The farmer has a mall

Chapter 472 The Peony Girl

Ever since Gu Nanyan took over Cuixianglou, she asked Yunchu to pretend to be the steward next to her and watch over her for the time being.

Yun Chu is careful and good at watching people's hearts.

Let her go there to see the character of the girls in the building.

The purpose of buying Cuixiang Building was originally to redeem Li Kangran's life, but she didn't plan to continue this business.

But if they graduate, the arrangement of the girls in the building will become a big problem.

In ancient society, if these girls did not have special skills, it would not be so easy for them to be good.

Yunchu has no experience in business.

Therefore, most of the weekdays they quietly followed Qing Gu, observing every move of the girl in the building.

Never point fingers at Cuixianglou.

Qing Gu is very satisfied with the new owner, and she is happy to sell her personal favors, and cooperate with her to familiarize herself with the personnel in the building.

Cuixiang Building is closed during the day, so Yunchu will not go there until after noon every day.

"My maidservant just entered the Cuixiang Tower today, when I heard that Miss Furong had a quarrel with someone, and during the quarrel, she accidentally kicked her foot and broke her head."

Poured a cup of tea for Gu Nanyan, and Yunchu stood by the side, quietly waiting for the master to ask questions.

Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing this: "Li Kangran is still in Cuixiang Tower?"

Ever since she handed over her deed of sale to Li Yi, she hadn't been to Cuixiang Tower, so she thought she had left long ago.

After all, Cuixiang Tower is not a good place for women.

A royal princess like Li Kangran, who was once aloof, has no reason not to run away now that he is free.

Unexpectedly, after so many days, she still hasn't left.

"Yes, Miss Furong didn't know why, although she didn't pick up any more guests, she didn't leave in a hurry."

Fu Rong is the daughter of King Jing, and Yun Chu also knows about it.

Although she has been deprived of the title of princess, because of the master's attitude, Yunchu felt that it was inconvenient for her to intervene as a servant.

Only if she has other plans.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened today.

As if feeling that he didn't value Cuixianglou, Yunchu bowed his head in shame and remained silent.

Gu Nanyan didn't think she was wrong.

She didn't let Yun Chu go there for her to manage.

She pondered for a moment and asked, "Is the injury serious?"

Yun Chu replied: "Qing Gu sent her to the medical hall, and the servants just went to see her. The doctor said that she had vomited once after waking up. The wound was not deep, but the wound was on the forehead. I'm afraid it will leave a scar."

Looks like a slight concussion.

Gu Nanyan sighed, but was not in a hurry to see her.

"You know who she got into a dispute with."

"It's Miss Peony from Cuixiang Tower." After finishing speaking, she paused, "I heard that she used to be Miss Furong's personal servant girl. , in order to make her the top card and take Miss Furong's place."

"Peony girl?" Gu Nanyan was stunned, and looked at the box in the corner that contained the deed.

Then he sneered.

"Changing clothes for Ben Gong. Since Cuixiang Building wants to support people, my boss should also support people."


She had already looked through the box of deeds given to her by Master Jin.

It was known early in the morning that Wang Yanran was also in the building.

She also asked Li Yi if she wanted to redeem Wang Yanran.

Li Yi frowned and thought for a while before he suddenly remembered who Wang Yanran was.

At the same time, he asked her inexplicably why she wanted to redeem Wang Yanran. He remembered that the relationship between that woman and his family Yan'er was not good.

Gu Nanyan was at a loss for words when asked.

Seeing that he really had no intention of redeeming Wang Yanran, he didn't say anything.

He only silently took back one of the two body deeds that were handed to him.

After that, he put this matter behind him and went to work on Haiyan.

At this time, outside the gate of Cuixiang Tower.

Li Kangran's head was wrapped in a white cloth strip, with faint blood stains on it, and he stared at the woman in pink standing on the steps with resentment.

