The farmer has a mall

Chapter 493 Elixir

Chapter 493 Elixir
Qi Ren's face became more and more ugly.

"Ishikawa, why is this happening!" He loudly questioned the man in black robe.

Shi Chuan has been watching Gu Nanyan's every move defensively, seeing that she is not paying attention to them, he wanted to run away with his master.

But the master was injured too badly, he didn't dare to move easily, he was extremely anxious.

Seeing Qi Ren and the others suddenly at this time, he thought he was saved.

Unexpectedly, the other party was also injured.

And it seemed that the injury was worse than him, and he froze in place.

If the master is injured, he will definitely not be able to please him.

If it gets to the adults, maybe they will kill themselves by harakiri!

He was already in a heavy heart, who knew that this inferior person in front of him would dare to speak to him in such a tone!
"Brother! Who are you talking to!" Ishi Chuan scolded in a deep voice.

"Your master, didn't you teach you how to be respectful?" He said these two sentences in his hometown dialect, and Qi Ren barely understood what he meant.

Thinking of her master's attitude towards these people, Qi Ren gritted her teeth and apologized, although she didn't think there was a problem with her attitude.

"Ishikawa-san, I'm sorry, I was too anxious to see the injury of the young master, I didn't mean to offend."

Relying on the power of the old man, these people have been domineering in the mansion for a day or two, and Qi Ren is very skillful in admitting his mistake.

Normally, Ishikawa would not let people who offend him go so easily, but now he doesn't care about it at all.

Seeing that Qi Ren admitted his mistake with a good attitude, he just snorted coldly, and then his expression became serious.

"The master is seriously injured, you should bring someone to find a doctor, otherwise if something happens to the master, we will all die!"

After that, he glanced at Gu Nanyan's car, and there was a stern look in his eyes, as well as fear.

That woman's weapon is really amazing!

Although it looks similar to theirs, its power is dozens of times higher.

He had just checked his master's injuries. The shape of the projectiles was very strange, and they all passed through the body.

The one under the rib even penetrated the internal organs, making the injury even more serious.

Coupled with the shedding of so much blood, it is not certain whether he can survive.

It's okay if their accompanying doctor is there, at least it's no problem to keep their lives.

But when they went out, they didn't expect such an accident, they didn't bring a doctor!
Relying on the local so-called doctor...

Ishikawa would sit on the ground in despair, as if he had seen himself die tragically.

Qi Ren didn't listen to his advice to find a doctor.

Even if he doesn't know medical skills, he can tell how serious this young master's injury is.

The wound under the ribs has been bleeding, and it is obvious that the internal organs have been injured.

This kind of injury is very difficult to heal, not to mention that there are no good doctors in the northwest.

Even if he invited all the doctors in the city, it would not help.

What's more, with Young Master Biao's situation, I can't wait for him to invite a doctor.

At this rate of blood flow, he would lose too much blood and die in another quarter of an hour.

At that time, he might only be a fugitive slave.

Qi Ren didn't want to be a fugitive slave, because the fate of a fugitive slave was not good. If he was caught, he would have to shed his skin if he didn't die.

He gritted his teeth, and when Ishikawa urged him to ask for a doctor again, he took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket.

The porcelain bottle was as big as a palm, but it contained only one pill.

He turned the pill out, pinched the green-robed man's mouth with his fingers, and was about to stuff it in.

"What are you doing!" Ishikawa grabbed his hand and glared.

"How can you give your medicine to the master? Can you afford it if it breaks!" Shi Chuan did not hide his contempt in his heart.

In his opinion, although this continent is large, compared with their country, it is quite backward.

Although the various technologies of their own country were also taught to them by others.

But this does not prevent them from despising backward countries.

"This is life-saving medicine." Qi Ren explained with a frown.

"What kind of life-saving medicine, the master's injury is useless to take any medicine, you go to the doctor!" Ishi Chuan looked at the master whose face was turning blue, and suddenly lost his patience.

"Don't blame me for not warning you, if you delay any longer, the master is gone, and we will all be buried with you!"

