The farmer has a mall

Chapter 475 Li Yi's Desire to Survive

Lowering her head forbearance, Wang Yanran bit her lower lip, with resentment flashing across her eyes.

Gu Nanyan glanced at her with interest.


I just like the way you can't understand me and can't kill me!
It's really pleasing to the eye, makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally, and can't stop.

Li Kangran thanked him with red eyes after receiving the contract of sale from Aunt Qing.

Then he tore up the body contract without hesitation, and gave Wang Yanran a face.

She did what she had to do, and just a little bit more.

From now on, she, Li Kangran, has nothing to do with this woman.

Even if she died in front of her, she would have no mercy.

Don't blame her for being cruel, she knows Wang Yanran's heart very well.

If her body deed falls into her hands, it will never be as simple as making her a slave.

This woman has always been extremely vindictive and will do anything to achieve her goals.

Just like the personal maid who had served her since she was a child, but accidentally broke a hairpin, and was found dead on the lake the next day.

There are some things that Wang Yanran thought she did to hide, but she couldn't hide it from herself who was with her all day long.

Li Kangran took a deep look at her: " can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, she turned around without hesitation, and returned to Gu Nanyan like a bird returning to its nest.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking at her, Li Kangran snorted arrogantly, and moved towards her again.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I heard that there is a doctor in the city who specializes in treating madness.

Later, I have to invite someone here to show Li Kangran a good look.

This woman is probably not schizophrenic!
"What did she tell you just now?" Gu Nanyan asked suddenly.

Li Kangran was stunned for a moment, but just about to say nothing.

Suddenly remembered that when Gu Nanyan came over just now, Wang Yanran was threatening her in her ear.

"She said that she knew the identity of Young Master Bai, and if I continued to pester me for the return deed, she would go to Master Jin to inform me."

Since he decided to ignore her in the future, Li Kangran ignored Wang Yanran's sinister gaze who was kneeling on the ground.

He sold her out without hesitation.

Sensing the malice from his former teammate, Li Kangran glared at her.

Then he leaned against Gu Nanyan in horror, and grabbed her sleeve tremblingly.

"She also said that she wanted to be the concubine of Jiu...His Royal Highness Prince Sheng, and told me not to meddle in other people's business. She also said that His Royal Highness Prince Sheng also has a crush on her, and that one day she will replace you as the mistress of Prince Sheng's residence."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

If you say a few more words, I will believe it.

And if you are shaking, can you hold back your laughter?
When I am deaf!

Li Yi who just arrived: "..."

When did he have a crush on Wang Yanran?
Except for his cigarette, he doesn't even look at other women, okay?

I'm afraid I can't have this cheap niece!

Li Kangran was talking nonsense in a serious manner, Li Yi was not only angry, even Wang Yanran almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

She does have a good idea.

But she never mentioned it in front of anyone, this bitch is clearly setting herself up!
Just as she was about to argue, she suddenly saw Li Yi's figure.

The distorted face that was originally angry instantly turned pale, and looked at Li Yi pitifully.

"Brother Yi..." Her tone was weak and pitiful.

But it made Li Yi's hairs stand on end when he hurried over.

He glanced at Gu Nanyan anxiously.

Yan'er has always been able to distinguish right from wrong, so she probably wouldn't believe what Li Kangran, a treacherous official, said... right?

Gu Nanyan had heard the sound of Li Yi's hooves a long time ago, so she didn't turn her head back, she just said calmly: "Come on, let's talk about how to deal with your little sister Yanran."

Recently, she cooperated with Li Yi in acting, but she just felt that life was boring and she wanted to cultivate herself.

But she is only cultivating one's morality, not escaping into Buddhism, some people may have misunderstood something.

One by one, they threatened her head!
Gu Nanyan's tone was not kind, and Li Yi was shocked immediately.

The atmosphere is wrong.

Li Yi suddenly turned his head, pointed at Wang Yanran angrily and shouted, "What are you talking about! Who is your brother!"

He seemed short of breath and his fingers were shaking.

