Chapter 492

The moment the gun rang, Yun Xi closed her eyes reflexively.

However, the expected pain did not come. Instead, the green-robed man on the opposite side screamed.

Yun Xi slowly opened her eyes.

I saw her master walking slowly from the foot of the mountain.

A face was gloomy.

Yun Xi's pale lips twitched: "Master..."

Due to excessive blood loss, her voice was weak, but Gu Nanyan still heard it.

The eyebrows of the woman in Tsing Yi flew into her temples, her black pupils seemed to be covered with ice.

Wherever the gaze went, it was bitingly cold.

But when those eyes looked at the bloody Yunxi, the coldness in the eyes suddenly subsided, as if they were very dissatisfied and frowned.

"Why don't you hide?"

Yunxi was shot in the arm and thigh, and there was also a bullet in the rib.

With her ability, it really shouldn't be.

After all, she had just seen it, and the opponent's gun was only the original version, similar to the early firecrackers in her world.

The range is short and the power is low, and it needs to be reloaded once fired.

Yun Xi's body was agile, so she shouldn't have been shot so many times.

Yun Xi pursed her lips, and said weakly: "They... want to steal the master's car."

Yun Xi knew that her master was capable, since she was by her side, she rarely had the chance to make a move.

Often before she can make a move, the master has already solved it by himself.

Regarding this situation, Yun Xi, who was born in a dark guard, was very frustrated.

Although she still takes pride in following her master.

However, this frustration made her feel like a waste.

But she can't protect the master, and she can't even protect the master's things.

So when those two approached her and asked her to hand over the car to them, Yun Xi naturally refused.

He didn't even hesitate to let the opponent's weapon hit him, and he didn't want to damage the car behind him.

Gu Nanyan doesn't quite understand her mentality of blocking guns for dead things.

I just feel that this girl is getting more and more...

"Stupid." Gu Nanyan's lips parted slightly.

Then, under Yun Xi's guilt-ridden eyes, she walked to the side of the howling man.

Looking down at him, she didn't care about his screams, as if it was just her background music.

The man clutched his right wrist and stared at her with tearful eyes.

The upper body leaned against another man in black robe.

Seeing her coming, the man in black robe reached out to pick up the wooden handle gun on the ground with flustered eyes.

But there was a cracking sound, and the barrel of the wooden handle gun was pierced by the gun in Gu Nanyan's hand, igniting the gunpowder inside.

It exploded instantly.

The man in black robe didn't have time to stop, his hands were pierced by the blasted iron pieces.

The blood was dripping, dripping on the ground and blooming gorgeous red flowers.

Enduring the pain, the man in black robe said something loudly with shortness of breath.

Gu Nanyan ignored him, raised his hand without saying a word, and shot neatly at the arms, legs and ribs of the man in green robe.

The location coincided with Yunxi's injury.

Then, under the terrified eyes of the other party, he stepped on his good leg and crushed it along the way.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha..." The continuous sound of broken bones made people's teeth ache.

"Interest." Gu Nanyan said slowly.

If you dare to do something to her people, you must be prepared to pay back your capital with interest.

What's more, these people are not fun at all, and she didn't have the slightest psychological burden when she did it.

After Gu Nanyan finished speaking, she didn't care about them anymore, turned around lightly, helped Yunxi to the back seat of the car, and bandaged her wound.

The opponent's bullets are small round iron balls, although they can penetrate the flesh, they will not go too deep.

Therefore, apart from the rib shot on his body and some fractures, although it looks a bit tragic, it is not life-threatening.

Gu Nanyan blocked the rear window, patiently took out those small iron beads one by one, then wiped off the blood near the wound, disinfected, applied medicine, and bandaged.

The movements are skillful and quick, yet gentle.

Yun Xi wanted to say that she didn't dare to bother her master, but when she looked up and saw the gloomy face opposite, she hurriedly swallowed her words.

After dressing Yunxi, Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes and cleaned up the back seat.

There was no sound in the car, and the air seemed to be stagnant.

Yun Xi lowered her head, her eyes were a little red.

The master probably dislikes her, thinks that she can't do anything well, and she has become a burden to the master because of her injuries.

She is also indeed a burden.

After this time, the master probably won't use her again.

Yun Xi didn't talk much in the first place, and when she was depressed, she even lowered her head and said nothing.

After cleaning up, Gu Nanyan looked forward.

The black-robed man sat on the ground and moaned softly, while the green-robed man lay on the ground.

His clothes were covered with blood, and he didn't move a bit, showing no sign of life or death.

Gu Nanyan withdrew his gaze: "Do you know it's wrong?"

The tone is not gentle, it sounds a bit serious.

Yun Xi moved her lips, but still lowered her head, not daring to look at her.

"Slaves are useless, willing to be punished."

She is an unqualified secret guard and is willing to accept punishment, even if she dies.

This is the rule and tradition of the Dark Guard Camp.


Can you not drive her away.

Yun Xi raised her eyes, and secretly glanced at Gu Nanyan.

She likes to follow her master.

Although the master didn't look kind, he was the only one who made her feel at ease.

Unlike when he was in the dark guard camp, he was cautious everywhere, and his nerves tensed instantly when there was a disturbance.

Of course, this is the instinct that a dark guard should have.

So, she is really unqualified.

Yun Xi sat there in a daze, waiting for her own verdict.

But the person who heard it right seemed to be a little puzzled and asked: "It's nothing, what will I punish you for?"

Gu Nanyan frowned: "You have to remember, when you encounter this kind of thing again, everything depends on your own safety. I can't save you every time."

There are so many accidents that it is impossible for her to guarantee the safety of everyone around her.

"Hit if you can, and run if you can't. Those dead things are not worth as much as your life."

"Is your life not as good as a pile of broken iron?"

Gu Nanyan felt that her little maid was very problematic in thinking, and she had to take this opportunity to give her a good lesson.

So for the next half an hour, Gu Nanyan talked endlessly, while Yunxi listened with her head bowed without saying a word.

As for what was said, Yun Xi didn't listen at all.

At this moment, there was a sentence circling in her mind.

——Those things are not worth as much as your life.

Yun Xi found this argument very strange.

These dark guards are worthless in life.

Not to mention a car worth 20 taels, even a stone, as long as the master orders it, he must protect it with his life.

She wanted to laugh a little, but before the smile spread, tears fell down first.

Gu Nanyan, who was teaching her an ideological and political class: "..."

She didn't say anything, why did she drop the golden beans?
Could it be her bad tone?
No way, she was very gentle just now.

Gu Nanyan scratched his head.

How can the little girl be broken by her crying?
She can't coax and flip the table!

Gu Nanyan looked at Yunxi expressionlessly and shed tears silently.

His expression was extremely calm, and his heart was panicked.

No wonder it is said that women are made of water. If this woman keeps crying, her car will be submerged!
Gu Nanyan waited silently without saying a word.

After finally waiting for Yunxi to finish crying, he wanted to ask her why she was crying.

But there was a loud howl outside the car.

The bald No. [-] was supported by someone, and with a look of shock and grief, he limped towards the green-robed man.

Both of his arms were broken, and the person who supported him was also seriously injured.

He threw the two of them on the ground at the same time, making a muffled bang.

However, he seemed to feel no pain.

With nosebleeds all over his face, he crawled forward, moved to the side of the man in green robe and started howling.

While howling and calling myna myna.

Qi Ren was also being supported. His injury seemed to be the lightest, but in fact the entire kneecap of his right leg was shattered.

It's just that he didn't care about the pain in his heart at this time, and jumped over, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Master Biao!"

He knelt down and tried the opponent's breath.

Very weak, it seems that it will die at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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