The farmer has a mall

Chapter 482 Hard Stubble

Gu Nanyan is a princess, and no one would believe that she would frame a woman whose status is very different from hers.

And this woman was enslaved.

Wang Yanran never thought that she, who was calculating people's hearts since she was a child, would be calculated by others.

And this person was Gu Nanyan, who she always looked down upon and thought that the other party only had brute strength.

She was angry, she was unwilling, she wanted to tell about Gu Nanyan's scheme against her.

However, before she could open her mouth, she was gagged by the rag that Yunxi held in her hand at some point.

The woman in Tsing Yi slowly stood up and brushed the dust off her sleeves.

It seems that he has lost interest.

She drooped her eyelids, and her thin eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyes.

"Go back and think about it carefully, whether you want to die by yourself, or pull a few people to support you."

Gu Nanyan's tone was indifferent, as if the malicious person just now was not her.

Frightened, Wang Yanran made a whining sound in her throat, her eyes begged, as if she wanted to say something.

Gu Nanyan frowned: "Are you trying to say that if you confess to the person behind it, I will let you go?"

Wang Yanran's eyes lit up, and she nodded frantically.

But Gu Nanyan's originally smiling face suddenly sank, and he said coldly, "What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?"

Don't forget, this is an era when women's fame is more important than the sky.

If she hadn't been prepared earlier, or if she was just an ordinary ancient princess, what happened today would probably ruin her life forever!

This woman has such vicious thoughts, she didn't kill her on the spot, it was already the result of self-cultivation.

Although she was sent to the mine, she could not live for a few days.

After finishing speaking, Gu Nanyan kept a stern face, and didn't even bother to look at her again.

People waved her directly to the dungeon.


Yun Chu was not in the mansion recently, so Yun Xi took over the job of helping Gu Nanyan change and wash.

Yun Xi dried her wet hair, and lit the soothing incense in the house.

"Princess, will Wang Yanran really pull the Qi family out?"

Since following Gu Nanyan, Yunxi has talked a lot, giving full play to her good quality of asking questions when she doesn't understand.

"Definitely." Gu Nanyan affirmed, and walked slowly to the bedside.

"Wang Yanran is a very selfish person. If there is still hope for her life, she will definitely not give up. Similarly, if she knows that she has no way out, she will try her best to drag the person who put her into a desperate situation."

This point can be seen from the fact that she did not hesitate to list herself as a female branch in order to avenge Li Kangran.

A look of disgust appeared on Yun Xi's face, obviously she was very shameless towards this kind of person.

"Then how did the master know that the Qi family would find her?" She couldn't help but ask with doubts in her heart.

"I don't know." Gu Nanyan turned over and lay on the bed with only his underwear on.

Long jet black hair hung down from the edge of the bed, Yun Xi hurriedly stepped forward and gathered it back on the bed.

"At the beginning, I just wanted to teach her a lesson, who let her die by herself."

The conscience of heaven and earth, she really didn't think of plotting against her at first.

He just wanted to torment her for a while before throwing her out of the house.

Who knew that Wang Yanran was so reckless, brushing the toilet bucket so softly, and still had the energy to play tricks.

It caused her to die so many brain cells to plot against her.

Gu Nanyan rubbed his forehead, "weak" waved his hand at Yunxi.

Humming and chirping, "No, no, the princess mansion is closed to thank guests these few days, no one will be seen, I have to take good care of it."

Sure enough, it's still a pleasure to do it directly, she should use her brain less in the future.

Excessive use of the brain is easy to go bald!

If he was bald like a Mediterranean, would Li Yi have any objections?
Probably not.

At worst, shave his head off.

Everyone is bald!

With this good wish in mind, Gu Nanyan happily raised the corners of her lips.

After a long while, I couldn't help being sleepy, and fell into a deep sleep.

Yun Xi: "..."

The master smiled a little creepy.

Who is this trying to plot against?

Yun Xi scratched her head, blew out the candles, and quietly retreated outside.