The woman in pink was about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Wearing a gorgeous long skirt with peony sleeves, peony silk flowers of the same color on her head, and jingle bells around her ring.

He looked back at Li Kangran condescendingly.

There is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Behind her stood several coolly dressed women.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Wang Yanran raised her hand to support the silk flower on her head, and said leisurely.

"Since Young Master Bai has already redeemed his sister, she can just leave. Why did she come back again? Could it be that she is reluctant to part with us sisters?"

She glanced at Li Kangran lightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"But since my sister is no longer from Cuixiang Building, this threshold is not something you can enter just by saying it, unless..."

Wang Yanran covered her lips and smiled: "Unless my younger sister sells herself and enters my Cuixiang Tower, I can ask Qing Gu for you and keep you by my side as a personal servant?"

Li Kangran's face was livid with anger, and he didn't want to have a verbal argument with her.

She straightened her arms neatly, spread out a white hand and said, "Give me back my things."

That day her body deed was given to her by Long Yi, her Nine Emperor Uncle did not show up.

She wanted to thank her, but Long Yi told her that the body deed was given by Gu Nanyan.

And in order to redeem her, he bought the entire Cuixiang Tower, which cost tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Tens of thousands of taels of silver was not a small sum when she was the princess, let alone her current situation.

Li Kangran thought he couldn't afford this favor.

Although she knew that Gu Nanyan would do this, it was probably because of her uncle Jiuhuang's face, but she didn't want to just pat her butt and leave.

He thought about staying a few more days, and when he saw Gu Nanyan, he could at least thank her.

By the way, he wanted to use the money he had saved these days to redeem Wang Yanran's body deed.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for nearly ten days, instead of waiting for Gu Nanyan, Wang Yanran's betrayal came instead.

Wang Yanran didn't know what she said to Qinggu, who originally told her to stay at ease, but Qinggu told her with a complicated expression on her face before leaving after finding a place to stay.

Her room was requisitioned by Peony girl.

After speaking, ignoring her shocked expression, she turned and left.

Before she could remember which peony it was, Wang Yanran led someone to drive her out of the house.

He also told her arrogantly that this room was prepared for the oiran girl in the building.

And she, Wang Yanran, is the next oiran to take over Fu Rong's position.

Regarding the fact that Wang Yanran, who had always been timid and afraid to show her true colors, became the most admired girl in the building.

Although Li Kangran was surprised, he was not surprised.

It's just a room, if it wasn't for waiting for Gu Nanyan, she would have moved out a long time ago.

After staring at Wang Yanran complicatedly, Li Kangran wanted to enter the house and take away the salute he had packed earlier in the morning.

She only packed a few ordinary clothes, her body deed and the money given to her by Uncle Nine Emperors.

As for the gold and silver jewelry I earned as an oiran recently.

She originally wanted to use it to redeem Wang Yanran.

Now it seems that she doesn't need to meddle in her own business.

Even so, she didn't want to take those jewelry away.

Those things represented her bad past, and she just wanted to go clean.

Unfortunately, Wang Yanran did not want to fulfill her wish.

On the grounds that everything in the house belongs to Cuixianglou, he refused to return the salute to her.

Including her body deed.

With a body contract, even if she leaves the city and goes to another country, as long as Wang Yanran is willing, she can still report to the officials and have her brought back as a fugitive slave.

Li Kangran regretted so much at this time that he didn't tear up the body deed on the spot when he received it.

However, it is too late to regret.

She argued hard, trying to get her body back.

But during the dispute, Wang Yanran pushed her and knocked her head.

Passed out on the spot.

When he woke up again, he was in the hospital.

Li Kangran couldn't trust this cousin, and he had a hunch that she would use his identity to make trouble.

So regardless of the doctor's instructions, he forced his dizzy head to come to the gate of Cuixiang Building again.

I want to find Qinggu to be the master for myself.

Qing Gu hadn't shown up before, but now she appeared.

However, he and Wang Yanran blocked her at the door.

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