The farmer has a mall

Chapter 474 Who Is Your Master

Li Kangran's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

She actually knew Gu Nanyan's identity!
I was already careful enough to guard against her, why did she still know!
No wonder.

No wonder she had a meaningful tone every time she mentioned young master Bai.

Li Kangran's heart was beating wildly, and his mind was in chaos.

The only thought was not to let her tell the story.

But she has no power and power now, how can I stop her?
Li Kangran thought of Aunt Qing, and looked sideways at her for help.

Unexpectedly, Qinggu, who took good care of her on weekdays, just looked at her with complicated eyes.

He pursed his lips and lowered his head.

"Qinggu, help me." Li Kangran didn't want to give up, and stared at her persistently.

A pair of eyes are red.

Qing Gu moved the corners of her mouth and sighed helplessly after a while.

"Fu Rong, it's not that Aunt Qing doesn't want to help you, the master has orders, and I can only follow orders."

She turned her face away, and shook her head with a dull expression: "Listen to Aunt Qing's persuasion, you can go now, the matter of the body contract... don't mention it again."

Seeing Li Kangran's unbelievable appearance, Qing Gu's heart was heavy.

She also wanted to help this girl, but...

Qing Gu looked at Wang Yanran.

This woman didn't know what she had said to Lord Jin, and Lord Jin personally ordered to take care of her, so what could he do?
She knew exactly what kind of person Jin Ye was, even if she included herself in it, she probably wouldn't be able to help Fu Rong.

Wang Yanran smiled triumphantly, raised her hand to pat Li Kangran's pale face, and wanted to say a few more humiliating words.

But a cold female voice sounded faintly.

"Who is your master?"


Gu Nanyan was dressed in a neutral dress and restored her original appearance. Guarded by a group of soldiers, she approached slowly in a sedan chair.

The sedan chair was extremely large, with a golden canopy above it, it was not an ordinary sedan chair at first glance.

The golden color is reserved for the emperor.

The emperor was expelled from the golden sedan chair, and only the empress and the princess crowned with the word "emperor" could take it.

Wang Yanran's face froze with pride, and her complexion instantly turned livid.

She... why did she come here!

And didn't she want to hide her identity? Why did she come here in such a big way!

Wang Yanran felt uneasy in her heart.

Gu Nanyan swept past her, completely ignoring her existence.

Frowning, she said to Li Kangran in front of her, "Didn't I tell you to pack up and go back to the Princess Mansion, what are you talking about here?"

Weak chicken.

So horizontal in front of her.

In the end, even this little girl like Wang Yanran couldn't deal with it.

What's the use of you!
Li Kangran came back to his senses in a daze, the red on his forehead was very glaring.

She stared at Gu Nanyan for a while.

Eye sockets suddenly turned red, and tears fell down.

It was as if a child who had been bullied saw an adult at home, looking at her aggrievedly.

" did you come here?"

She has been waiting here for several days, what the hell is this damn girl doing!
Seeing Gu Nanyan, Li Kangran didn't know why, the grievances of many days poured out in an instant, he stood there sobbing, and wept silently with the corners of his mouth curled up.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I owe you!

I have returned the deed of prostitution to you, and I have to give you a ride!
Seeing her grieving woman's expression and Gu Nanyan's solemn face, she couldn't help but twitch.

"Come here soon!"

I have to let her go down and ask her what to do.

Li Kangran sniffed, glared at her full of resentment, and moved over obediently.

Too lazy to watch this guy cry and mourn, Gu Nanyan cleared his throat and looked at Qinggu who was stunned.

His expression became serious again.

"Answer my question."

Qing Gu tremblingly said, "Wh, what's the problem?"

My lord, isn't this young master Bai?
How did this become a woman!

And looking at this posture, is this...

Qing Gu shivered even more when she thought of the portrait of the door god pasted in her yard.

Finished calf.

She thought that she had seen countless young girls, but she stumbled here!
Not only did he fail to see that the so-called young master Bai was a woman, he even failed to recognize the face that was almost exactly the same as the door god!

