The farmer has a mall

Chapter 488 The Uninvited Guest

In the back hall of the county government office, Gu Nanyan sat at the head.

The young county magistrate bowed and looked at her cautiously.

The woman has a relaxed demeanor and a casual posture.

The cyan robe on his body is simple in style.Except for the hair crown, there are no other ornaments on the head.

The whole person looks quite unpretentious.

She does not have the arrogance and arrogance of princes and grandchildren.

But it makes people feel a sense of oppression for no reason.

Seeing the woman raised her eyes to meet his scrutinizing gaze, the young county magistrate hastily lowered his head.

"I don't know that the princess is here, and the officials are far away to welcome you."

In the past, when the royal family went on tour, they would order people to call in advance to prepare.

And this one obviously doesn't play according to the routine.

He ran over from a long distance alone, without even bringing his bodyguard with him.

He only brought a maid who didn't seem to be a deterrent.

He didn't even know when she entered the city.

The young county magistrate felt uneasy, for fear that he would blame him for neglecting her.

However, Gu Nanyan waved his hands with a look of indifference.

"I'm just here to handle some private matters, and I don't want to make it public. It's better for the magistrate to go and take care of his own affairs."

She paused, then continued: "If it's convenient, please ask the county magistrate to lend me a few people."

Without Prince Jing's Mansion, the biggest thing in Zhongling County is the county magistrate.

If she can find those treasures, there will definitely be a lot of noise, and she will say hello to the local snake no matter what.

Besides, before the transport truck arrives, those things always have to find a place to store them, and there is nowhere safer than the county government.

She spoke one word at a time, the county magistrate, and the young county magistrate was even more panicked.

"Princess Zhesha, please tell me if you have something to do."

The young county magistrate, surnamed Zhao, was born in an ordinary family, and he became an official through the imperial examination.

When he took part in the imperial examination, he accidentally caught wind and cold, and went to the court with a high fever, and his ranking in the examination was not very good.

After being elected, he stayed at the place of household registration and became a master register.

He has no power or power, and there is no permanent property in his family. He thought that he could only die in the post of chief bookkeeper in this life.

Unexpectedly, he was transferred here by a document from the Ministry of Officials and became the county magistrate of Zhongling County.

It was not easy for him to get to this point, so he was cautious and cautious towards the princess Gu Nanyan.

"I don't know how many people the princess wants, I'll let someone arrange it."

Gu Nanyan thought for a while and said, "No hurry, I will go out tomorrow, and we will talk about it when I come back."

Zhao county magistrate hastily responded.

"Then I will go and arrange a place for you first, and ask the princess to rest here for a while."

"No need, just find a room in the backyard, don't make it public." Gu Nanyan refused.

County magistrate Zhao was stunned, surprised by her down-to-earth attitude.

However, he quickly realized that he bowed and left, and went to the back to make arrangements in person.

His master hurriedly followed.

"My lord, why did this guy come here, and he only brought a maid with him." The master asked in puzzlement.

Did Xihu make another move?
Thinking of this possibility, the master's expression couldn't help being nervous.

Unlike County Magistrate Zhao, he is a native of the country.

He knows exactly how tough the Xihu people are.

Although very few Xihu people came to the city to make trouble, but the years of fighting have really exhausted their vitality.

The people here live a difficult life, and even change their children to eat in winter.

It wasn't until Xihu surrendered that everyone's situation improved.

Seeing that a wave of wheat has just been harvested, every household has food in stock, and life is getting better every day.

If the Xihu people come to attack at this time...

Master can't imagine what kind of chaos the people will become.

County magistrate Zhao didn't speak, and walked in front without saying a word.

After a while, he said uncertainly: "Probably not, the princess said it is a private matter."

If Xi Hu was really causing trouble, the dignified princess could not be alone in danger.

And he didn't hear any movement from Xihu.

The two thought about each other, and walked into the backyard in silence.

As soon as he entered the backyard gate, he heard a burst of noise.

