The farmer has a mall

Chapter 491 Sinking That Broken Island

Chapter 491 Sinking That Broken Island

Qi Ren is the son of the Qi family, and has been with the second master Qi since childhood.

He has also learned a lot of the native dialect of the second wife of his family, and he speaks it fairly fluently.

Coupled with the fact that he did things safely, Master Qi Er put him next to the distinguished guest as a translator.

Unlike ordinary families who give birth to children, in order to protect the safety of distinguished guests, he has learned a lot.

For Gu Nanyan, a little girl who "has no strength to restrain a chicken", he felt that he could crush her to death with one finger.

So he walked up to her unpreparedly, his eyes fierce.

Facing the man who was much taller and stronger than himself, Gu Nanyan's expression was calm and unwavering, and even his eyes did not change.

It's like looking at an insignificant speck of dust.

He watched helplessly as the other party rushed to his eyes.

Then the moment Qi Ren reached out to grab her, she kicked her.

Qi Ren didn't take it seriously, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

Just these small arms and legs, not as thick as his arms, how painful would it be to kick him?

I'm afraid scratching an itch isn't enough.

Qi Ren didn't take it to heart, and let her kick without dodging or evading, and her hands kept moving.

However, the seemingly soft foot fell on his leg like a heavy hammer.

Qi Ren was unprepared, only felt a sharp pain in her knees, and a slight bone cracking sound came from her ears.


With a scream, he fell to the ground hugging his right leg, his eyes full of pain and disbelief.

With that painful look, even the veins on his head burst.

His cry startled countless birds in the forest.

Amidst the flapping of wings, Gu Nanyan slowly withdrew her feet, and looked down at the struggling people on the ground expressionlessly.

Dog, don't think she didn't see the killing intent in his eyes.

If you want her life, go in line!
The people on the opposite side obviously did not expect this situation.

It wasn't until Gu Nanyan felt that the people on the ground were noisy and knocked him unconscious with a shovel did the leader realize it.


"Baga!" He yelled angrily with a straight face, his small body contained huge energy, and his face turned red, making his white Mediterranean look more eye-catching.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Whoops, the little thing dares to yell at me.

How dare you blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

It makes sense to fight with Lao Tzu!

Against you!
Gu Nanyan's small face sank, and she rushed over with a shovel without waiting for the person opposite to make a move.

He patted those people indiscriminately, without mercy.

Her speed was so fast that those who passed her had no time to react, and she received several shovels in the blink of an eye.

There was a clicking sound.

It was the sound of broken bones.

In an instant, howling was everywhere in the forest.

All kinds of wild beasts attracted by human taste hid in the grass half a person's height and stared at them, originally planning to wait for the opportunity to move.

After seeing this brutal scene, they all frowned, growled and clamped their tails together, and all took a step back.

This woman is not a good person!
Can't be bothered.

This is much more powerful than the tigress in the deep mountain.

This meal is not good.

just forget it!
Although they can't speak, they have a strong sense of crisis.

And there is no so-called integrity of human beings, let alone the desire to challenge the limit.

There is only one principle they follow - they can fight well, but they can't escape!
So all the beasts retreated quietly, and when they retreated a little, they turned around and ran away.

Gu Nanyan had discovered them a long time ago, and she still counted on these cuties to help her deal with the aftermath.

Who knew that there would be no one left in an instant.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Come over for lunch!
What are you running, I can still eat you!

Gu Nanyan rubbed her flattened stomach, and gulped.

Damn chicken, stop the slowest bear.

I will exchange food with you.

A dozen people for one claw!


I can go to yours.

The bear ran away, not wanting to deal with the snake spirit.

Gu Nanyan was left standing alone.

Looking sadly at the bald gourd.

These people were severely beaten by her, as can be seen from the deformed shovel in her hand.

Fortunately, the handle of the shovel is also made of iron. If it were made of wood, it might have been snapped off long ago.

The game ran away, and Gu Nanyan was upset.

So I raised the shovel and took another shot.

Half an hour later, a dozen or so bald dippers lined up in a row, and when the sun shone, their eyes hurt.

