The farmer has a mall

Chapter 481 Who Believes

Gu Nanyan was not a good-tempered person at all, the other party provoked her again and again, how could she let it go.

"Sneak into the palace courtyard in the middle of the night, Wang Yanran, what do you want to do?"

Wang Yanran covered her red and swollen face, looked at Gu Nanyan's indifferent eyes for a while, and said indifferently: "The girl just went wrong, today Wu mama didn't lock the door of the firewood room, and the girl couldn't sleep, so she wanted to Come out and walk around..."

She bit her lower lip, looking aggrieved.

His eyes glistening with water looked at those soldiers in iron armor, intending to arouse their compassion.

Unexpectedly, these people stood there like logs, staring straight ahead, without even giving her the slightest peripheral vision.

Wang Yanran: "..."

She flung the wink at the blind man, the corners of her lips trembled, and she decisively changed her strategy.

"Isn't it the Minnv who alarmed the princess?" She stood up pitifully, staggering twice, "Princess please forgive me, the Minnen will go back to the firewood room to stay."

After saying that, he lowered his head and turned around to walk out the door.

But she was blocked by the soldiers surrounding her.

Wang Yanran's eyelashes trembled.

Gu Nanyan walked slowly to the place where she buried her things, stroking it with her toes twice.

Under Wang Yanran's flickering gaze, she said with a half-smile: "That's a coincidence, if I remember correctly, your firewood house is at least a quarter of an hour away from here."

The princess mansion is so big, and there are many forks in the road, so I lost my way and came to her.

With such a lame excuse, does this guy think she is stupid?
"You said you went wrong, so what is buried here?"

She retracted her toes, and Yun Xi stepped forward with a very winking look, and dug out the things under the tree.

After cleaning up the dirt on it, it was handed over to Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan carried the tightly packed cloth bag and turned it up and down.

"Don't say it's not yours. Dozens of people in the yard saw you buried it with their own eyes. I don't accept this excuse."

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and said in a brisk tone.

Wang Yanran picked her palm, her heart beating wildly.

She didn't expect that her every move was under the other's nose.

For a moment, I didn't know what excuse to find to prevaricate.

Gu Nanyan didn't make things difficult for her, and slowly untied the knot on the cloth bag.

A section of blue cloth was exposed inside the cloth bag.

Wang Yanran stared at the cloth bag nervously, and she didn't know what to think of, she bit her lower lip hard, tears welled up in an instant.

"Princess, please forgive me, the daughter of the people knows her mistake."

She knelt on the ground with her knees bent, and there was a dull crash between her knees and the bluestone road.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan grinned.

The little bitch is ruthless.

This movement hurt her even hearing it.

"Do you know what's wrong?"

This is a sudden awakening, ready to surrender and ask for clemency?

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows.

If that's the case...she won't forgive this little bitch.

Facts have proved that Gu Nanyan really underestimated this woman.

Wang Yanran suddenly covered her face and burst into tears.

"Minnv is guilty. These are letters between Minnv and her lover. When Minnv was in Cuixianglou, she had someone she liked. It's a pity that Minnv was humble and not recognized by his parents. In the end, she had no choice but to share with him. Cut off contact."

Wang Yanran wiped away her tears, clutching her chest with a heartbroken look.

"Afterwards, they moved away with their family, and there was no news of them. The daughter of the people couldn't forget her love, so she kept his letter and remembered it all the time."

"Princess, if you don't believe me, you can take a look at how many of his clothes are still inside. These are the ones he left with Minnv when he had a private meeting with Minnv."

When the word "private meeting" was mentioned, he bit his lower lip with difficulty, and his face turned red.

Without waiting for Gu Nanyan's reaction, Wang Yanran lowered her body again, and her tone of sadness could not be concealed: "The daughter of the people knew that this move was inappropriate and might tarnish the reputation of the Princess Mansion, so she wanted to find a place to bury it when no one was around. , I never thought that I walked into the wrong yard in a hurry, and I hope the princess will forgive me."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I almost believed it!
Look at your acting with both voice and emotion.

