The farmer has a mall

Chapter 494 Goodbye Li Yanzong

Chapter 494 Goodbye Li Yanzong

"Hey, it really belongs to Gu's Pharmacy."

No wonder the pancreas ruptured by her beating, the green fur turtle was still able to recover.

This pill is one of the most expensive medicines in her pharmacy, and it has a very domineering name - Jiuzhuan Dahuandan!

Ahem, she didn't pick this name, it was produced by the mall, and you can only buy two a month.

Although the name is secondary, the effect is not covered.

It can be said that the results are immediate.

As long as you don't die, you can keep your breath.

She put a total of six pills in the pharmacy, and Li Mi's people bought two pills that day.

The Qi family is capable of buying it.

It's just a pity that such a good medicine is used on this green fur turtle.


The Qi family is quite rich.

Tens of thousands of taels of medicine are carried everywhere with me.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyelids.

Do nothing, as if I'm a little sorry for myself.

Qi Ren was shocked by her appearance.

He thought that Gu Nanyan had just left, but he met again within half an hour.

He was only concerned about the safety of Young Master Biao, and he didn't notice the car on the other side.

The people in the car didn't even pay attention.

Qi Ren's face was pale and white, and then he clenched his fists cautiously.

Just when he thought that this woman was going to attack them again, he saw the corner of her mouth twitching, and she smiled what she thought was kind.

Qi Ren suddenly shuddered.

If it weren't for the inconvenient legs, I'm afraid I would have to run on the spot.

However, Gu Nanyan did not give him this chance.

Slowly spit out a few words.

"Don't move, rob."

Qi Ren:? ? ?

Jiwu Mountain is not too far from the Zhongling County Government, with the speed of a steam car, it will take more than two quarters of an hour.

After Gu Nanyan tied up Qi Ren and his group, threw them into the pit they dug, and then left with the injured Yun Xi.

When he returned to the county government office, he threw away the ID card in his hand and asked the local garrison to escort those people back.

By the way, that hole was dug out.

All kinds of gold, silver and jewelry were pulled by dozens of carriages and sent to the county government like running water.

It took two full days to finish.

This was much more than Gu Nanyan expected.

Gu Nanyan thought about it, and only left half of it.

Most of what she kept were gold and silver ingots, and the rest of the jewelry, calligraphy and paintings were hard to get rid of, so they were all thrown to the garrison chief.

At the same time, he was also thrown a copy of the treasure map found from Qi Ren.

The leader of the garrison was Tang Yong, a man in his 30s.

He is Li Mi's man, and he just pretended not to see Gu Nanyan's behavior of collecting money for himself.

According to the rules, these things have to be brought back to the capital and put into the treasury.

But he dared not say it.

Besides, the things were found by others, even if they were taken away without notifying them, who would know.

Gu Nanyan was able to keep half of it because of his high moral character.

For the rest, if they were escorted back to Beijing, it would be considered a great achievement, and promotion is certain.

Tang Yong was very satisfied, and he was very grateful to Gu Nanyan who got a large windfall.

As for whether the emperor is satisfied or not, that is beyond his control.

"I don't know how the princess plans to deal with those people." Tang Yong asked.

The person was caught by Gu Nanyan, so you have to ask her opinion whether it is emotional or reasonable.

Gu Nanyan said indifferently: "Bring them back to Beijing, the background of these people is not simple."

Of course Tang Yong knew that these people were not simple.

Their clothes and hair styles do not look like those of Chia Nan.

And as far as he knew, no other country in the surrounding area made such a strange dress.

Thinking of this, Tang Yong's expression became serious: "Does the princess know the origins of these people? If so, I hope the princess will let me know."

His attitude was respectful, and he used a tone of asking for advice.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him, and said lightly: "I only know that they are from overseas and have something to do with the Qi family. You can check other things yourself."

Hearing that she said that these people came from overseas, Tang Yong was surprised and solemn.

After thinking for a while, seeing that Gu Nanyan didn't mean to say more, Tang Yong didn't ask any more questions, and stepped back respectfully.

