Master Qi calmed down, and looked at Master Qi with complicated eyes.

To be honest, he still admires the princess.

The Qi family looks beautiful on the surface, but in fact, one generation is not as good as the next generation. Aside from his son, none of the other descendants have become successful.

All day long, I have no other skills except to tease cats and dogs.

Qi Jianuo's big family business is considered good if it is not defeated, let alone develop.

So much so that he has reached the age of caring for his life, but he still dare not let go of power.

If the Qi family had an heir like Gu Nanyan, even if it was just a woman...

Old Master Qi sighed, his expression blank for a moment.

After fighting for a lifetime, I don't know why. After a hundred years, this Nuoda family property will not last for a few years.

Rubbing between his brows, Old Master Qi paused: "Where's your second brother?"

If he had to choose one of the descendants to become a master, it would be his second son.

The second child usually keeps a low profile, is humble and low-key, never fights for power and profit, and earnestly completes every task he entrusts to him.

And all did well.

Compared with him, the boss is really worthless.

It's a pity that his origin...

Hearing his mention of his second younger brother, Head Qi frowned incredulously, almost writing his dislike on his face.

It's just that he didn't dare to show it in front of Mrs. Qi.

"Just now when my son came, I happened to see my second brother go to... Erniang's place." He lowered his head, making it hard to see his expression.

"Is the father looking for the second brother? My son asked someone to invite him here."

After all, he was going to greet people.

Old Mrs. Qi waved his hand, and slowly got up: "Forget it, it's nothing important, I'll go there in person, just in time to see your second mother."

Since it's not something important, why do you need to go there in person?
I'm afraid it's not convenient for him, an "outsider", to know.

Master Qi didn't speak, but responded in a low voice, and opened the door for Master Qi himself.

Perhaps his dissatisfaction was too obvious. When Old Master Qi walked to the door, he glanced at him and paused.

"You are the eldest son of the Qi family, and you will be the head of the Qi family in the future. You must be tolerant, your second brother..."

After all, it is a foreign race, not my race, and its heart must be different.

He didn't say anything after that.

Mrs. Qi thought he could understand.

Master Qi did understand.

But he felt that his father was favoring the second child.

Look, as long as I show a little bit of dissatisfaction with my second brother, I will be taught by his father.

So Qi Dangjia hid his thoughts even deeper.

He said with a smile: "Father, don't worry, I am connected with my second brother by blood. No matter what happens in the future, I, as an older brother, will take good care of him."

The head of Qi took the word "care" very seriously, as if expressing his determination to Mrs. Qi.

Old Mrs. Qi looked at him again, and finally sighed helplessly.

How could a father like him not see what the eldest son was thinking.

He admitted that he was partial to the second child on weekdays, but that was also because of his identity.

What I care most about in my heart is the eldest son, the boss.

It's a pity that this child has long been prejudiced against the second child and can't see clearly.

Old Master Qi exhaled.

Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and he has already passed the age of knowing the destiny, so he can't control so much.


Head Qi watched his father go away with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

He thought for a while, then turned around and went to Mrs. Qi's place.

Mrs. Qi has reached her sixtieth year and is the main wife of Mrs. Qi.

I seldom go out on weekdays, and spend most of my time nestling in my yard playing with flowers and plants.

When Head Qi arrived, she was playing with a pot of orchids.

It is an extremely rare five-color orchid.

Head Qi took a look and saluted his mother respectfully.

"Mother." He called softly, and his gloomy face eased.

Mrs. Qi helped him up with a smile, looked at him carefully, and said helplessly: "My son has lost some weight, but he hasn't had a good meal these days."

After she finished speaking, she stopped laughing, and said to the little maid behind her, "Bring the hot chicken soup on the stove to the old man."

Mrs. Qi's clothes are plain, and her figure is slightly fat.

She has a fair complexion and only wears a forehead on her head. She has a round face with big eyes and a tear mole under her eyes.

With a round nose and slightly pursed lips, he looks like an extremely kind person.

Although his face is covered with wrinkles, he can still see the beauty of his youth.

However, the little maid didn't dare to be negligent, she hurriedly responded, and trotted towards the kitchen.

Mrs. Qi frowned when she saw this, obviously dissatisfied with this maid's impatient temper.

Head Qi didn't pay attention to his mother's expression, his eyes were still on the five-color orchid.

"Father is fooling you with these things again."

Ever since he raised that woman to be his wife, such rare and useless things have been stuffed into his mother's place.

It seems to be making up for the guilt of having a wife, but in fact it is just for outsiders to see.

To let the world know that he is not the heartless person who abandons his poor wife.

Master Qi snorted coldly.

You know, flattening your wife is the biggest insult to your original spouse.

His mother was born in a scholarly family, and she married the Qi family back then, and was the top of the Qi family.

Who would have thought that the regular wife, who was supposed to be highly respected, would be ridiculed because his father married a common wife before she was confinement.

Mrs. Qi patted him lightly when she heard the words, and said angrily: "What nonsense, this five-color orchid is a rare item, not to mention worth millions, even if you have money, it is difficult to find it."

With a sigh, she dragged Qi Dangjia to the five-color orchid, and randomly picked the best flower that bloomed.

"Your father has a heart, and mother likes it very much."

Did you like it?
Looking at the pot of orchids with only four colors left, Qi Dangjia was speechless.

Mrs. Qi did not intend to continue this topic, and handed the flowers in her hand to another little maid behind her.

"Bury it well, such a precious thing, you can't wrong it."

After saying that, he glanced at it regrettably, and dragged Qi Dangjia back to the house.

The little servant girl responded, and she took the flower in her hands to bury it.

Inside the house, Mrs. Qi watched her son drink a large bowl of chicken soup, and then wiped his mouth with her own hands with a smile.

Head Qi was very helpless: "Mother, my son is no longer a child."

His mother raised him as a child every day, and she wished she could feed him with her own hands.

This made Master Qi helpless and at the same time moved.

The best thing for him in this world is his mother, and he cherishes it very much.

Therefore, when he became sensible and realized how much harm his father had caused his mother by marrying a flat wife, he would be even more angry and dissatisfied.

Thinking of his second mother, Qi Dangjia's face, which had just gotten better, sank again.

How could Mrs. Qi not understand what her son was thinking.

She smiled and said, "In my mother's heart, my son will always be a child."

Seeing her son's expression softened, she pushed the servants away, leaving only the maid who buried the flowers just now.

"My mother has heard about it. You were reckless about the princess."

"Mother, I..." Head Qi was a little unconvinced.

He thought his plan was perfect.

If it wasn't for the stupidity of the people underneath, how could he be exposed.

"Son, a mistake is a mistake. You have to admit it bravely so that you won't make the same mistake in the future. Justifying it will only make your father think you are incompetent."

"Why do you win your father's favor when you are the second child? Because he knows that your father is a person who only cares about results. He never defends himself, and only makes up for the mistakes he made."

"In this regard, you are not as good as him."

Mrs. Qi was still gentle, but what she said made Master Qi blush.

It seems that it is difficult to accept his mother's behavior of raising her second child and belittling herself.

Head Qi looked at his mother silently, and his originally Rumu eyes dimmed.

"Mother means that the son is not as good as the second brother?"

He doesn't understand, is the second child that good?

His father can't stop being partial to him, even his own mother...

Mrs. Qi didn't seem to notice his gloomy face, she glanced at him lightly.

"Why do you compare with him? You just need to remember that this home is yours after all."

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