Chapter 497
Li Yanzong's unreasonable playing of cards directly made Gu Nanyan dumbfounded.

She just dumped a dozen bills without even threatening.

Why are you crying again?

To be honest, Gu Nanyan really didn't want to take him with him.

He was different from Li Yanran, he had too many calculations in his eyes, she didn't want to cause trouble for herself.

He just wanted to quickly throw this item to Li Yanran for disposal.

But I don't know if I was frightened by Gu Nanyan's attitude.

When Yunxi told him that the princess would send another person to take him to Li Yanran's place, instead of stopping pestering him, he followed him even more closely.

Acting like you don't want to secretly abandon me.

Gu Nanyan even used the trick of framing, but it was useless at all.

She didn't plan to stay here for a long time, there are still many things waiting for her to deal with in Mingshan.

It cannot be delayed because of him.

So in desperation, he had to acquiesce in his journey.

Hearing that the two ancestors were leaving, Magistrate Zhao was really relieved.

He rushed to see him off, and promised again and again that he would keep those treasures safe.

Gu Nanyan has nothing to worry about.

Although Tang Yong returned to Beijing to return to his command, his garrison is still there.

The inner three floors and the outer three floors are surrounded by the backyard of the yamen, and not even a fly can fly in.

Gu Nanyan left with peace of mind, and the journey back was smooth.

She still walked along the path that was sparsely populated, so she didn't attract attention.

Except when he was out of the city, he was surrounded by the people and worshiped for two hours.

Gu Nanyan who broke out of the siege: "..."

It is said that religion is the easiest to control people's hearts, and it really is not a lie.

As far as the fanaticism of these people is concerned, thanks to her good intentions, she might have already usurped the throne with someone else!

In order to get rid of the scourge of Li Yanzong as soon as possible, Gu Nanyan stepped on the valve to the bottom, full of excitement, Li Yanzong, who was playing with the steam car, ran wildly all the way.

Finally returned to Mingshan City two days later.

Then he threw him to Li Yanran, without looking at the crying siblings, they flew back to the princess mansion.

It was so dangerous, but fortunately she ran fast.

These two are indeed born of the same father, and they can drown the sea when they cry.

Gu Nanyan, who was physically and mentally exhausted from being tortured by Li Yanzong, lay down for several days before recovering.

The convoys of transporting treasures sent to Zhongling County came back one after another, and Gu Nanyan deposited them in the bank, and he was slightly relieved to see that the balance had increased again.

This money is enough for her to squander for a while, and the taxes in Mingshan City have also increased, so there is no need to worry about money for the time being.

Gu Nanyan, who let go of his worries, immediately ordered the formal construction of the glass factory.

When building cars, she couldn't find a good substitute, so she had to rent a small workshop for people to make them.

Now that he has money, he doesn't have to worry about breaking the capital chain. The construction of a glass factory is naturally on the agenda.

With the completion of the glass factory, Gu Nanyan ordered to transform the urban environment at the same time. Trash cans were placed on every street, and special personnel were also responsible for cleaning.

Then there is the transformation of the shops along the street.

The shopkeepers are naturally very happy to hear that the government has refurbished their stores for free.

Moreover, the refurbishment will not take a few days, and they don't care about delaying their business for a few days, so they take it as a vacation for themselves.

Facing the masons who came to renovate, the shopkeepers waited erotically, serving tea, water and food, and expressed their welcome with practical actions.

Masons are all born in poverty, how can they be treated like this, and work harder while being fearful.

Therefore, the renovation plan of shops along the street, which was originally planned to be completed in half a year, was completed in just two months.

With the issuance of various government orders by Gu Nanyan, Mingshan City is undergoing changes every day.

The moment many foreigners stepped into the city gate, they almost thought they had come to the wrong place.

Where is Mingshan City?
That was the city closest to the border.

Because it was too far away from the capital, not only was there a shortage of supplies, but it was often harassed by the Anyang Kingdom in the past.

