The farmer has a mall

Chapter 477 Escort Zhang Jing

Chapter 477 Escorted back to Beijing
Men can't be relied on, they can only rely on themselves.

Aunt Qing knew that two taels of silver per month here is quite a lot for ordinary people.

More importantly, when she gets older, she can have a guarantee.

If possible, she could learn from her former sisters and take two or three orphans by her side.

After a hundred years, someone will die.

And two taels of silver is enough to feed a family of three or four.

In addition to Qinggu, Hongshao, a young, beautiful and charming girl, also stayed.

Her reasons are simple and straightforward.

She was tired of living on the breath of men.

But she is also envious of those men, who can walk outside in an open and aboveboard manner and get various opportunities to make money.

She also wants to be like a man, live a chic and wanton life.

Her requirements are not high, as long as she can support herself is enough.

Even if it is a little bit bitter, I am willing.

Hong Shao is one of the few girls who can read and write in Cuixiang Building, and Gu Nanyan expressed her infinite welcome.

After counting the number of people, Gu Nanyan left Yunchu to deal with the aftermath, and she took Li Kangran back to the Princess Mansion.

Together with Wang Yanran, who looks like a pig's head.

Full of unwillingness, Wang Yanran was imprisoned in the firewood room of the Princess Mansion.

It is not appropriate to say off.

Because she would be dragged up every day before dawn... Pour Yexiang.

Afterwards, the toilets in the entire Princess Mansion had to be cleaned.

If you can't finish brushing, you can't rest, and if you don't clean up, you can't eat.

Whenever there is any dissatisfaction, a small whip will fall on her like a storm.

Wang Yanran was not reconciled, and resisted a few times at the beginning.

In addition to the pain all over her body, she also received malicious threats from the mother-in-law who guarded her.

The man said that Her Royal Highness has already found a human tooth, and if she is disobedient, she will be sold to a private kiln.

Private kilns are different from Cuixianglou.

The guests there are all sweaty, low-class people, all of them are unkempt and behave very vulgarly.

These people are either hooligans or rough people who do hard work.

They are busy with their lives all day long, and even one or two monthly wages are considered high.

Willing to spend dozens of copper coins to find girls to play with, it's all to vent the pressure, and the attack is not serious or serious.

Which of the girls there has no injuries and no skin is considered good.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a purgatory on earth.

It was only then that Wang Yanran suddenly remembered that her contract of selling herself was still in Gu Nanyan's hands.

I also had to recognize the reality and hibernate for the time being.


It was already three days later when Master Jin knew about Cuixianglou.

At the same time, he also found out that Young Master Bai was actually Gu Nanyan in disguise.

Before, he thought he had climbed up to "Little Master Bai", so he set off for a hundred miles outside the city, the point of contact with the Qi family.

That place is a secret stronghold specially set up by the Qi family, and it is specially used to listen to news about Mingshan City.

So when Lord Jin went, he didn't bring anyone with him.

The people under him didn't know where to look for him, so they didn't receive the news in time.

When he came back, the sky in Mingshan City had changed.

If Li Yi and Gu Nanyan pretended to be the Bai family, he would be outraged.

Then, the princess mansion blatantly competed with him for business, which made him feel an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

The salt sold by the Princess Mansion is of high quality and low price, and the people rush to buy it, and the queues line up from the street to the end.

In the short three days he was out of the city, he replaced the private salt of the Qi family at an incredible speed.

Jin Ye has been powerless.

He wanted to compete with Gu Nanyan on the price.

But he's out of stock.

In order to please the Bai family, all the recent goods were given priority to the so-called Master Li, and he really didn't keep any of them.

Ben was still waiting for the next few shipments to save his life.

Unexpectedly, the inspection at the dock suddenly became stricter.

Especially for the Qi family's cargo ship, the officers and soldiers in charge of the search did not let go of the cracks in the ground, wishing to dig three feet into the ground.

Jin Ye didn't dare to take risks, so he had to send people out to sea to stop the cargo in advance.

Let them go back to the last pier and wait for news.

After the news passed, he was asking people to notify them to come back.

