The farmer has a mall

Chapter 478 Restructuring the Navy

The head of the Qi family is a man in his 40s with a bumpy face.

Seeing that his fatherly face was turning blue, he waved the man away and hurriedly comforted him.

"The anger hurts the body, father puts down the fire, it is not worthwhile to lose the body because of the anger of the three ships."

Their Qi family controls the dock, and there is a private salt business, so the three ships can still afford it.

Hearing the eldest son's persuasion, Mrs. Qi took a deep breath to calm down his excitement.

"Is this a problem with the boat? Our Qi family has stood on the sea for many years, but a little girl played with it and robbed five of our boats successively!"

Old Mrs. Qi panted twice: "If the brothers in Shanghai know about this, where will the Qi family lose face!"

This is not the most important thing, right now he is planning a big event with overseas distinguished guests, it is at a critical juncture.

As a result, there was such a big commotion that attracted everyone's attention, just in case...

Old Mrs. Qi's complexion was even darker, and his slightly mean old face was like a dark cloud covering the sun.

Master Qi understood what his father was worried about, and asked hesitantly: "Father, can you talk to them? What do you say?"

"What else can I say!" Mentioning this, Master Qi frowned.

"Those little guys, who are not tall but have as many eyes as a needle sieve, know how to be sloppy all day long, wandering from one dock to another in a boat, without mentioning anything practical."

Old Mrs. Qi sighed: "Fortunately, your second wife knows the general situation and came forward to discuss the matter in person. Finally, the conditions have been finalized."

When the head of Qi heard the word Erniang, he was embarrassed for a while, and then he heard his father say that the terms had been negotiated, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Really! If you say that, our Qi family will soon become king!"

There were only father and son in the house, so Dang Qi had no fear when he spoke.

"shut up!"

Old Mrs. Qi was cautious, he glanced at the closed door, his cloudy eyes widened.

How can this be said nonsense, if it is heard by outsiders, it will be fatal.

Qi Dangjia also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he shut up embarrassingly.

Seeing the eldest son's look of knowing his mistake, Mrs. Qi eased his expression.

"That being said, the people under the honored guest have just set off. When there is a decision over there, it will take at least half a year to go back and forth, and some will wait."

After he finished speaking, he glared at his son again: "Shut your mouth tightly, only you and I know about this matter besides your second mother, if it gets out..."

"Father, don't worry, the son understands the seriousness." Head Qi hurriedly said.

"It's just Mingshan... I don't know what father planned." He asked cautiously.

Old Master Qi rubbed his temples, lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment.

But a little princess with a foreign surname, according to his temper, would definitely snatch the ship and cargo back.

It's just that it's not a good time to make a big fuss.

"Let's find someone to negotiate with."


Gu Nanyan is in a good mood recently.

The reason... is of course making money again.

The three ships of smuggled salt plus the previous ones, although they were handed over by Master Jin, cost a lot more.

But it also allowed her to make a lot of money in a short period of time.

Moreover, the saltworks have also taken shape, and formal recruitment has begun.

The girls from Cuixianglou became the first batch of workers in the saltworks.

Of course, they are only responsible for the last few steps, such as drying and carrying, which are done by male workers.

Originally, Gu Nanyan still had some scruples, fearing that they would not be able to bear this hardship.

Unexpectedly, these women are like chicken blood, and under the leadership of Qinggu, they exceed the daily tasks.

Even those male workers who originally disdained their backgrounds were amazed and gradually let go of their prejudices.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan was relieved and handed them over to Qing Gu to take them with her.

And Li Kangran became the new director of the salt factory.

At the beginning, Li Kangran was very apprehensive and tried to reject Gu Nanyan's appointment.

And applied to her for the position of maidservant.

Gu Nanyan packed her up very simply and sent her to the saltworks in person.

In addition to the drying area by the sea, the salt farm also has a factory building and a staff dormitory area.

After sending her there, Gu Nanyan patted his ass and left.

No nostalgia at all.