"Bold and lowly maidservant dares to pretend to be the emperor's relative, Long Yi, give me a slap in the face!"

Wang Yanran, who was about to say something with tears in her eyes:! ! !

What pretending to be a royal relative? Didn't she call it that before!
Although brother Yi frowned when he heard it, he never stopped it.

Wang Yanran panicked and looked at Li Yi in bewilderment.

Li Yi ignored her directly, and looked at the chattering Long Yi with dissatisfaction.

Long Yi: "..."

Long Yi doesn't want to beat women, but he can't disobey his master's order.

He looked back at Li Yi sadly, wanting him to take his conscience back.

But it happened to meet Yun Xi's eyes on the other side.

Yun Xi squinted her eyes, her eyes were faint.

Long Yi: "Alright, master!"

With a low shout, he floated in front of Wang Yanran in an instant.

Under her frightened eyes, she waved her hand mercilessly.

The slap was so loud that it hurt to hear it.

Looking at the way Long Yi gritted his teeth, it was as if the person in front of him had revenge for killing his father.

Everyone: "..."

What kind of terrifying guard is this!
Just a slap.

Why does it feel like all the energy of breastfeeding has been exerted!
What kind of hatred and resentment! ! !
As a martial artist, Long Yi can imagine how strong his hands are, but Wang Yanran vomited blood in just a few slaps.

Li Yi nodded in satisfaction.

Cautiously, he approached Gu Nanyan and said, "Yan'er, have you calmed down?"

Gu Nanyan looked at him complicatedly.

I didn't expect this dog man to be more ruthless than her.

Look at Wang Yanran's swollen face!

With her light pink dress, it's hard to tell who is who when thrown into the pigsty.

"Let Long Yi stop." She rubbed her forehead and said.

As long as Long Yi's palm style implied inner strength, if he continued to strike, he might kill someone!

Seeing that she didn't mean to harm him, Li Yi secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately obediently told Long Yi to stop.

Wang Yanran had already fainted, lying limply on the ground, bloodshot mixed with saliva dripping all over the floor.

Gu Nanyan asked people to move her back to Cuixiang Building.

She got out of the sedan chair herself, and led Sister Yunchu to the private room on the third floor.

The goods from Lord Jin had already arrived, and she was not afraid that the other party would know her identity, so she just walked in carelessly.


Private room on the third floor.

Aunt Qing looked at the table full of deeds of prostitution with a look of shock.

She has been stimulated too much today, and she feels like she is still in a dream.

Otherwise, how could you have heard the princess say that Cuixiang Building will be closed?

"Princess, do you really want to return the contract of sale to the girls?" Qing Gu asked uncertainly.

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly: "You can sell yourself to the contract. Those who want to leave can go to Yunchu to get 50 taels of silver. If they want to stay, I have other arrangements and let them choose."

Although 50 taels of silver is not much, it is more than enough to buy a small courtyard in a small county town.

The remaining money can also set up a stall to do some small business.

As for what to do, whether she can support herself in the future, it is beyond her control.

She is not the mother of these people, and she has to control whether they marry and have children.

But if she wanted to stay, she could arrange a job for them.

Holding a box of selling contracts, Qing Gu walked out of the room in a daze.

But within a quarter of an hour, the entire Cuixiang Building knew the news.

Li Kangran had a complex expression on his face, sitting next to Gu Nanyan, his small mouth opened and closed, hesitant to speak.

Seeing that she hadn't let out a fart for a long time, Gu Nanyan was holding back for her.

"Say something."

As whole as a sow giving birth.

Dystocia this is!
Li Kangran curled his lips, "You bought it with real money, so you just gave it back to them for nothing?"

And it also comes with 50 taels of silver!

At the beginning, she only got a body deed, and the money was given to her by Uncle Nine Emperors.

Li Kangran suddenly became sour.

Even if you don't miss the old relationship... well, the two of them don't have any old relationship, and it's far-fetched to say that there is no old hatred.

But during this time, she has been with her for a long time.

What are those women doing?
Why is it 50 taels more than her!
Is that how she treats her?

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