The farmer has a mall

Chapter 486 Combo Cannon

The route is not difficult to plan.

Back then, the old man who went to Nanwei country said that the last place where the treasures of the previous dynasty appeared was near Zhongling County in the northwest.

And Zhongling County is the fiefdom of King Jing, and Prince Jing's mansion is there.

Gu Nanyan felt that this was definitely not a coincidence.

Maybe the Empress Dowager Shen, who was carrying the blood of the previous dynasty, knew something a long time ago, that's why she took her adopted son to such a place where no shit.

It may be an exaggeration to say that birds don't shit.

Although Zhongling County is poor, that is in comparison.

But King Jing is a majestic prince, and he has not made any big mistakes, so it stands to reason that he should be able to get a better land boundary.

Unless there is something important there that needs to be guarded.

Judging from the previous situation, perhaps Prince Jing himself didn't even know that there might be a treasure trove in his jurisdiction.

Otherwise, when he was arrested, he could have confessed his meritorious deeds and at least saved his life.

As for Empress Dowager Shen...

I'm afraid I didn't expect that I would suddenly kill, and before I could say the chips, I died.

Gu Nanyan smacked her lips, even so she didn't regret killing the old hag.

If she hadn't acted quickly at that time, Li Xu didn't know what would happen.

Innocent children should not be involved in adult battles.

Gu Nanyan looked at the map in front of him.

She remembered where she had seen it before. When the previous court retreated and fled, she hid in Gourd Valley.

It was also the valley where she rescued the Zhenbei Army.

And Calabash Valley is the only way from the capital to Zhongling County. The distance between the two places is not far, about a day's journey.

In other words, the treasure is likely to be near Zhongling County.

Circled the approximate area on the map, Gu Nanyan dropped the pen and rubbed the space between his brows.

Once the route is planned, the next step is transportation.

The distance is long, if you use a carriage, it will take at least two or three months to go back and forth.

too long.

It's not that she's impatient, but that it's unsafe if it drags on for a long time.

If you use a steam car, it is faster, and it is not difficult to add a car body for loading things at the back.

I just don't know what the treasures are.

Today's steam cars don't know if they have enough horsepower.

On the second day, Gu Nanyan called Guanshi Yu early in the morning.

And handed him a drawing and asked him to make several car bodies according to the drawing.

Manager Yu has been very busy recently.

For future development, Gu Nanyan plans to open a car factory independently and promote him to be the factory manager.

Now that the depot has not been built yet, as the manager of the arsenal and the director of the depot, he ran back and forth staring at each other, dizzy from being busy.

After receiving Gu Nanyan's instructions, Manager Yu almost trotted back to the arsenal.

After arranging things, he ran to the depot.

Tired straight rolled his eyes.

There is no way, Gu Nanyan wants to provide him with a car, but Manager Yu is motion sick!
He can't ride a horse, and the speed of the carriage is not as fast as his two legs, so he can only run.

Fortunately, the car factory will be built soon. When he is officially promoted to the factory manager, the arsenal will be handed over to others.


It will take a few more days for the truck body to be ready, and it is already May, so there will be long nights and dreams, so Gu Nanyan decided to go to Zhongling County to check out the spots first.

It is safer to find the treasure first, and then send the convoy there.

Saving the grass to startle the snake.

There is a steam car, one back and forth plus treasure hunting, at most seven or eight days.

Gu Nanyan didn't inform Gu Shen, leaving something to say when she came back.

So he took Yun Xi on the road alone.

Yunchu stayed to take care of the affairs of the mansion.

Therefore, when Li Yi knew that his wife had run away again, he couldn't express anything other than helplessness.

Reminiscing about his way of chasing his wife, the heartbroken Li Yi continued to devote himself to the training of the navy.

After a period of recruitment, the navy battalion expanded rapidly.

From less than 1000 people before, to 5000 people now.

Gu Shenben still wanted to continue recruiting people, but Li Yi said that her daughter asked to limit the number of people to around 5000.

He also said that there are more soldiers but not many. At present, 5000 people are enough.

In Gu Shen's mind, a strong soldier and a strong horse are the key to winning a battle.