At the same time, he ruthlessly told Li Kangran to keep her away from the princess mansion before she qualified as the factory director.

Li Kangran felt wronged.

Seeing off her husband from thousands of miles away, she saw Gu Nanyan disappear from sight.

In order to make this heartbroken man "change his mind" to look at her again, Li Kangran wiped away the tears of grievance.

With the help of Qing Gu, he figured out his responsibilities and worked hard to familiarize himself with the operation of the saltworks, but he gradually got better.

As for Gu Nanyan himself, he was also very busy during this time.

Following the establishment of the Enlightenment School in Shangshan Village, the school in Mingshan County has also been completed in nearly two months.

She first went to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Shangshan School in Mingshan County.

Amidst the joyful applause of her employees, she hurried to Wuyin County where the Zhenbei Army was stationed.

Li Yi was also with him.

Since signing the "Harmony Agreement" last time, Li Yi's knots in his heart have been untied, and he has successfully transformed into a dog skin plaster.

Holding an iceberg face every day, he follows Gu Nanyan wherever he goes.

Going back to Wuyin County this time is for the navy.

After he heard about it, he volunteered to go with her.

With a free driver, Gu Nanyan naturally has no objection.

The two drove the steam car all the way to Wuyin County smoothly, and entered the Zhenbei Army camp under the watchful eyes of the soldiers of the Zhenbei Army.

At that time, Gu Shen was cleaning his beloved car, while Qu Xiao was standing not far from him, smelling sour all over his body.

The two of them didn't know what they were talking about, Gu Shen's expression was quite embarrassing.

Seeing his daughter approaching, Gu Shen's eyes lit up.

He didn't care about Old General Qu who was blocked behind him, and walked towards Gu Nanyan in a dizzy manner.

Shouting while running: "Girl, you really miss your father."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What are you thinking?

Didn't you just return to the barracks the day before yesterday?

Strictly speaking, it's not even two days!

Gu Nanyan complained a few words, and followed Gu Shenjiang to the main tent.

As for Li Yi... Gu Shen ignored him the whole time.

Li Yi didn't mind either, and followed them with a smile on his face.

There is less than half a year before his wedding with Yan'er, and Gu Shen's attitude towards him is getting worse day by day.

As a prospective son-in-law, Li Yi felt that he should be considerate of his future father-in-law's feelings.

After all, she was about to lose her daughter, and it was inevitable that she would be in a bad mood.

He has always been generous.

If the future father-in-law needs it, he is even willing to call him.

Guaranteed not to fight back.

As long as you don't hit your face.

After all, he had to rely on this face to tie Yan'er.

Li Yi touched his own Ruyu's cheek, remembering that Gu Nanyan once praised his appearance, he weighed it in his heart.

He remembered that Huang's sister-in-law had a set of skin care products, which were given by Yan'er.

It is said that the effect is very good. After applying it, the whole face is as tender as water tofu.

Should he write a letter and ask the emperor's wife for some?

Gu Nanyan didn't know that her future husband was secretly probing and calculating the queen's skin care products with the mentality of serving others in Israel.

She was sitting in the tent at this time, discussing with Gu Shen about the rebuilding of the navy camp.

"The Zhenbei Army's naval division has less than a thousand people, and it may be difficult to rebuild it." Gu Shen said very sadly.

Jianan Kingdom doesn't pay much attention to water warfare, and coupled with internal and external troubles during the first emperor's period, money is needed everywhere.

The national treasury was stretched, and the Ministry of Households demolished the east wall to make up for the west wall. The late emperor wanted to withdraw the navy in desperation.

In the end, it was his father who paid for the money himself to support the remaining thousand people, thus keeping the establishment of the navy.

In fact, recruiting a navy is not difficult, the difficulty is...

"We don't have a boat." Gu Shen said depressedly.

There were only three decent ships, and these three belonged to the Qi family that his daughter robbed.

After that, all the people and boats were sent to him.

The remaining broken ships were all built decades ago.

After all, it is a wooden product, which has long since rotted away.

It will sink if you enter the water, let alone sit on people.

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