It's a pity that Gu Nanyan obviously didn't intend to expose it lightly.

So the people near the pier discovered that the surrounding area has been very lively recently.

Today the officers and soldiers of the county government came, tomorrow the garrison of the Princess Mansion will take over, and the next day the kamikaze team will be fully armed to patrol the pier.

At first, the people didn't know what happened, and they were a little nervous.

Until this situation lasted for more than half a month, they were already able to greet the passing soldiers naturally.

Jin Ye was still relieved, and only waited for the wind to pass before making a comeback.

Unexpectedly, the house was surrounded by officials a few days later.

The crimes... are many.

Abducting civilian women to occupy fertile land, disregarding human life and forcing women into prostitution, there are dozens of them, it is simply too numerous to describe.

Jin Ye was sent to prison.

Feeling unwilling, she quarreled with Gu Nanyan all day long, trying to exonerate herself by exonerating the name of the Qi family.

It's a pity that Gu Nanyan didn't even show his face, and asked Su Wenfeng to escort him back to Beijing.

In fact, for such a small person, Gu Nanyan could only move his little finger to deal with him, but she just sent him to the capital.

Those officials who were related to the Qi family and secretly pressured Li Mi to punish Gu Nanyan suddenly fell silent.

The female evil star is warning them!
Jin Ye was raised by the Qi family.

When Mingshan City was not entrusted by Gu Nanyan, it had already established a firm foothold there.

From the county magistrate down to the local hooligans, they have to give him two points.

But this female evil star arrested her without saying a word.

Those criminal evidences have not even been verified!
It is obvious that he is singing against the Qi family, and he is not afraid to act arrogantly.

It just doesn't make sense!
All the officials are so heartbroken.

In the mansion, he beat his chest angrily, pointed his fingers at the sky, and vomited and roared.

When I turned back, I took the fold.

Indignantly accusing the Qi family of being in the company of thieves and being ignorant of people, if the princess hadn't had a bright eye and picked up the disaster of Lord Jin, something might have happened.

The Qi family: "..."

The head of the Qi family almost died of anger!

These officials usually don't take less benefits from them, but in the end, they don't talk about protecting them, but they even add insult to injury!
What a shame!

Aren't you afraid that he will hand over the evidence of their bribery in a fit of anger? !
But the Qi family didn't know that these courtiers were more afraid of facing Gu Nanyan than the punishment for accepting bribes.

No way, they were really afraid of that ancestor.

Gu Nanyan looked very low-key except for bringing out some novelty from time to time.

Although she has the qualifications to discuss politics, she never gets involved in government affairs.

Only when there is a big event like forcing the palace, will they come forward and kill a few people with a knife.

On weekdays, it is really considered that the door does not go beyond the second door.

It is also because of this that the courtiers are more afraid of her.

Because whenever she shows up, a few important people will always die.

About the Qi family...

I'm afraid it's not something that can be done by abolishing a Jin Ye.

All the officials trembled and acted more cautiously.

Even the most noisy censors shrink back.

It made Li Mi very clean for a while.

For a time, the court was incomparably harmonious.

The court is harmonious, but the Qi family is not peaceful.

Old Mr. Qi sat gloomy on the sour branch chair. Hearing the servant's report, the hand holding the teacup couldn't help trembling.

"Say it again!" Old Master Qi dropped the teacup in his hand with a snap.

"It's so deceiving!"

That bitch, she actually robbed him again.

That's the private salt of the entire three ships.

How dare she!
And she was not satisfied with robbing the cargo, she didn't even spare the three cargo ships!
Old Mrs. Qi was almost out of anger, pointing at the messenger and angrily said: "They are all trash!"

"Didn't the person surnamed Jin send you a letter? How could she catch her!"

The person who reported the letter was very wronged: "Master Jin only said that we should go back to the last pier to wait for the letter, but he didn't say that we should withdraw."

Who knew that princess could be so lawless.

He actually took people with him, and blatantly detained the boat.

Not only the boat, she didn't even spare the people.

If he hadn't run so fast, he probably wouldn't be able to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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