Gu Nanyan, who made a fortune, wandered towards the backyard, and met the county magistrate Zhao who hurried over.

The car of a princess of a country was painted with blood, which is definitely a challenge to the imperial power.

County magistrate Zhao did not dare to neglect, and finally solved the case within two days.

Gu Nanyan looked at the kneeling person below in surprise.

As she had guessed, this was a 14-year-old boy with a thin body and plain clothes, with a good appearance, red lips, white teeth, white eyebrows and starry eyes, in stark contrast to his gray clothes.

However, this was not enough to surprise Gu Nanyan.

"Li Yanzong?" It must be this name.

But why is he here, isn't he exiled?

This person is none other than Prince Jing's concubine, Li Yanran's half-brother.

Unlike when we first met, he looked a little downcast now.

Hearing her call his name, Li Yanzong stared into his dark eyes, gritted his teeth fiercely, and struggled a few times.

He has some kung fu skills, and he has malice towards Gu Nanyan. The magistrate Zhao was afraid that he would do something irreversible, so he tied him up before he came.

"Gu Nanyan, how dare you come here!" The voice of the voice-changing period was rough and unpleasant, and Gu Nanyan frowned.

"Why can't I come, this place is contracted by you?"

Li Yanzong became even more emotional: "This is the territory of Prince Jing's Mansion. You sent me into exile and dare to appear here. It's just... shameless!"

Gu Nanyan pointed at herself in astonishment: "I've ruined your family?"

I'm afraid this dog's brain is calcified because he eats too much calcium tablets.

"You figure it out, it's Li Mi who made the order, it's none of my business."

I really want to pin everything on her head, she is so bullying!
Maybe he didn't remember who Li Mi was for a while, Li Yanzong was stunned for a while, and then he remembered that this was the name of his emperor uncle.

As expected, this woman was just like the rumors, arrogant and defiant, she dared to call the emperor by his first name.

No wonder she could do that.

"Don't try to lie to me!" Li Yanzong glared at her with red eyes.

"If you hadn't led people to fight against the father, causing the father to be captured and even decapitated, how could my Prince Jing's mansion end up like this!"

If not for the death of his father, Prince Jing's mansion would not have fallen, and he would not have been reduced to a slave.

He has been doted on since he was born, and as the only son of his father, he has been praised to the sky.

But now?

He could only hide in a corner and do some jobs that he used to think were dirty at a glance.

Not to mention having to face the ridicule and bullying of others.

And all of this was caused by this man in front of him!
"Dare to act but dare not to be, what kind of hero is a hero, and dare to call himself a god, I am! Shameless!"

Li Yanzong's eyes were about to burst, he struggled desperately to stand up, lowered his head and bumped into Gu Nanyan's body.

However, before he could stand still, he was grabbed by the yamen servant who was guarding him behind him.

That yamen servant was the middle-aged man who helped her deliver the letter the day Gu Nanyan came.

This person is not considered strong, and it is more than enough to deal with an underage child.

Grabbing Li Yanzong's shoulder, he kicked the opponent's knee.

Li Yanzong bent his knees and knelt on the ground again.

"Be honest!" The brat dared to yell even if he did something wrong, without looking at who the other party was.

That's the princess, their god!
Although he is a door god...but it doesn't matter.

The middle-aged man's eyes were piercing, and he watched Li Yanzong's every move vigilantly, taking it as his duty to protect the princess' comfort.

Gu Nanyan was almost laughed out of anger.

"Since when did I call myself a god?" It was all passed on by others, so why did she become shameless.

She is not happy about being stuck on the door every day!
and also……

"You mean, if your father wants to kill me, I have to stand there obediently and let him kill me. I can't even resist?"

What's the point of this, the logic is fed to the dog?

"Father...Father just listened to the emperor's grandmother's orders, and it's not his fault!" Li Yanzong forcefully argued.

"It's not his fault, is it Laozi's fault? Laozi put a knife on his neck and rebelled!"

That's enough, this Thomas is a joke sent by a monkey!
(End of this chapter)

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