The farmer has a mall

Chapter 479 The Benefactor

Gu Nanyan was quite surprised.

Only then did she know that the Zhenbei Navy was actually raised by Gu Yao.

No wonder the dignified General's Mansion doesn't even have a decent family background.

Compared with Cui Yanping's General Pingnan's Mansion, it doesn't even have a fraction of that.

Back then, that guy Cui Yanping had bought five city defense guns by himself.

That's five million taels of silver!
Gu Yao is much higher than Cui Yanping in terms of combat record and military age.

Gu Nanyan was still surprised before.

How come there are only more than 20 taels of silver deposits in the dignified General's Mansion.

It turned out to be all spent.

Gu Nanyan looked at Li Yi with strange eyes.

Very suspicious that his father tricked Gu Yao!

The first emperor was not a fool, it is impossible not to know the importance of the navy.

Even if the neighboring countries do not have strong opponents, it is necessary to take precautions before they happen.

However, the first emperor still had the idea of ​​dismantling the establishment.

In Gu Nanyan's view, the tightness of the national treasury is one aspect, and the most important thing is to let Gu Yao take over this mess.

Didn't it mean that the first emperor and Gu Yao were siblings and regarded as elder brothers?

This is really brothers and sisters.

Li Yi felt Gu Nanyan's disdain, and touched his nose embarrassingly.

He had heard the emperor's brother mention this matter.

The late emperor once sighed during his illness that the person he trusted the most in his life was Old General Gu.

The most sorry person is also General Gu.

The situation back then was too complicated to be described in terms of internal and external troubles.

Before the first emperor's imperial conquest, he seemed to know that he would not live long. He not only entrusted Gu to General Gu, but also wanted to seal the entire Mingshan City to him.

To ensure that if he could not come back alive, Old General Gu could use his power to fool Li Mi and his brothers.

At that time, Li Mi was still young, and the power of the Shen family was all over the court, and the late emperor had no choice but to guard against it.

Old General Gu naturally disagreed, the two discussed secretly for a long time, and finally decided to bring over the weakest sailor.

The veteran general has a long-term vision and has long realized the importance of the navy.

So there was the matter that the first emperor ordered the dismantling, the old general Gu refuted it in court, and the first emperor threw the navy to the Gu family in a rage.

In fact, the two had already discussed it.

But this matter is indeed that the royal family is sorry for the Gu family, Li Yi did not argue.

He pondered for a moment and said: "This is not a bad thing. The emperor once decreed that the military affairs of the Zhenbei Army Navy Division are under the full control of the Gu family, and outsiders are not allowed to interfere. Even the emperor brother has no right to comment."

The emperor's ears are soft, how could the first emperor not see it.

This move is also to give their brothers a hole card.

"But now Mingshan City is Yan'er's fief, and the navy is under the control of the Gu family, so it's easier to do what you want."

The Zhenbei Navy Division is different from the Zhenbei Army. It belongs to two establishments, and it is not much different from the private soldiers.

When Gu Nanyan heard this, she regained her spirits, her back straightened, and her eyes sparkled.

"So the entire Zhenbei Navy belongs to me?"

She was still thinking that Li Mi's calf was so poor that he must not be able to get any money.

If it is to reorganize the navy, it is estimated that she will have to pay for it herself.

It's a shame to think about it.

Li Yi's words reminded her.

If it's what he said, she can flex her muscles without any worries!
Facing the inexplicably excited tone of the future daughter-in-law.

Li Yi: "..."

That's right.

But what's the matter with your inexplicably excited virtue?

Is this planning to occupy the mountain as king?
Li Yi was silent.

Then he gave Gu Nanyan an affirmative look very pertinently.

It is a good thing for a daughter-in-law to have ambition, so please support her!

As for his brother...

How about love.

Anyway, Jianan Kingdom is not bad for a place like Mingshan.

Li Yi thought very unkindly.

Completely have a daughter-in-law and forget about my brother.


A worker must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do well.

If you want to reorganize your navy, you must first have advanced warships.

She didn't pay much attention to the three cargo ships of the Qi family.

That pile of broken wood will break if you poke it.

As for where the advanced warships come from.

Gu Nanyan's method was simple and brutal.