They knelt in front of Gu Nanyan with bruised noses and swollen faces, and all of them had fractures to varying degrees.

The leader, Bald Piao No. [-], was the worst. Both arms were directly disabled. They looked fine on the outside, but they were actually broken into several pieces inside.

Even so, he still crawled on the ground with great effort, and gave Gu Nanyan a big gift, chattering something in his mouth.

Gu Nanyan couldn't understand, so impatiently gave him another shovel.

"speak English!"

What animal language do you speak, I am a human being!

Bald Piao No. [-] was photographed and plunged into the mud, and there was no movement for a long time.

Afraid that he would suffocate to death, Gu Nanyan grabbed the back of his neck and lifted it up.

"Yes, I'm sorry, my mistake!" Bald Piao No. [-] sincerely apologized.

Gu Nanyan grinned: "Tell me what's wrong?"

Bald Popper No. [-]: "Mine, I shouldn't think badly about you."

Hey, isn't this a human language?

Gu Nanyan didn't say anything, just stared at him.

Bald Piao No. [-] was silent, and said again: "Mine, I shouldn't scold you."

Gu Nanyan still didn't speak.

Bald Piao No. [-] didn't know what to do, tried to open his swollen eyes, and asked cautiously: "What did you say is wrong?"

Gu Nanyan let go of his hand, threw him on the ground, took out the handkerchief in his arms and wiped his hands.

"Your fault is that you shouldn't be in other people's territory and steal other people's things. You don't have a penny of this continent in your hands."

Her voice was deep and cold: "Also, the people here are beyond your control!"

"There will be another time..."

She knelt down and looked at the man with a smile that couldn't reach her eyes.

"I went directly to you and sank that broken island!"

The tone sounded calm and breezy, but with a deep chill.

The man was startled when he heard this, and suddenly raised his head to look at the girl in front of him.

She, how does she know that her hometown is an island?

Moreover, why did she speak so seriously!

As if she could really do it.

How is it possible, that is an island, not a ship!

He shook his head, brushing away the unrealistic thoughts in his head, and a cold light flickered under his drooping eyelids.

"Yes, my lord." The tone was respectful and sincere.

Gu Nanyan didn't care whether he was sincere or not, he threw the discarded shovel aside, found a big rock and sat down.

His chin nodded in the direction of the big pit.

Just wanted to ask him how he found this place.

But suddenly heard a few muffled sounds coming from the foot of the mountain.

It a gunshot!
Remembering that Yun Xi was still at the foot of the mountain, Gu Nanyan stood up abruptly, glanced at the person opposite with a condensed expression, turned around and ran down the mountain.

Yunxi can't shoot, and she didn't leave a gun for Yunxi.

The kamikaze team never followed.

These shots were not fired by our own people.

But no one in this continent has this thing except her.

Unless, the other party is not from this continent.

Gu Nanyan gritted her teeth, if she wasn't worried about Yunxi, she would have wished to go back and kill all those outsiders!
She didn't go far at all, and she ran with all her strength in her impatience, but she reached the foot of the mountain in a few breaths.

Inhaling the strong smell of gunpowder smoke into the tip of her nose, she looked towards the parking lot.

Yun Xi was standing in front of the car.

Her body was a little crooked, she stood on the spot with one hand covering her arms and one leg, her face was very pale, and the light blue dress was stained with blood.

Opposite her stood a man of seventeen or eighteen years old. The man was dressed in a light green robe, similar to those on the mountain, except that the material was more luxurious.

In his hand he held a wooden handle with a long black pipe embedded in it.

Smoke was coming out of the clarinet.

Behind the man was a man in black robe who was about his age, talking about something.

Yun Xi didn't understand, she still gritted her teeth and blocked her body in front of the car.

Seeing this, the black-robed man took a step forward, as if he wanted to pull her away, but retreated with some fear.

The man in the green robe seemed a little impatient, and chattered again.

Even if Gu Nanyan couldn't understand what they said, he could still hear the unkindness in his tone at this moment.

Sure enough, the man raised the black gun barrel again and pointed it at Yunxi's heart.


 The above is pure nonsense, please do not take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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