The farmer has a mall

Chapter 489 Divine Beast or Monster

Gu Nanyan's car was painted over.

To be precise, it should have been written in big characters.

Looking at the blood-red "retribution will eventually come", and the faint smell of blood in the air, Gu Nanyan's face was very ugly.

Show her such an exciting picture early in the morning.

Do something!

Also, even if it was splashed with paint, this person actually wrote with blood.

Don't you know she has a sharp nose?

The yard smells of blood, how can I have breakfast! ! !
Gu Nan was panting heavily, as if he would explode at any moment.

Seeing that her complexion was not good, the yamen servant in charge of night watch last night trembled even more, wishing to slap himself a few times.

When he was on duty yesterday, he sneaked out to drink some wine.

At that time, he was about to leave work, and he didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, the superiors suddenly asked him to stay and watch the night.

He was afraid that his boss would smell the alcohol on his body and find out that he had violated the rules by drinking during working hours, so he dared not go up and refuse.

Thinking that there are still patrols anyway, I am just watching the door.

Moreover, the public security in Zhongling County is also very good recently, and there will be no accidents, so it should be done.

Who knew that he drank too much during the day and couldn't help taking a nap in the middle of the night, and this happened!

As a yamen servant, he could tell at a glance that these characters were all written in blood.

And the content is full of curses.

This is the princess's chariot!
This sentence is cursing who needs to say it.

The night watchman's calf trembled, and he felt that he might die today.

I hated the little thief who sneaked in in the middle of the night.

Which careless person did this!
If he finds out, even if he committed a ghost, he will seek this person for his life!

The same calves trembling, and the group of people who patrolled last night.

Conscience of heaven and earth, they were lazy and didn't steal at all.

Unless the other party is a master who can fly over the roof and walls, it is absolutely impossible to break into the Yamen silently.

But how could such a master do such an unworthy thing.

Taking the risk of breaking into the yamen just to write a blood book on someone's car?
Brain has a cat cake!

What if it wasn't done by a master?
Then it can only be the people in the yamen.

The patrolling yamen guards looked at each other, and no one wanted to doubt their brother.

When Zhao County Magistrate got the news, he hurried over without even taking care of breakfast.

Just at the door, I met a sleepy-eyed master who didn't even have time to dress neatly.

The two entered the yamen with solemn expressions, and saw the line of blood-red characters as soon as they entered the yard.

The master's feet softened immediately, and he almost knelt down.

County magistrate Zhao was not as exaggerated as he was, but he also turned pale.

"Princess, it is the negligence of the lower officials, please forgive me." County magistrate Zhao did not argue.

No matter what the reason, the backyard has indeed entered the villain.

Fortunately, this person only wrote a blood book and never did anything to the princess.

Otherwise, if the princess gets a little oily skin, the head of the entire yamen will not be enough to chop off.

Magistrate Zhao regretted it very much at this time.

If I knew I shouldn't have listened to the princess, I insisted on sending a garrison over.

If the entire yamen is surrounded, this kind of thing will not happen.

But the princess finds it troublesome.

She also said that she only stayed for one night, and it was a lot of trouble for the garrison to go back and forth.

Moreover, the maid beside her is also a martial artist, so County Magistrate Zhao didn't insist.

"The person here is a young man who is in the period of changing his voice, and he has a little knowledge in martial arts."

Gu Nanyan didn't say absolution, but said this, and then turned and went back to the house.

County magistrate Zhao was stunned for a long time before he realized that the princess was telling him the characteristics of a thief.

Just how did she know?
County magistrate Zhao didn't have time to think about it, so he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to look for him.

Gu Nanyan entered the room with a dark face.

Her five senses are higher than ordinary people, and she did hear someone walking in the yard last night.

That person's footsteps were light, not as messy as ordinary people's, but not much better.

Therefore, Gu Nanyan deduced that this person should have learned martial arts, but he is not good at martial arts.

And she vaguely heard the other party calling her name.

