The farmer has a mall

Chapter 487 The Emperor Anyang, Uneasy in His Room

It's too late for the waste prince.

Emperor Anyang chose to torture him with government affairs.

Let people bring over the memorials that Gouzi has reviewed, and criticize them one by one.

Either this decision was wrong, or there was a problem with the way that matter was handled.

I really can't find fault, so I just say that his handwriting is not good, like a dog crawling like a dog to humiliate his father.

He was also fined to use his free time to practice two hundred characters every day.

In fact, Fu Tuo's handwriting is not bad, although it is not as good as the masters of calligraphy and painting, it is quite regal.

Emperor Anyang was obviously finding fault.

Two hundred big characters a day, even if you don't eat, drink or sleep, you can't finish writing!

The smile on Fu Tuo's face finally stopped.

Seeing this, Emperor Anyang changed the subject contentedly.

"What is that girl going to do again? Why did she suddenly think of training sailors?" Emperor Anyang took a sip of his tea, slowly exhaled the depression, and immediately felt refreshed.

The water combat capabilities of various countries are similar, and Fu Tuo doesn't know what she is going to do.

But my younger sister opened her mouth and gave whatever she wanted.

Not to mention training exchanges, it's fine if people don't come back.

"Yanyan never does superfluous things, and she has her own ideas."

The translation of this sentence means that my sister can toss about as much as she likes, and you don't have to worry about it.

Emperor Anyang was heartbroken again.

His own niece, his own soldier, he can't even ask!
Emperor Anyang snorted twice: "If you don't know, just say you don't know, as if you know her well."

How long have you been with that girl, but I am Jianan who went with her.

Thinking of this, Emperor Anyang felt that he was doing it again.

Deliberately sighed and said: "You don't know, the Zhenbei General's Mansion is not as big as your East Palace, and I feel wronged for that girl who lives there. You said that she won't wait for her good palace, and the Princess Mansion has been built for her. She I couldn’t help but ran back to suffer those crimes.”

Emperor Anyang clicked his tongue twice, expressing his disgust towards the Zhenbei General's Mansion.

Fu Tuo: "..."

I'll believe you when you say a few words.

Since you dislike him so much, why did you not leave when someone picked you up?

If it wasn't for the chaos over there, you probably wouldn't want to go back!

Fu Tuo looked defensively at Emperor Anyang who was sitting on top.

This tone is not right, the mouth is disdainful but the eyes are shining.

Is it possible...

Want to run again?
Sure enough, Emperor Anyang sighed again, full of heartache, and said: "Your sister is in such a difficult situation, I, the emperor father, really can't worry about it, you are growing up, and the affairs of the court are already handy, how about..."

"Father, Gu is still a prince!" Fu Tuo reminded with a blank expression.

Throughout the annals of Anyang Kingdom, no emperor has ever been treated like him!
Thinking about running out every day, this palace can't accommodate him, can it?

Let a prince hold the emperor's heart, are you not afraid that I will promote you to be the emperor?

Emperor Anyang expressed that he was not afraid, and he could take the initiative to give way when necessary.

He could see that being an emperor was a thankless job.

How wonderful is the Supreme Emperor.

Eat well, wear well, have fun.

Money can be spent a lot.

Don't worry about ruining the treasury.

Anyway, there is still the emperor supporting it.

And even if he has no real power, his status is still above ten thousand people.

No matter how awesome this kid is after becoming the emperor, doesn't he have to behave himself in front of him?

Thinking of this, Emperor Anyang became more and more moved.

In a hurry, he kicked out the bad son in front of him.

Then began to write the imperial edict.

Of course, abdication is not something that can be done in a day and a half.

It has to go through many checkpoints and discuss with the ministers.

It's unprecedented for him to abdicate at such a young age. Those old things in the court don't know how long it will take to get results.

But this does not prevent him from writing the imperial edict.

Write the edict first.

In case things don't go well, he can throw down the imperial edict and run away.

He still doesn't believe it.

He disappeared for a year or two, how could those people wait for him to come back?

If it doesn't work, he will hide in that girl's fief.