Magistrate Zhao frowned and looked up, and saw a dozen yamen servants gathered around, discussing something.

The backyard of the yamen was not big, and these dozen or so people happened to be blocking the door.

"What are you doing here? Have you finished your work!" the master said displeased.

After Xihu surrendered, the people of Zhongling County lived and worked in peace and contentment. There have been few serious cases recently, so their yamen should be more relaxed.

But I don't know if the sudden stability made the people unaccustomed.

There are no major cases, but there are more and more trivial matters.

Either the east family stole the chicken from the west family, or the north family took over the land from the south family.

Or the children of the Zhang family were beaten by the children of the Li family.

All kinds of tricks emerged one after another, which made the Yamen busier than before.

Busy all day without touching the ground.

So when he saw these people chatting during working hours, the master immediately scolded them.

Seeing the immediate boss appear, the discussion fell silent, and then the yamen servants stood aside respectfully, making way for the two to come out.

"Master, we are talking about the princess's mount." One of them said with a slightly excited tone.

He couldn't help but glance behind him.

Only then did the master see the iron bumps parked in the courtyard.

He and the lord personally greeted the princess into the mansion. He had seen this iron lump that could run by itself just now, and he was very curious.

It's just that due to his status as a teacher, he didn't surround him like these yamen servants.

Instead, he glanced at his own adults.

County magistrate Zhao is an approachable official, and he doesn't have much airs after he gets off the yamen.

He was equally curious and walked around the steam car.

Strange is a little strange.

But he knew that the princess often did some strange things.

County Magistrate Zhao reached out and touched the pipe of the steam engine, and there was still a trace of heat on the pipe.

He saw this iron bump with his own eyes just now, and he ran by himself without external force.

And this pipe was emitting black smoke.

I think it's because of this thing.

County magistrate Zhao is also smart, otherwise he wouldn't be able to win the exam despite the high fever.

Immediately caught the point.

After turning around the steam car several times, I really can't understand the reason.

Magistrate Zhao couldn't help sighing while being frustrated.

The princess is really a strange person.

The mechanical fan before was very amazing, and this kind of strange car was made again.

You must know that ordinary carriages not only need to be raised by humans, but if one is not good, it will also get sick, which is really troublesome.

If this kind of thing can be popularized among the people, I don't know what kind of scene it will be.

But this kind of thing, I am afraid that only the royal family can use it.

Communications were underdeveloped in ancient times, and the county magistrate Zhao didn't know that Mingshan City was already selling steam cars.

And the price of each car is 20 taels.

It may be impossible to popularize it among the people in a short time.

Swipe back the yamen servants who watched the excitement.

County magistrate Zhao reluctantly looked at the steam car again, and then he ordered the largest room in the backyard to be cleaned up, and the master went to buy a new bedding for himself.

By the time we packed up, it was already dark.

After Gu Nanyan entered the house, County Magistrate Zhao arranged for a night watchman, and returned to his house in a nervous mood.

Since she had to go out to find the treasure the next day, Gu Nanyan fell asleep early.

There was a wind in the middle of the night, and everything was silent except for the rustling of the leaves.

When the patrolling people walked away, the night watchman couldn't bear it anymore, and stood at the gate of the courtyard and fell asleep.

So they didn't see a thin figure flashing into the yard.

Wearing patched linen clothes, the visitor tiptoed to a place not far from Gu Nanyan's room, and stared steadily.

The darkness covered his appearance, making it impossible to see his expression at the moment.

He stood there for a long time, and took a step forward with his right foot, as if he wanted to go forward.

But I don't know why it was taken back.

There was a slight grinding of teeth in the silent courtyard.

"Gu Nanyan!" The visitor lowered his voice, his tone was trembling, and he sounded a little excited.

It was faintly heard that it was the voice of a young man.

The patrol team turned back again, and the young man was afraid of being discovered, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

As he passed the steam car shining silver in the moonlight, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

I don't know what I thought of, and I slowly approached the silver light.

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