How could Gu Nanyan let it go so easily.

Seeing it raise its legs, it ran away, picked up its hind legs, and swayed in the air.

"Why are you running? I can eat you."

Who knows!

Even if I can't eat it, it can tear me apart.

888 complained and struggled.

Trying in vain to break free from the shackles and return to space for help.

The woman was thinking about it when she saw it, so she had to notify the boss immediately.

But the goose, its struggle is of no use.

Gu Nanyan shook it again, with a soft light on her face, and a pure and warm smile.

"I want to see your boss, can you contact me, dear?"



Xuan Yu gazed at the woman in front of him affectionately, and gently hugged her to the bed, his short hair dyed fiery red made his face more beautiful.

The woman lying on the bed looked shy, and her slender arms climbed around his neck like two snakes.

"Ah Xuan..." The woman called softly, and slowly closed her eyes.

The lips are slightly parted, as if waiting for him to pick them.

Xuan Yu hooked the corner of his mouth, his body sank, and his handsome face slowly approached.

"Your ancestor is calling, your ancestor is calling..."




The familiar bell rang, and Xuan Yu instantly frowned.

The beauty just now disappeared, and he jumped up, looking for his phone in a panic.

And the woman beside him was pushed out by his conditioned reflex.


The woman held her nose, nosebleeds winding down her slender fingertips.

Xuanyu finally found the phone: "..."

Would you believe me when I said it wasn't intentional?

Of course the woman didn't believe it, and slapped him with a slap.

"You single dog for thousands of years, don't come to see my old lady in the future!"

After finishing speaking, clutching the still bleeding nose, he slammed the door angrily and left.

Xuanyu: "..."

Xuanyu looked at the contacts displayed on the light curtain, and wanted to cry for the person opposite.


Why do you always pick this kind of time to call!

Do you know how difficult it is for him to find a partner!

this woman...

This woman must have done it on purpose! ! !
Xuan Yu fantasized about cutting the woman he met into pieces. After a while, he pulled out a stiff smile and slowly tapped the answer button.

"Hi, cutie, we meet again, is there anything I can do for you? I can do anything~"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Is this guy sick?
Onlookers 888: "..."

Is the boss sick?
Gu Nanyan stared at him calmly for a long while across the light curtain.

"Are you scolding me?"

This feeling is strong.

Don't ask her why, she just doesn't know.

Xuan Yu's face froze.

The ancestor's intuition is still so accurate, but he will not admit it.

"How could it be? Haha, cutie, you think too much."

Secretly poking through a string of data, his eyes stayed on the anger value for a moment.


Still so long.

Turning off the data, Xuanyu got a positive expression.

"If you have any needs, you can tell me, Xuanyu will serve you wholeheartedly."

Seeing his serious face, Gu Nanyan scratched his head.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you for permission."

What to do so politely, she almost felt ashamed to go whoring for nothing.

"Ah, what authority?" Xuanyu looked at Lutuanzi huddled in the corner, and asked inexplicably.

The authority of 888 is not low anymore, it is enough for her world.

"She wants to turn on the metal detection function." 888 said unrequitedly.

Xuan Yu was silent.

In order to ensure the stable development of each world, this function is not open to the public, which is the rule set by "her".

Even if he is the boss now, he dare not destroy it at will.

"This matter is a bit difficult." Xuan Yu scratched the head of the chicken nest, which was surprisingly similar to Gu Nanyan.

"May I ask, what do you want this permission for?"

Gu Nanyan: "Find the treasure."

Xuanyu: "..."

Is it so direct?

"How big is the range that needs to be detected?"

"One or two thousand kilometers."

In fact, it can't be used in such a large range.

But in business, bargaining is still necessary.

Xuanyu: "..."

Who does business with you!

Why don't you say the whole planet.

I've never seen anyone so rude.

Xuanyu wanted to refuse.

However, Gu Nanyan looked at him intently, as if if he dared to say no, he would crawl out from the light curtain and beat him up.

Xuan Yu trembled, and resolutely swallowed the words of refusal.

He cautiously tentatively said: "This function is not open to the public... But you are our regular customer, everything is easy to discuss."

Seeing that Gu Nanyan was about to turn his face, the words on his lips quickly turned around.

Xuanyu: I am so difficult.

Xuanyu squeezed out an ugly smile: "You see, let's turn on the metal detection for you first—how about the ten-kilometer authority."

Gu Nanyan didn't speak, just stared at him straight.

Xuanyu: " can add more if it's not enough."

Gu Nanyan: "Not enough."

Xuanyu: "..."

"The twenty kilometers?"

Gu Nanyan still didn't speak, but his eyes fully expressed his dissatisfaction.

Xuanyu: "Thirty?"


"One hundred! No more!"

Xuanyu gritted his teeth, this ancestor, what evil did he do in his previous life to meet her!

Gu Nanyan snorted, and squinted at him: "Two hundred."

Although the tone was calm, it was full of doubts.

Bargaining, she understands.

Xuanyu was heartbroken, and after weighing it for a moment, he gritted his back molars.

"But I have to remind you that this function is disabled in all worlds. I can't enable long-term permissions here. You only have one hour. Just turn on the switch when you need it."

Fearing that she would continue to bargain, Xuanyu quickly sent her a permission confirmation letter.

Gu Nanyan didn't click for confirmation, but took a general look, and said firmly and unyieldingly: "Ten hours."

An hour is so short, how can this be possible.

She is a persistent woman!
Xuanyu almost vomited blood, and said frantically: "Grandma, do you know that I will be electrocuted for an hour if this kind of authority is issued!"

Don't doubt it, it's just that perverted!
This kind of taboo permission can easily lead to deviations in the evolution of the world, so when the rules were first formulated, they were extremely strict.

If she is given ten hours of permission, he will be electrocuted for ten hours!
Who can stand this.

He is a body of flesh and blood, not a wall of iron and steel.

Xuanyu insisted on the principle with great backbone and was determined not to let go.

In the end, in desperation, Gu Nanyan had no choice but to take a step back and successfully obtained the authority for two hours.

That is four hours.

Xuanyu cried and fainted in the toilet.

He was also fooled by this ancestor.

Originally, the unit of measurement was hours, but who knew that someone who was not paying attention was brought into the pit by her, and it became several hours.

That was four hours of electrocution!
Xuanyu felt that he might need to take a long vacation.


Seeing the person on the opposite side turn off the light curtain choked with sobs, Gu Nanyan let out a breath.

Although two hours is a bit short, it doesn't matter.

The big deal is to find him when you need it.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, I always feel that the chicken coop head seems...probably a little afraid of me.

Gu Nanyan touched his face.

She looks very cute, does Jiwotou have cat cakes in her eyes?

She was actually afraid of being so cute.

888 is still huddled in the corner, his eyes rolling around.

Although he didn't know why the boss suddenly became so talkative, he could clearly feel the fear and lack of confidence in the boss's eyes.

Did it accidentally meet a boss?

No, no, it can't really be so lucky.

Then should it rush up and hug its thigh?
Gu Nanyan didn't know that 888 was trying to hit her on the thigh. After the authorization was settled, she began to think about the "treasure hunt".

Of course, you have to plan your route before you go on a treasure hunt.

Otherwise, two hours would not be enough for her.

Finding the map that was eating ashes in the corner from the space, Gu Nanyan told Yunxi not to disturb her, and locked herself in the room for a day and a night without going out.

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