Qing Gu swallowed her saliva, and glanced at Li Kangran quietly.

So this person who came here today is for Fu Rong?
She knew Furong's identity very well.

But isn't this ancestor at odds with Prince Jing?
Qing Gu couldn't figure out the situation, her whole body trembled like chaff, even the flesh on her body trembled.

She was afraid that Lord Jin would be good.

But compare it with the one in front of you.

Jin Ye is a fart!

As long as this one opens his mouth, it's not a matter of whether or not Master Jin's life can be saved.

"I just asked you, who is your master?"

Cuixiang Tower is now hers, and this girl calls others masters in her territory, who is she looking down on? !
Hearing that she called herself Ben Gong, Qing Gu knew that she had guessed correctly.

However, there was no reward.

Her knees gave way, and she fell to her knees with a plop.

"The slave, the slave's master is naturally Her Royal Highness the Princess."

She is free and does not need to call herself a slave.

But facing Gu Nanyan's bastard... No, the word "servant" blurted out with a domineering air.

Keep your posture to a minimum.

However, Gu Nanyan did not intend to let her go.

"Oh, but I don't remember when I told you what to do."

Her eyes fell on Wang Yanran, the meaning was very obvious.

Faced with her aura, Wang Yanran trembled, and lowered her eyes subconsciously.


Qing Gu didn't know how to answer, a drop of sweat trickled down her forehead.

"It's still you who falsely passed on the will of the palace..."

"No, no servants!"

Before Gu Nanyan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Aunt Qing in a panic.

"Yes, it was Jin Ye's order... The servant girl deserves to die, please spare her life!" Qing Gu's tone trembled, regretting in her heart.

Thinking of something, she hastily pulled out a piece of paper from her sleeve.

"This servant just ignored Furong... and Miss Li, and it was for her own good. After all, Miss Mudan belonged to Lord Jin. The servant was afraid that Miss Li would suffer, so I wanted to drive her away first, and then return the stolen body. Dee gave it back to her."

She wasn't that hard-hearted person at all, but the mountain of Lord Jin was on top of her, so she had to obey.

Although he couldn't protect her on the surface, he could help her secretly in private.

She stole this body deed while Mudan was not paying attention.

Even if Mudan suspects her later, she is considered an old man beside Jin Ye.

Peony has no evidence, and she will have to rely on herself to support her in the future.

Even if you know, you can't do anything to her.

Qing Gu wiped off her sweat and touched the purse in her sleeve.

The money inside was originally put together with the body deed, and was intended to be handed over to Fu Rong, but it was difficult to take it out at this time.

Otherwise, it seems that he is deliberately trying to please.

The other girls in Cuixianglou fell to their knees when Qinggu called out the word "princess".

They looked at each other anxiously.

Especially Luqiao and the woman in yellow.

The princess was obviously protecting Furong. Although they didn't know why, they also knew that they had caused trouble.

Thinking that the culprit of all this was that bitch Mudan, the two of them gave her a hard look while no one was paying attention.

Blame her!

Furong was leaving, and they had never quarreled before.

If it wasn't for this bitch, how could he offend the princess!

Wang Yanran didn't know that she was being hated, and stared at Qinggu in disbelief, never expecting that she would betray him.

For a moment, I couldn't get back to my senses, I just stood there blankly.

It is particularly conspicuous in the crowd kneeling on the ground.

How could Yunchu allow someone to be disrespectful to his master.

Get on your feet without saying a word.

He kicked down on Wang Yanran's knee.

Wang Yanran let out an exclamation and knocked her knee hard on the ground.

"You!" She glared at Yun Chu, who walked back to Nan Yan expressionlessly.

Naturally, Wang Yanran didn't want to kneel down to Gu Nanyan.

But the situation is stronger than others. Although the fact that Gu Nanyan personally killed the Queen Mother has not spread to the public, as a member of Prince Jing's residence, Wang Yanran knows it clearly.

This woman... she dare not mess with it!

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