The voice is low and rough, obviously in the period of voice change.

The other party stood at her door for a moment and then left.

She waited for a long while and saw nothing.

Thinking that with Yunxi guarding the house, such a weak chicken can't turn the tide, so he didn't care.

After driving for two days, she really didn't want to delay her rest because of such a weak chicken.

Who knew that the weak chicken wouldn't do anything to herself, but practiced big characters on her car to scare others!

Yun Xi followed behind her with her head bowed. She also heard the movement last night.

But her duty is to protect the master's safety every step of the way, even if there is a disturbance outside, she will not leave the master's side for half a step.

So as not to let people take advantage of the loopholes.

Yun Xi doesn't regret it, and she will stay in the house again.

After all, the master's safety is above all else.

What if someone makes a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain?

I can't eat breakfast.

Gu Nan went out in a puff of smoke, and drove away with Yunxi in the car that had been cleaned.

The ashes kicked up from the rear of the car raised everyone's faces.

Just after dawn, the streets were empty, so Gu Nanyan drove faster.

County magistrate Zhao could only see the iron lump in front of him smoking.

Then he rushed out with a whoosh.

Before he could react, he was gone.

Magistrate Zhao: "..."

He, he hasn't woken up yet.

Is this horse riding a car?
You can't fly that fast!
Is this still a human world? Hey!
County magistrate Zhao, who was stimulated twice early in the morning, was dizzy, and his slightly ordinary face turned pale.

I don't know whether to be scared or scared.

After standing at the gate of the yamen for half an hour, he entered the yamen with the support of the master who was also frightened.

On that day, countless panicked people sounded the drum to cry for grievances, claiming to have seen a monster on the street.

The monster was huge and ran fast, its screams were deafening.

The people asked the county magistrate to lead troops to subdue the demon.

Magistrate Zhao: "..."

Not to mention what that monster is.

I am a literati with no power to restrain a chicken, you want me to subdue demons?

What about loving and supporting the official?

Are you afraid that you want to send me away!

Good heart plug.

County magistrate Zhao was completely depressed.

In the end, due to the turbulent public opinion, the people blocked the gate of the yamen.

As a last resort, he had to post a notice.

It shows that the monster is only the chariot of the emperor and princess who protects the country.

I thought the people would calm down.

Unexpectedly, within one morning, the news that the princess rode a "divine beast" to the Zhongling County to the earth spread all over the streets and alleys.

Magistrate Zhao:? ? ?

When Gu Nanyan went out, although there were no people on the street, someone still saw the "divine beast" coming out of the yamen.

So the people who got the news rushed to the gate of the yamen to bow down excitedly.

Some people even offered tributes, burned incense, and muttered in their mouths, begging the gods to bless them.

The gate of the yamen was so tightly blocked that not even a fly could get in.

Not to mention the smell of incense that stretched across the entire street, the eyes of the people in the yamen could not be opened due to the smoke.

The crowd couldn't bear it, and they went to the master one after another to ask him to think of a way.

The master had no choice, so he went to Zhao County Magistrate.

County Magistrate Zhao: Don't disturb me.


Gu Nanyan didn't know about all this.

After a night of rest, a certain financial fan in high spirits was running around with a metal detector on.

She wasn't looking for more than a cache of treasure.

Back at the location of Calabash Valley, Gu Nanyan drove all the way north and scanned the surrounding area.

During the period, two iron mines, one large and one small, were discovered, which were still undiscovered.

After marking the two iron mines on the map, Gu Nanyan began to look for the treasure in earnest after half the time.

Half an hour later, there was still no sign of the treasure.

Gu Nanyan parked the car at the foot of a mountain, frowned and took out the map to check.

She has probed for a radius of five hundred miles, but found nothing.

Unless the treasure is not here, or there are no metal products in it, it is impossible to miss it.

Gold and silver are also metals, and it is impossible not to have them in the treasure.

That is beyond the detection range.

Do you still have to go north?

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