When Qi headed away, his face was even uglier than when he came.

Mrs. Qi stood outside the door and watched him leave. The servant girl behind her pursed her lips and said hesitantly: "What you said just now seems to have offended the elder."

Now it's time to eat, if it is normal, the Elder Master will definitely stay here for dinner.

But he just found an excuse to shirk it.

Mrs. Qi smiled and didn't care.

"What's so strange, the blood of the Qi family is still flowing in his body."


It was different from the desertedness in Mrs. Qi's courtyard.

At this time, the second wife's courtyard is a time of harmony and harmony.

"Father, this is a fish made by my mother, please taste it."

Second Master Qi stood up and respectfully put a piece of thinly sliced ​​fish fillet into Old Master Qi's bowl.

Old Mrs. Qi looked down, the fish meat was crystal clear, glistening with crystal water, and fresh blood streaks could be faintly seen on it.

This fish is actually raw.

The old man Qi swallowed, picked up the chopsticks with difficulty, put the fishy meat into his mouth, and swallowed it without chewing.

"Your mother's craftsmanship is getting better and better." Old Master Qi praised against his will, and took a sip of the tea cup at hand.

It was as if he had come to life, and he let out a sigh of relief.

At the same time put down the chopsticks in his hand.

The meaning of rejection is obvious.

Master Qi Er obviously knew that his father didn't like to eat these, so he bowed his head and said yes, and made some easy-to-eat sea vegetables for his father, with a humble and polite attitude.

He looks like he is in his 30s, with slightly raised brows and eyes, he looks like a very shrewd person.

However, his expression was exceptionally gentle and introverted, which well diluted this shrewdness.

On the contrary, it made him look a lot more stable.

Old Master Qi looked at his son with pity.

If he wasn't from the blood of the second wife, he would be a good heir.

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on the woman opposite.

When he saw the other party's white face, as if it had been brushed with flour, even though he had been mentally prepared, he couldn't help but tremble.

The woman on the opposite side was pale, and her eyebrows were only half drawn.

The lips are only painted on the middle part, but they are extremely bright red.

She was wearing a brown coat embroidered with gold thread, with a wide girdle around her waist and long sleeves spread on both sides of her body, and she was kneeling upright at the table.

With that makeup, the whole person looks...pretty creepy and weird.

Old Master Qi trembled, not understanding how someone would like to dress himself up like a monster.

Really puzzling.

Old Master Qi swallowed again, calmed down his frightened little heart, and pretended nothing happened: "Why are you dressed like this today?"

Since she married into the Qi family, she seldom dresses like this.

The second wife is just fifty this year, and she looks much younger than Mrs. Qi.

She lowered her head slightly, and the wide collar could not cover the back of her neck which was still fair.

"Today is the anniversary of my mother's death. I can't be filial at my knees. I can only remember it in this way." Her tone was a bit weird, but she spoke smoothly.

Old Master Qi was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly realized for a while.

"It turns out that it's the death day of my mother-in-law. You see, I'm so busy that I forgot such an important thing."

He patted his wrinkled forehead and said apologetically.

"Mother-in-law" is very smooth.

"Husband, don't worry about it. You are the heaven of the Qi family, and you are also the heaven of the concubine. The concubine will not blame you."

The second lady lowered her head from beginning to end, her eyes were always on her lap.

It seems that looking directly at your husband is a very disrespectful behavior.

Old Master Qi nodded in satisfaction: "You are still caring."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the whitened face again, endured the discomfort in his heart, and said softly with his eyes: "Since it is the death day of mother-in-law, why don't you invite brother-in-law over to worship together."

His "uncle" hangs out every day, and it's very rare to see him.

"Uncle said he would come over in the evening, and after paying homage to grandma with mother, he will go to discuss important matters with you." Master Qi Er hurriedly said.

"Oh? It's rare." Mr. Qi said with a smile.

"Your uncle rarely comes looking for me on his own initiative." His tone was flat, without the slightest hint of complaint.

Master Qi Er still explained: "Uncle is afraid of disturbing you, and besides, he is busy investigating that matter recently, so he came to look for you just after he had some clues."

Mrs. Qi laughed happily when she heard the words.

He didn't know if he was afraid of disturbing him, but it was true that the man was nervous.

"You said your uncle already has a clue?" Mrs. Qi was surprised.

The Qi family hasn't found out about it for so many years, how long has it been since he heard about it?
"Yes." Second Master Qi smiled faintly.

"According to the clues given by the father, the son asked people to visit around the Calabash Valley and finally found something."

He paused, and then explained: "The news was delivered last night. My son was afraid of disturbing your rest, so I thought I'd tell you again today."

So the second child found out the news, and he didn't tell him right away for fear of disturbing his sleep, but he told his uncle first.

Old Master Qi glanced at him with a complicated expression.

"In the future, you should tell your father first about such things, so you don't need to be afraid of disturbing me."

He said in a deep voice, "You have to remember, your surname is Qi."

The reason why his Qi family went ashore was because of this.

Unexpectedly, someone else got the news first, and Mrs. Qi felt somewhat uncomfortable.

He rarely spoke to this second son in such a serious tone, and Master Qi's eyes trembled slightly.

"My son knows his mistake, and he won't do it next time."

Old Master Qi looked relaxed.

The second child is good at this point. He has the courage to admit his mistakes when he does something wrong, and he will never do it again next time.

His attitude reassured Old Master Qi a lot.

"Husband, don't blame him. It's my concubine who forbids him to disturb you." The second wife finally raised her head and looked at old Mrs. Qi.

"Besides, the matter of cooperation was brought up by my husband on his own initiative. What Erlang found out this time is not a major matter. The concubine's brother is suspicious, and this move can reassure him."

The second wife took the initiative to pour a glass of wine for him, and said in a soft tone: "He is not low in front of the emperor of our country, as long as he can coax him to say a few more good words for you and get more benefits, why should you care about this?" Little thing."

This is true.

Old Master Qi nodded slightly, his complexion softened.

Although his wife is from a foreign race, she is always towards him, and she will marry her husband from beginning to end. This is what he is most satisfied with her.

It's just ugly makeup.

Old Mrs. Qi glanced at her, flustered.


At the same time, Gu Nanyan, who was thousands of miles away, was worrying about money.

She took over two mines before, but the production could not keep up with the consumption of the smelter, so she had to buy them from others.

Money is spent like flowing water.

However, the shipyard side has only just begun.

According to the current expenses, the money in her hand is not enough.

Gu Nanyan rested her chin on her hand and sighed.

Thinking about whether he should go back to Beijing, first drive the car dealership over there.

Gu Nanyan smacked her lips and suddenly thought of something.

She took 888 out of the system space.

"Last time you said that the metal detection function needs to be upgraded before it can be used. How much silver does the upgrade cost?"

888 glanced at her listlessly: "It's useless to spend any money, unless the boss personally authorizes, otherwise the customer service has no right to open the authority."

After saying that, it moved away from Gu Nanyan, and its dark eyes were full of vigilance.

The little paws were wrapped around the chest, shrinking the furry little body into the corner of the wall.

Ever since this woman discovered the benefits of its fur, she took it out and plucked it from time to time, causing him to return to the factory for repairs again and again.

Fortunately, the boss found out with conscience and knew that he was persecuted by this unscrupulous woman, so he saved him money for rebuilding.

Otherwise, it might become the first bald customer service in the company's history.

"Is there anything else, I'm going back." After 888 finished speaking, he was about to run to the space.

The boss said, it's okay to show up in front of this woman in the future.

Otherwise, if she finds out the benefits of other parts of its body, she might dismantle it frantically.

At that time, no one can save it.

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