Not to mention the poverty of the people, there is no guarantee of safety.

It is no exaggeration to say that any family with a little background has moved out of Mingshan City.

But looking at the whole row of brand-new buildings in front of him, and the neat shop plaques.

As well as the well-dressed local people with happy faces on the street, no one can say the word "poor".

Among other things, there is no such thing as a flat road that does not know what to do, even in the capital.

Some people even made a comparison with the capital in their hearts, and finally found that there was no comparison at all.

Compared with this place, the capital city is like a village!
The changes in Mingshan City spread quickly like radiation.

As a result, Mingshan City became more lively.

Many people from nearby cities came to visit and visit.

What Mingshan City has changed is not only the appearance of the city, but also the quality of life of the people in the city.

As Gu Nanyan's business empire is getting bigger and bigger, as long as he is willing to work hard, everyone in Mingshan City can find a job, and no one will go hungry.

There is even spare money to buy things that are not necessities to improve the quality of life.

The quality of life has improved, and the happiness index of the people has risen linearly.

Everyone on the street smiled enthusiastically, making the people in other cities feel as if they had arrived in a fairyland, and their hearts were broken with envy and jealousy.

This led to increasingly busy yamen registration office.

Every day, countless people come to ask how to join Mingshan City's native place.

The size of the population means the productive labor force and consumption capacity of the city.

In the past, of course, the more the better.

But the current Mingshan City is not the previous Mingshan City. Not only does it have a smelter that is so important that it needs to be protected by the army, but other factories are also classified as secret.

Su Wenfeng didn't dare to let anyone in at will.

Those who can now enter Mingshan are all wealthy businessmen who have passed strict screening and have skills or can promote the development of Mingshan.

The people near the city regretted it a lot, blaming themselves for not having the foresight to join Mingshan earlier.

Among other things, the prices of houses in Mingshan City are increasing every day. Small yards that could be bought for a few dozen taels before can't be bought for a few hundred taels now.

More regretful than them are the people who moved out before.

They wanted to move back one after another, but were ruthlessly rejected by the household registration office.

The people at the household registration office are also talented, and they even composed a song specially for them:

It was you who wanted to leave at the beginning, and you left when you left.

Now it is said to be true love, and the household registration is moved back?
Household registration is not something you want to buy, you can buy it if you want to.

Let you see, let you understand, don't even think about coming back!
The household registration office official said: Ah tui!

This is Mingshan City.

Are you the one who comes and leaves when you want?

Now that you're gone, don't come back!

All the people in the city: "..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

There was one time when she was in a good mood and hummed a few lines of this song outside.

Only the people in these household registration offices can be changed into this way, and it is a waste of talent to be nested in the yamen.

The days passed quickly, and it was summer in the blink of an eye.

After spending countless manpower and material resources, the shipyard was progressing smoothly. With huge funds and a steady supply of materials, a warship was finally launched.

Standing at the foot of the warship taller than a five-story building, Gu Nanyan felt an indescribable pride and ambition in his heart.

The entire warship is made of stainless steel. In order to prevent the seawater from corroding, Gu Nan spent a lot of money on fireworks, and specially added a large amount of anti-rust paint from the system mall.

The anti-rust paint is white, so the overall appearance of the warship is white, making it hard to see what material it is made of.

From the top of the hull of the warship, thick cannon barrels stick out, and they are also painted white for the sake of appearance.

There is also the square combo cannon of the same color in the middle.

Gu Nanyan originally designed that each barrel of the combo gun was only the size of an adult's arm.

But after thinking about it later, such a small ship with such a small combo gun is really useful.

Then the cannon barrel was changed to the size of an ordinary cannon barrel.

The number of barrels has also increased, with a total of 63 in seven rows and nine rows.

Coupled with the bracket below, the overall height is higher than a person.

An adult needs to stand on tiptoe to reach the upper barrel.

This huge monster, like the cornerstone of a town ship, stands proudly in the middle of the ship, with its head held high, overlooking all living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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