5000 people are too few for a war.

What's more, there is a loss of personnel in every battle, and there will be no time for training when recruiting people again.

However, Gu Shen's worry did not last long.

Li Yi showed him the ship design and the training plan of the naval battalion.

Gu Shen shut up instantly.

Obediently, this is not a warship.

It is obviously a murder weapon in the world!
Look at the ring of cannons embedded in the hull.

There is also the one in the middle, a square thing made up of iron pipes.

What does the girl call that.

Oh yes, the batter cannon!

It is said that the cannonballs fired are only the size of a man's fist, and are not as powerful as city defense cannons, but they can be fired in bursts!
The combo gun has nine barrels in a row, a total of five rows, that is, 45 shells, which are fired one after another continuously.

That scene makes me excited just thinking about it!
With such a large attack power, even if the opponent's ship is made of steel like theirs, it may not be able to withstand the second round of launching.

And a ship can be operated by only 100 people, even if the reserve personnel are added, it is only [-].

In other words, these 5000 people can equip more than 20 warships!

No wonder the daughter said that there are enough people. According to the power of this warship, let alone twenty, no one can hold two of them!

Gu Shen grabbed the blueprint, trembling with excitement, his eyes were red.

What is the purpose of them consumables and labor?
It's not to strengthen the navy.

The maintenance cost of those broken ships alone is enough for them to drink a pot every year, but it has not been effective.

Unexpectedly, let his daughter do it!

Gu Shen caressed the combo cannon in the center of the picture with his fingers, and a strong pride rose in his heart.

The daughter is smart, she is simply a natural war genius, and can make such a fierce weapon.

A hundred years of stability can be expected for the Jianan Kingdom.

At the same time, a team of more than a thousand people from Anyang Kingdom is heading for Jianan Kingdom.

These people are all Anyang National Navy.

Gu Nanyan asked Fu Tuo to send him to Gu Shen for training on the grounds of friendly exchanges.

Although Fu Tuo didn't know the reason, he still ordered 1000 people to go to Jianan personally.

And ordered to go to Jianan Kingdom, everything obeyed the princess' orders.

In the imperial study room, Emperor Anyang, who had returned to his country, was sitting in front of the imperial case bored, flipping through the letter that Gu Nanyan had sent to Fu Tuo.

There was a burst of unhappiness in my heart.

A heartless stinking girl, she knows how to send letters to her brother.

His too!
Is it exhausting to write more than one?
And, look at what she wrote.

Say hello to the old man for me, and let him settle the money for the city defense artillery by the way.

Is this a greeting or a debt collection?

And who is "that old man", who is old, can't even call his father! ! !

Emperor Anyang was so angry that he had a heart attack, he stroked his chest for a long while but couldn't recover.

Then look at the son sitting in front of him.

Emperor Anyang threw the letter towards him with a snap.

"You sent people out, and you came here to show me the letter!"

Don't think I can't see that you are showing off!

Emperor Anyang was angry.

There are still too few government affairs, and those old things have to be given more credits later.

You are too busy!

Seeing that you still have the leisure to read the letter!
Pretending not to hear the sound of his teeth grinding, Fu Tuo slowly got up with the corners of his mouth curled up.

Picking up the letter thrown by Emperor Anyang, he patted it as if afraid of getting it dirty, and gently put it in his arms.

"Father is the king of a country, how can such trivial things bother you."

His tone was warm and calm, and he was not moved at all by the anger of Emperor Anyang.

"Heh!" Emperor Anyang sneered.

"It's nice to say, so don't tell me!"

He came to inform him only after everyone had left, and it was proper to kill first and then play.

In fact, he is now in a semi-retirement state, and most of the government affairs have been handed over to Prince Fu Tuo.

There is nothing wrong with Fu Tuo doing this.

In the end, he just didn't feel resentful that Gu Nanyan favored one more than another.

Fu Tuo also knew why he lost his temper, and his smile became brighter.

He didn't hide his pride at all.

Emperor Anyang: "..."

There is no way to have this son.

Is it too late for him to abolish the crown prince?

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