Wang Yanran was imprisoned in the dungeon for a few days, her already sluggish face became even more depressed, and her whole body was like a withered flower, losing all vitality.

She clamored all day long to see Gu Nanyan, but the guards guarding the dungeon pretended not to hear her.

Not a word to her.

So apart from the mother-in-law who delivered meals every day, Wang Yanran hardly saw anyone.

I feel abandoned by the whole world, and my heart is getting more and more frightened.

Finally unable to bear the torment in his heart, he confessed to the maid who came into contact with her.

That maid had long been controlled by Gu Nanyan's people, all she wanted was Wang Yanran's confession.

In order to increase credibility, Qi Dangjia revealed his identity to Wang Yanran from the very beginning.

He even gave her an identity card of the Qi Mansion.

He also promised that as long as Wang Yanran followed his instructions, not only would she be rescued from the Princess Mansion, but she would also be given a fortune to fly away.

Someone searched the identity card of the Qi Mansion from the firewood room.

Now that there were all the witnesses and material evidence, Gu Nanyan threw the person to Su Wenfeng again, and was escorted back to Beijing by the government office.

Once the door of the mansion is closed, continue to thank the guests behind closed doors.

Such a thought-consuming matter must of course be handed over to the people above. She is just a little princess and dare not make decisions.

Then he turned around and asked Gu Shen to borrow a boat, and Ashlan led the kamikaze team to patrol the nearby sea area.

As long as they saw the Qi family's cargo ship, they would seize all the cargo ships.

After being robbed twice more, the Qi family's cargo ship no longer dared to approach Mingshan City with a radius of hundreds of miles.

This matter also seemed to have grown wings, and the uproar spread quickly to the capital.

The Qi family, who originally wanted to avoid people's eyes, became even more noticeable for a while.

Even ordinary people pointed at the Qi family.

All the words were directed towards Gu Nanyan.

It is said that the Qi family must have done something bad, so they will be retaliated by the princess who has always been reasonable.

Some people even suspected that there was something shady in those two ships.

Otherwise, how could a princess with a fief look at two broken ships?
When the old man Qi learned of the people's discussion, he threw down a whole set of blue and white porcelain in anger.

Pointing at Qi Dangjia, who made the decision without authorization, scolded him a lot.

"How did I tell you, the Qi family should keep a low profile now, do you understand the low profile! Who gave you the courage to provoke that evil star!"

Old Mrs. Qi pointed at Mr. Qi's nose, wishing he could slap him.

He never thought that this eldest son, who usually looks tepid, would be so courageous!
Even the princess dares to move!

When are they still at sea?

Head Qi is also in his forties, and his father pointed his nose at him and scolded him, and there were several servants around him, so he immediately blushed.

He hurriedly waved his servants back and closed the door tightly himself.

"Father, don't be upset. My son knew he was wrong. I never thought that Gu Nanyan would be so difficult to deal with."

To be honest, Head Qi looked down on women a little bit.

They think they are only fit to stay in the backyard, bear children for men, and manage the trivial matters in the house.

Therefore, there was no pressure at all when dealing with Gu Nanyan.

But who would have thought there was a stubble!
Master Qi gritted his teeth, he really couldn't figure out how he was caught by someone when he had a very detailed plan.

It must be the mistake of the people below!

If they had done exactly what they said, things would definitely not have turned out like this!

Head Qi thought bitterly.

It seems that he has to reorganize his staff.

Those useless trash don't deserve to stay in his Qi's house!
Old Master Qi looked at him with disbelief, how could he not understand what this son was thinking?
Although he also looked down on women, he never underestimated the strength of his enemies.

How could it be easy for Gu Nanyan to get to where she is today as a little girl?

Not to mention his stupid son, even at his age, he would never dare to underestimate her ability.

But he hit the muzzle of the gun!

Although this matter was his own idea, in the eyes of outsiders, it was the whole Qi family and Gu Nanyan who were at odds.

Old Master Qi's face was gloomy.

He even blatantly led people to rob his own cargo ship.

That woman Gu Nanyan is afraid that she will hold them grudges.

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