I heard that her princess mansion is fairly spacious and well guarded, so it's absolutely fine to hide for a year or so without being discovered!

Gu Nanyan, who was thousands of miles away, didn't know that his princess mansion had been missed by some unscrupulous emperor.

She set off with Yun Xi day after day, heading northwest.

In order not to attract crowds of onlookers, she drove the car on a path that was sparsely populated.

The road outside Mingshan City is not so smooth, the official roads are uneven, let alone the trails.

Coupled with unfamiliar roads, it took two days and one night to reach the destination - Calabash Valley.

Gu Nanyan didn't go into the valley, but only walked around the periphery, and then set off towards Zhongling County.

Since Prince Jing's accident, all the fiefdoms that originally belonged to him have been taken back by the court.

Several local officials who were closer to Prince Jing's mansion also resigned one after another.

The new ones are all passionate and ambitious young people who have not yet been recruited by the courtiers of various factions.

Gu Nanyan did not notify anyone in advance of this trip.

So when she arrived in Zhongling County in a steam car, it caused quite a stir.

It wasn't her who caused the sensation, but the silver car.

The people had never seen such a strange thing before, and they avoided it in fear, but Gu Nanyan arrived at the gate of the yamen smoothly.

The yamen servant guarding the gate was very frightened, and drew his sword vigilantly towards each other, very afraid of Yun Xi who came out of the rumbling iron monster.

Along the way, Yunxi has long been accustomed to these fussing situations, and calmly handed over the token representing the princess' identity to the yamen servant.

The two yamen servants looked at each other, looking at the word "protecting the country" on the token, their guarded expressions gradually became dignified.

One of the elderly yamen servants glanced at Gu Nanyan sitting in the car, and the portrait he had seen before appeared in his mind.

To be precise, it should be the statue of the door god.

The land in the northwest is close to Xihu. Compared with other places, it advocates the theory of ghosts and gods more.

At the beginning, Gu Nanyan led the kamikaze team to subdue Xihu with the momentum of thunder.

The thunderous noise caused by the mortar shells could be heard miles away.

Not only can you hear it, but you can feel the tremor under your feet.

There are many people who have seen the scene of the cannon fire with their own eyes.

So the legend that Gu Nanyan came down to earth as a god to save them from the war never stopped.

Coupled with the later drought-tolerant and high-yielding wheat, the Northwest, which was not suitable for growing crops, can also grow food.

As a result, the legend intensified, so that every household posted a portrait of Gu Nanyan.

Some people even worship her statue spontaneously, praying for the blessing of this god.

Even the government personally came forward to refute the rumors, but it didn't shake the people's faith.

The token was real, and when the senior yamen servant confirmed the appearance of the woman in the car, he hurriedly turned around and whispered something to another yamen servant.

Then he ran into the courtroom excitedly.

Oh my god, he actually met the legendary door god princess!
Although the figure of the other party is a bit different from the legendary five big three, but this does not hinder his admiration.

Have you heard a word?

A small body can also contain great power!
And this princess really deserves to be a god.

Even the mounts are so different.

He saw that iron bump running by himself!
The elder yamen servant was engrossed in his thoughts, and he didn't care about being promoted at this time, so he rushed in under the dissatisfied eyes of his family's adults.

I don't know if the princess will look at him differently because he is so active.

He's not too demanding.

As long as he can catch the eyes of the princess, even if he is by her side, it is good to be a servant serving tea and water.

The young county magistrate didn't know that his subordinates were thinking about changing jobs.

He frowned and looked at the panting servant in front of him.

He held the gavel in his hand that he hadn't had time to shoot.

The tone is a bit bad.

"You better have something important to do."

The court is a sacred place. Once promoted, no one who has nothing to do with the case can enter at will.

Not even a yamen servant.

The new county magistrate is very strict with the rules when he takes office.

The old yamen servant naturally knew, he respectfully presented the token in his hand, and said excitedly: "My lord, the Princess Protector of the Kingdom is asking to see you outside the door."

"Bang!" The gavel fell, followed by the sound of chairs rubbing against the ground.

The young county magistrate stood up abruptly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

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