there is such a thing as private salt.

As the emperor, Li Mi could only turn a blind eye.

And Li Yi's purpose this time is probably to destroy the Qi family's den in Mingshan and teach the Qi family a lesson.

In this case, these private salts will not be transported in in the future.

The use of salt by the people in the city became a problem.

People can't afford salt, Mingshan will definitely be chaotic.

Li Yi saw her worry, and comforted her: "Don't worry, there is more than one salt merchant in the Qi family in Jianan Kingdom, and we can leave it to others to do it when the time comes."

Gu Nanyan shook her head lightly.

As long as the people in Mingshan can eat salt, she doesn't care if the salt is illegal or not.

However, the refining process of salt is firmly in the hands of those dignitaries.

There are too many impurities in private salt, and the taste is not good. Sea salt like this obviously only needs to be dried once before it is sold.

I don't know how many bacteria and sandstones are in it.

Eating too much is not only not good for people, but also harmful to health.

She doesn't care about other places, but Gu Nanyan doesn't want the people of Mingshan to eat this kind of food.

The whole city is full of her strong labor force, healthy and healthy without eating, how can she have the strength to work and earn money for her, and fill the big hole in Mingshan!
"It's better for us to take over the business ourselves and build a salt farm by the sea." Gu Nanyan said lightly.

Although that fellow 888 will definitely find cheap refined salt for her.

But as the old saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Selling the salt bought in the mall is not a long-term solution.

It's not impossible to do it yourself.

Li Yi glanced at her.

"Do you need help?"

As long as it was what Yan'er wanted to do, he would support it.

Gu Nanyan looked back at him: "The salt field can't be formed in a day or two, aren't you afraid of delaying your plan?"

It is not difficult to build a saltworks, but the rare thing is that it needs to be dried and processed after it is completed. It may not be possible in two or three months.

"It's a big deal to let Master Jin jump around for a while, and he won't be able to run away."

Li Yi was very patient, and he took care of Mr. Jin because the Qi family targeted Gu Nanyan.

Now that she has other ideas, let her go first, and he will start from other aspects.

"Not at all." Gu Nanyan raised the corners of her lips, apparently in a good mood.

"If I can purify these coarse salts into fine salt and sell them at the same price in the name of the Princess Mansion, do you think people who are used to fine salt without bitter taste will buy his coarse salt?"

"Of course not." Li Yi said.

The common people are not stupid, and the same price can still tell the difference between good and bad.

"That's it. As long as no one buys Jin Ye's coarse salt, he will naturally be unable to continue this business after a long time. It can be regarded as a small lesson for the Qi family."

Gu Nanyan has always pursued that revenge must be done by himself.

This is also the reason why she wants to sell fine salt in the name of Princess Mansion.

Li Yi took action to clean up the Qi family, even if they were afraid, it was Li Yi himself who was afraid.

Her own hands are different.

As long as the Qi family feels her threat, if they want to target her in the future, they have to weigh whether they can afford the consequences.

Gu Nanyan narrowed her eyes.

It seems that she has to have a good talk with cheap father recently.

Before that thing succeeds, it's better for the Qi family to be honest.


Gu Nanyan's purification method is very simple, even without using too complicated containers.

Drying, dissolving, stewing, and crystallization, she only needs to do the last three steps.

As for drying, the most time-consuming step.

Of course it is left to the Qi family to do it.

So Li Yi ordered a few private salt boats from Lord Jin.

Of course he is happy to make money and make gold.

I didn't ask him where he bought so much and sold it.

After all, apart from Jianan Kingdom, there are also Anyang Kingdom and Daliang Kingdom, right?

With Taifu Bai's ability and status, it would not be difficult to transport the salt out.

Jin Ye is not only happy that he has made money.

He felt that he was already a grasshopper on the same boat as the Taifu's mansion. With such a big backing, would he still worry about whether he would be prosperous in the future?

So for Gu Nanyan, the little master, he became more flattering and flattering.

Remembering that she wanted to buy Cuixiang Mansion, she immediately agreed without saying a word.

On the same day, she handed over the land deed, house deed, and the girls' prostitution deeds to her.

Gu Nanyan held a box of deed papers, and gave him a look that you are a good person and will do well in the future, and the young master will not treat you badly, and wandered back to the princess mansion.

Picked out Li Kangran's body deed and handed it over to Li Yi.

What Li Yi wants to do afterwards is his business.

On the private salt side, in order to close the relationship with the Taifu's mansion, the price given by Master Jin is indeed not high.

In addition, salt is huge profits, Gu Nanyan calculated, even if the amount of salt will be much less after purification, she still makes some money.

She first rented a large yard and hired a few people to purify the salt according to the method she said.

Then they asked people to find a suitable place by the sea to build a saltworks.

on both sides simultaneously.

The operation of fine salt is simple and there is nothing difficult to understand.

The workers invited were all hard-working, so when everyone was still unskilled the next day, several barrels of small crystals had been extracted.

These small crystals are fine salt.

The fine salt is as white as snow and as fine as sand, which is much better than the salt on the market.

Even if the official salt is put together with these, it looks dull and rough.

Although it is still insufficient compared with modern refined salt, it is already very good in this era.

After a few days of proficiency, the speed of the workers gradually increased.

Seeing that the quantity was almost the same, Gu Nanyan found the largest seasoning shops in the city and sold the salt to them.

These seasoning shops sell official salt on the surface, but they also inevitably sell some private salt in private.

Gu Nanyan asked them to sell their fine salt on the bright side.

The owners of several seasoning shops looked at each other and agreed without much hesitation.

They dare not answer.

The so-called sky is high and the emperor is far away, no matter how powerful the emperor is, he is not the one who controls their fate in Mingshan.

This is the reason why the county magistrate is not as good as the current one.

They wanted to pretend to be struggling, to show that they were good citizens and would not do illegal things like selling illegal salt.

But they dare not.

Before she could say the refusal, Gu Nanyan stared back with a cold stare.

Those eyes were so cold that it made people feel like falling into an ice cave.

What kind of temperament their city lord is, I am afraid that the entire Jianan Kingdom does not know.

Coupled with the little black book that was photographed on the face, it clearly recorded their private transaction with Master Jin.

How many people dare to continue pretending.

What's more, the salt that Gu Nanyan handed over is not only of high quality, better than the official salt, but also cheaper, only half of the official salt.

It is even a few pennies lower than the price of private salt.

Such a good thing, many people rush to get it.

They would be foolish to disagree.

Several shrewd bosses left in a hurry.

There are distributors, and the salt field is also in full swing.

Gu Nanyan had nothing to do, so he wanted to talk to Gu Shen about the future prospects of the Navy.

Unexpectedly, before she stepped out of the courtyard, Yun Chu, who was dressed in men's clothes, stopped her.

"Master, something happened at Cuixiang Tower."

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