Qi Ren, who always obeyed their orders, did not move this time.

Under Shi Chuan's angry stare, he asked in a deep voice: "Master Biao is like this, does Shi Chuan-san really think that ordinary doctors can save him?"

Ishikawa choked.

Of course he knew he couldn't, but he couldn't sit still.

Seeing his expression relaxed for a moment, Qi Ren hurriedly persuaded him.

"Ishikawa-san, please believe me. My master bought this pill at a high price. It can hang the wounded in an emergency. We will find a famous doctor when we return to the city, otherwise Master Biao won't be able to hold on!"

Since she didn't speak her mother tongue, Qi Ren stumbled a few words, but at least she expressed the meaning clearly.

Seeing that he was so sure, Shi Chuan also began to hesitate in his heart, he doubted: "How is it possible that you have such a powerful medicine."

If the medical skills here are so good, they don't need to travel across the ocean and bring doctors with them.

"It's true, someone tried it."

Qi Ren didn't know how to explain it to him. Seeing that the breathing of the people on the ground became weaker and weaker, she suddenly became anxious and sweated profusely.

Then his eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of something, and showed Shi Chuan the porcelain bottle that had previously contained the pills.

"Ishikawa-san, please look, this is the medicine from Gu's pharmacy. Do you know that the medicine in Gu's pharmacy is hard to find, and the medicine is extremely effective. I don't know how many people's lives have been saved. Even the emperor of our country is full of praise. .”

Upon hearing this, Shi Chuan took the porcelain bottle, and sure enough, he saw the word Gu written on the bottle.

Of course he didn't know him.

Even so, his doubts have disappeared a lot.

"Gu's pharmacy, but your Princess Huguo opened it?"

Qi Ren nodded quickly, and added: "It's the Princess Protector, this princess..." Qi Ren's complexion was a bit complicated: "She is a very powerful woman."

Although everyone knew that the Qi family had a grudge against Gu Nanyan, he had to admit that the other party was indeed very capable.

Among other things, the medicine from Gu's Pharmacy is not something that ordinary people can dispense.

Take the medicine in his hand as an example, there were originally three pills.

The Qi family wanted a prescription, but they didn't dare to confront Gu Nanyan, so they had to take two pills for research, and they also found many famous doctors.

But they all returned in vain, and there were still two pills left.

This is something that Mrs. Qi got with great difficulty, and it really hurts for a while.

Shi Chuan had probably heard a lot about Gu Nanyan's deeds, and the person lying on the ground could barely feel breathing, so he didn't stop him.

He let go of Qi Ren's hand.

Qi Ren was overjoyed, and hurriedly stuffed the pill into the green-robed man's mouth.

At the same time, I was very dissatisfied.

If it wasn't for the fear that something would happen to Young Master Biao, it would be unlucky for him as a follower. He wouldn't have taken out such an important thing so easily.

This is what their master begged for from Old Master Qi for a long time.

This time, I brought it on him just in case.

Of course, it was definitely not prepared for servants like them.

The man in the green robe, that is, the Young Master Cousin, after taking the pill, his complexion improved visibly with the naked eye.

Although still pale, he was no longer blue like a dead man.

After a quarter of an hour, even his breathing became much more stable.

Qi Ren heaved a sigh of relief, and sat slumped on the ground, only then did he feel the pain in his knee again, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Ishikawa looked at the master's wound in surprise.

Although the wound was still shocking, it stopped bleeding.

It's so amazing!

Ishikawa almost lay on his master's body, focusing on observing the condition of the wound.

But suddenly felt dark.

He looked up in doubt.

He saw the girl who hurt him just now, standing upright in front of his eyes, her eyes fell on his...hand.

Ishikawa:! ! !
Ishikawa shrank back subconsciously, and the porcelain bottle in his hand fell to the ground, hitting a stone just in time.

It shattered with a bang.

Shi Chuan was terrified, thinking she was going to do something again.

But I saw the woman opposite slowly knelt down, picked up a branch and rubbed it in the broken porcelain a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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