Immediately spent a lot of money to mine iron ore, ordered the smelter to work overtime, and most of the steel produced was shipped to Wuyin County.

There is a small port in Wuyin County, and Gu Nanyan asked someone to build a temporary shipyard there.

The workers in the shipyard are all ready-made, that is, Hu Wei's group.

Hu Wei has rich experience in naval battles, and several of his subordinates know the structure of ships in detail.

Gu Shen loved talents, so he sent them to the navy camp.

It just happens to be available now.

Hu Wei was already grateful to the Gu family, but now that he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, he immediately agreed with his chest.

Gu Shen drives the steam car given by his daughter every day, showing off everywhere, Hu Wei has seen it before.

Therefore, when Gu Nanyan handed him the blueprint of the steamship, he didn't react too violently.

On the contrary, the trust shown by Gu Nanyan made her heart agitated.

Immediately made a heavy oath, promising not to let the contents of the blueprints spread, and to complete the task.

Gu Nanyan was very pleased.

Without hesitation, he was given the post of director of the shipyard.

Then he handed over the whole thing to cheap father, patted his ass and left.

Shipbuilding is different from carbuilding, and it can't be completed in a short time. She doesn't need to be here.

Gu Shen was very helpless for his daughter's behavior of running away from the start.

He simply didn't want to tire his daughter.

So after Gu Nanyan threw him an introductory manuscript on ship structure, he happily sent her away.

Li Yi, who was also left behind: "..."

He just made a few comments on the navy's establishment, and his wife patted him on the shoulder and praised him.

Before he was happy, his wife unilaterally announced that he would stay.

It is said that he wants to put his talents to use.

Li Yi was very aggrieved, he still wanted to get along with his wife and improve their relationship.

Who would have thought that after chasing him all the way from the capital, he would be left behind again.

But the task was given by his wife, and he still had to listen.

Li Yi: I want to hug myself.

Back in Mingshan County, Gu Nanyan plunged into the princess mansion, and started the days of not leaving the gate or leaving the door.

Lie on the deck chair in the courtyard all day to bask in the belly.

When you're bored, go to toss and toss Wang Yanran.

Wang Yanran had a really bad time these days.

The nanny who guarded her was specifically instructed by Yunchu to "take good care of" her.

This nanny is also a tosser.

He dragged Wang Yanran to wash the toilet early in the morning every day, and dragged her to fertilize the vegetable field after washing until noon.

The fertilizers are naturally those things she washes during the day.

Wang Yanran has lost a lot of weight, and her spirits are not very good.

What a sweet little girl, it took a few days to become a night lady.

The smell on the body is really not good.

It can be said that the wind smells three miles away.

Gu Nanyan originally wanted to go to the lower courtyard to see her miserable appearance, but he was smoked out as soon as he entered the courtyard.

She stood outside the yard holding her nose for a while, and then asked Yunchu to raise the wages for the yard.

The wages have doubled, but the servants in the courtyard are very happy.

The mother-in-law who kept watch over Wang Yanran also benefited.

So toss people even harder.

Wang Yanran gritted her teeth in hatred.

However, facing the nanny who was two sizes older than her, she could only grit her teeth and bear it.

This day, she finished cleaning the toilet as usual, and walked to the room exhausted physically and mentally.

Usually it was Mammy who sent her back and locked the door before leaving.

But today, the nanny didn't know what she had eaten, and she had a terrible stomach upset. After warning Wang Yanran a few words, she ran to the toilet in a hurry.

Wang Yanran responded with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye, thinking of fertilizing the vegetable field in the afternoon, she wanted to go back and lie down for a while.

She lived in a firewood house, and she was the only one.

So when she pushed open the crumbling wooden door and saw a person standing inside the room, she was really shocked.

"Who are you!" Wang Yanran looked at the little maid in front of her defensively.

The little servant girl smiled, bowed her knees and saluted: "This servant girl is naturally the benefactor who rescued you from the sea of ​​suffering."

In the main courtyard, Gu Nanyan squinted her eyes and sat on the recliner. She was warmed by the spring sun.

In front of her stood a commoner woman.

It was the nanny who guarded Wang Yanran.

"Princess Qi, according to your instructions, this old slave has deliberately found an excuse to let the woman be alone. Presumably, the man has already found her."

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