The farmer has a mall

Chapter 495 Little milk dog

Chapter 495 Little milk dog

Gu Nanyan's face darkened: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. You don't even understand this truth, do you?"

"If your father succeeds in rebelling, you are the one sitting here today, but you are kneeling on the ground now, you can only say that your father is not capable enough."

"I'm not capable enough and I don't have self-knowledge. It's wrong to be a good emperor, but to be a traitor and traitor. Now that I have ended up with a decapitated body, who can I blame!"

"Don't you find it ridiculous that you are still arguing about right and wrong with me!"

You think you are the sun, and everyone has to revolve around you.

Gu Nanyan sneered.

Don't think that I dare not beat you up because of my young age!
I'm afraid of myself when I go crazy!
Like training her son, she pointed at Li Yanzong's nose and scolded him.

When it came to excitement, he stood up and almost poked Li Yanzong's face with his fingers.

"You are so good at riding horses, why don't you seek revenge from Li Mi? He was the one who directly killed your father. How lucky you are to come here to paint my car. Do you think I'm a bully?"

Gu Nanyan inhaled: "You are not even as good as a woman, Li Yanran has fallen to that point, and she still wants to take care of the people around her, asking around for your whereabouts, what about you, what have you done!"

Before Gu Nanyan left, Li Yanran asked someone to bring her a letter.

Let her come here to help find out where her brother was exiled.

He also begged her to help her redeem her brother first if possible.

She will work hard to return the money of ransom to her.

The words are so earnest that even a heartless person like Gu Nanyan can't help but be moved.

As far as she knew, the relationship between the siblings was not close when they were in Prince Jing's mansion.

Even because Prince Jing often favors Li Yanran, Li Yanzong often finds trouble with her when he is outraged.

Both of them are good at martial arts, and they often make troubles in the house.

But even so, Li Yanran was still willing to use her hard-earned money to redeem him.

This alone is definitely much better than this ignorant brat.

Gu Nanyan looked at him coldly.

If it wasn't because he was a child that she didn't bother to tell him this, she would have let magistrate Zhao put him in jail long ago.

Li Yanzong was stunned by the scolding, and it took him a long time to realize what she said, and he became excited immediately.

"You... have you met your sister?"

Regardless of the pressure behind him, he took a few steps forward on his knees.

"Where is she? I want to see her. I heard that she was brought in..." Li Yanzong suddenly thought of something, and his expression froze for a moment.

Finally, trembling lips asked: "Is she okay?"

Back then, the palace was besieged, the mother and concubine committed suicide, and the entire family was reduced to slavery.

And all the property in the mansion was also sealed.

Originally, he was also going to be sent to mine in a bitter cold place, but before leaving, his sister slipped him a hairpin.

He had seen this hairpin before. When the soldiers entered the mansion, he saw his sister take it off and secretly stuff it into her sleeve.

Compared with men, women have a worse end as slaves.

It was also because the concubine mother knew this that she committed suicide before the officers and soldiers arrived.

But it's different if you have some property in your hand.

Even if he can't redeem himself, he can use the hairpin to find a better place.

Therefore, when Li Yanzong saw her behavior at that time, he did not expose her because of the conflict between them.

He just lowered his head, as if he didn't see it.

Although they usually don't deal with it, those are trivial matters.

After all, she was his sister.

But he didn't expect that when she was roughly dragged out by Guan Yazi, she would deliberately fall on him and stuff the life-saving hairpin into his arms.

Then she twitched the corner of her mouth at him, and told him in a low voice, to live well.

Then it was towed away.

Later, he used the hairpin to bribe the person who took him away, changed his identity, and stayed in Zhongling County.

Later, he heard that his sister was sent to a brothel.

Although he was young, he had never been to places like brothels.

Although he has never done anything out of line, he still knows a little about what will happen to the woman inside.

Li Yanzong's originally vicious face instantly burst into tears.

He whimpered and stopped struggling, but instead lowered his noble head and knocked his forehead heavily on the ground.

"Please tell me, sister, how is she now? I was wrong. I shouldn't have painted your car. Put me in jail. I won't resist, and I won't dare to provoke you again. I just beg you Tell me how my sister is doing now."

He tried every means to find out her whereabouts, and even ventured into the yamen, just to find out where Li Yanran was sold.

But these things are not something ordinary yamen servants can know, and he dare not ask openly.

Until meeting Gu Nanyan, there was still no progress.

He even wondered if his sister was no longer alive.

Just like their mother and concubine, unwilling to be humiliated, they cut themselves off from others.

So as time went by, he became more and more desperate.

Perhaps out of guilt, or gratitude, the family affection that was not taken into consideration before became stronger and stronger.

He felt that he had harmed his sister, and without him, her sister would not have been sold to that dirty place.

He hated himself, hated himself for not dying.

He wanted to die, but he dared not die.

So when he saw Gu Nanyan, the unbearable hatred for him was naturally passed on to her.

After all, Li Yanzong is only 14 years old, and he is still a junior high school student in modern times.

The successive changes had left his weak heart full of holes.

Lonely, helpless, and fearful, facing a strange environment alone.

At this time, when I suddenly heard the news of the person I cared about, I couldn't hide my inner fragility anymore.

Lie on the ground and began to cry.

He cried louder and louder, until finally he let go of his voice and howled, as if he wanted to vent all the grievances he had suffered in the past few days.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

As expected of siblings.

The almost identical reaction of stepping on a horse is also considered perfect.

County magistrate Zhao couldn't bear to see him crying like a dog.

Those who can work in the yamen, even servants, have to find out the details.

Li Yanzong thought he had covered it up very well, but in fact he had been exposed long ago.

The owner of his false identity died a year ago, and there are records in the yamen, so it can be found out after a search.

However, because he was still a child, Zhao County Magistrate did not expose him.

Instead, let people take care of him a little more.

County magistrate Zhao raised his head slightly, and took a peek at Gu Nanyan.

Seeing the other side's eyes drooping expressionlessly, he didn't dare to make a sound.

After a long while, Li Yanzong had had enough crying, sobbing and sucking his red nose.

A pair of eyes still with teardrops stared at Gu Nanyan eagerly.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What's the matter with this little milk dog's sense of déjà vu.

Didn't he look like a Tibetan mastiff just now, wishing he could rush up and tear her apart.

Do emotions change so quickly?

How can you let me fix you like this? Turn the table!
I have to say that the genes of the royal family are really good.

Li Yanzong, who had put away his thorns, was like an abandoned puppy, his eyes were watery, and even the patched linen clothes couldn't hide his cuteness.

And the way he calmed down was somewhat similar to Li Yi.

Gu Nanyan's heart was so stuffy that she wanted to beat her chest.

You know it's a foul.

Let Lao Tzu's anger go!

"Your sister is fine." Gu Nanyan exhaled gloomily.

"Although it was a bit rough before, fortunately, I didn't suffer." She squinted at him with her eyelids drooping, and replied in a weak tone.

Li Yanzong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and moved forward again.

"Where is that sister now, is she still... still in that place." He asked anxiously.

"No, Li Yanran is my man now, and even the deed of sale is in my hands. She will do whatever I tell her to do!" Gu Nanyan said to three old men one after another, deliberately pretending to be vicious.

Samples won't scare you to death.

If you dare to let her get angry and have nowhere to vent it, everyone will have a hard time!
(End of this chapter)

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