If you don't become a screenwriter, you will be wronged by your talent!

If she didn't know the truth in advance, she might have believed this little bitch's nonsense.

Gu Nanyan pawed in the cloth bag twice.

He took out a puppet the size of a palm.

"Your lover, it must be such a coincidence that his surname is Gu."

Wang Yanran lay on the ground without raising her head, her body froze when she heard this.

Then it occurred to him that Gu Nanyan's name might be written in the letter.

I just don't know if it's the last name or the full name.

But at this moment, she couldn't care less, she gritted her teeth and said, "Princess Mingjian, the girl's lover is indeed named Gu."

"Oh." The voice above his head was a little cold.

"His birth date is also the same as Bengong's?"

Birthday eight characters?

Wang Yanran was startled.

Unexpectedly, the head of Qi was so careful that he even wrote his birthday on it.

" indeed a bit of a coincidence." Wang Yanran muttered.

"Heh!" Gu Nanyan sneered.

He threw the puppet in his hand in front of her with a snap.

"So your lover is a woman born on the same day as Bengong with the same name and surname? Why don't you just say that lover is Bengong!"

Wang Yanran's eyes widened in bewilderment, and she looked at the puppet in green clothes in front of her.

Although it is a puppet, it can still be seen from the clothes and head shape that it is a woman.

A piece of yellow paper was pasted on the puppet, with a string of birth date and Gu Nanyan's name written on it.

There are also a few thin silver needles pierced in the chest and abdomen.

It's clearly a witchcraft doll!

Wang Yanran exclaimed, and looked at the cloth bag in disbelief.

Inside the grey-blue cloth bag were a dozen yellow papers with cinnabar characters, a few locust tree branches, and copper plates.

This is a common technique of disgusting victory among the people.

It is said that burying the villain with the birth date and other objects together with the branches of the locust tree will make the owner of the birth date sick and even die.

"This... this is not mine!"

Wang Yanran's complexion was pale, and she moved back in a panic, getting a little further away from the puppet.

I was in disbelief.

how so!
What she got was obviously a pack of letters and some men's old clothes, why did they turn into these things!
The technique of disgusting victory is expressly prohibited in Jianan Kingdom.

The royal family taboos these things the most. At the beginning of the founding of the country, a law was established. If someone uses this kind of thing to harm someone, no matter what the identity of the other party is, it will be regarded as an attempted murder!
Remembering that she had just personally admitted that these things belonged to her, Wang Yanran's face turned paler.

If you admit to having an affair with a man, you will be reviled at most.

But the technique of being tired of winning is to be exiled!
Wang Yanran suddenly panicked.

After the accident in Prince Jing's mansion, she was already in such a miserable state just by becoming a slave.

If they are exiled again, they can only go to work as coolies in the mines in remote places.

What is the mine, she heard it from someone when she was in Prince Jing's mansion.

There was no sunlight all day long in that place, and there was no enough food or clothing to keep warm. Even if they were sick, no one could heal them.

Once exiled to the mine, there is no possibility of survival!

If the woman gets there, it will be even more miserable...

Wang Yanran was very flustered, she didn't care that the woman in front of her was someone she hated, so she took a few steps on her knees and fell to the ground again.

"Princess Mingjian, what's in here doesn't belong to a common girl, it's..."

Someone set her up!

But she has only been in Mingshan for a few months, and she rarely sees people on weekdays. Who would have such a big grudge against her, and use such a vicious method to harm her?

Her voice stopped suddenly, she swallowed her dry throat, and looked up at the woman in front of her.

Gu Nanyan's back was facing the lantern, her face was pitch black, and no expression could be seen.

"What is it?" There seemed to be a smile in her voice.

"Are you trying to say that someone framed you? Who? Bengong?"

Gu Nanyan grinned, bent down and brought his face closer to her.

The invisible facial features gradually became clear, and Wang Yanran stared into her eyes in a daze.

There... was full of malice.

"Who believes?"

The cold voice exploded in his ears, and Wang Yanran's heart fell like an ice cellar.

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