The farmer has a mall

Chapter 498 Cangyun

Chapter 498 Cangyun

Compared with modern warships, this warship is absolutely insignificant, and even many passenger ships are bigger than it.

But in this era, it is definitely a unique weapon of the country.

A smile overflowed from the corner of Gu Nanyan's eyes, and under the proud eyes of the sailor battalion soldiers lined up neatly on both sides, he stepped forward to board the ship with the corners of his mouth hooked.

Behind her was the excited Gu Shen.

Gu Shen often ran here during this period, but the shipyard was strictly controlled, and Li Yi, who was the temporary person in charge, refused to let him in no matter what.

In desperation, Gu Shen put on the airs of the future father-in-law, and bluntly said that if he is not allowed to enter, he will never even think about entering the Gu family's gate in the future.

Li Yi was silent for a while, and just when Gu Shen thought his threat had worked, he lifted Gu Nanyan out.

"Yanyan said that this is an important military area, and no one is allowed to enter, even if the emperor's brother is here in person. If you want to enter, you have to ask Yanyan to get a pass."

Gu Shen's pride froze on his face just now.

Then, with a smile in Li Yi's eyes, he left angrily.

The rules are set by the girl, so what else can Gu Shen say, he can't slap his own baby in the face.

It's just that Li Yi finally offended Gu Shen, and when he saw his daughter, he began to complain aggrievedly.

He said a lot of bad things about Li Yi.

What can Gu Nanyan do?
On the one hand is the father, on the other is the future husband-in-law, who can't do it to anyone, and can only listen helplessly.

Of course, she still agrees with Li Yi's actions from the bottom of her heart. After all, rules are rules, and once broken, it will be difficult to manage.

But she couldn't tell.

Judging from Gu Shen's past behavior, whenever she said a word for Li Yi, he would cry for him.

Fortunately, the launching and naming ceremony of the warship started, and Gu Shen finally received his magic.

When Gu Nanyan stepped onto the deck, the first thing she saw was Li Yi's charming face.

He looked at Gu Nanyan intently, with a smile in his eyes, as gentle and tender as the spring breeze in March.

Gu Nanyan paused, and then continued on as if nothing had happened.

The cheeks are a little hot.

"Yanyan, I'm lucky you didn't disgrace your life." Li Yi said softly.

Gu Nanyan pursed her lips: "Thank you for your hard work."

As a prince, he doesn't want to stay in the warm and comfortable palace, but stays here to enjoy the sea breeze, eat and sleep with the soldiers of the navy battalion all day long, and even go to battle in person during training, it's hard work.

Even when leading troops to kill the enemy before, I'm afraid they never worked so hard.

Li Yi saw the gratitude in her eyes, and only smiled faintly, then turned his body sideways, giving way to the middle position, revealing the neat military battalion behind him.

"The navy of Zhenbei Army welcomes the princess to board the ship, and asks the princess to name the warship!"

The leading soldiers took a step forward and saluted Gu Nanyan with a resounding voice.

Gu Nanyan looked into the distance.

In the vast sea, a warship is a drop in the ocean, but it holds its head high, like a strong pine tree, despite the clouds and mist churning above it, it does not move majestically.

"Looking at Jinsong at dusk, flying through chaotic clouds is still calm."

"Just call it Cangyun." Gu Nanyan said with pursed lips.

This is a verse written by a great man in the previous life, and it can't be more appropriate here.

The red cloth several meters high on the boat was removed, and the word Cangyun was as bright as blood dripping on the snow.

The loud horn sounded, and the Cangyun was officially launched.

The navy battalion dispersed in an orderly manner and returned to their respective posts.

The sound of rumbling steam carried Gu Nanyan and others to the depths of the sea.

In the evening of that day, people living in the coastal area of ​​Wuyin County saw dozens of fire dragons appearing on the surface of the sea, smashing into the distant sea surface, causing countless waves.

Accompanied by thunderous dragon chants, the sound was so loud that one could feel tremors even on land.

So there are rumors among the people that the fire dragon appeared to protect Jianan, and all the demons and monsters retreated.


With the Cangyun, Gu Nanyan finally felt more at ease.

She looked to the northeast, her eyes were extremely sharp.

Counting the time, she and Li Yi's wedding is approaching, and it's time to go back to the capital.

Gu Nanyan clenched his fists.

In this life, as long as she is still alive, she will never allow foreign enemies to invade this continent.

Gu Nanyan set the time to return to Beijing in mid-August.

Returning to Beijing this time is not only for the wedding, but also for the Jingzhong car dealership.

The Guo family has already set up the venue, the area is quite large and the location is good, it is more than enough to park [-] or [-] cars.

After Gu Nanyan received Guo Shi's letter, she immediately decided to take someone to drive the car back in person.

The long convoy left Mingshan City, with Gu Nanyan and Li Yi at the forefront.

Li Yi drove a car alone, and Gu Nanyan's car was also carrying Liu Shi in addition to Yunxi.

Liu Zhenzhen is already engaged to Qu Zifeng, and according to the custom, she cannot attend the wedding.

It is a pity to stay in the princess mansion.

To ensure her safety, Yun Chu was also left behind.

It was the first time for Mrs. Liu to ride a car, her face turned pale from fright at the beginning, and she tightly grasped the handlebars with both hands, fearing that she would be thrown out if she let go.

"Ninny, how can this tin-skinned boy run so fast, Grandma's heart is about to jump out."

In order to take care of Mrs. Liu, Gu Nanyan didn't open it very quickly, but Mrs. Liu still couldn't get used to it.

Gu Nanyan couldn't laugh or cry, so she could only comfort her softly.

Although Liu is a country woman, she has gained a lot of knowledge following Gu Nanyan these days, and her acceptance of novelty is better.

So when they arrived in the capital, Mrs. Liu was already able to talk and laugh calmly.

They caused a lot of screams and spectators along the way, and it was no exception in the capital.

Fortunately, Gu Shen sent a letter to the General's Mansion early in the morning. After Gu Yao asked Li Mi for instructions, he asked the Jinwu Guard to leave the city to open the way for them.

The onlookers at the gate of the city were blocked on both sides of the road, and their exclamations were suppressed by the sound of the steam car running.

There are many people in Beijing who buy vehicles in Mingshan City. Many people have seen this novel means of transportation for a long time.

But those two cars were not as shocking as the entire convoy. Many people came here after hearing the news, and wanted to take a closer look at this strangely shaped iron box.

More and more people gathered, and the Jinwu Guards couldn't stop them. They were scattered by the crowd several times and blocked the curious onlookers in front of the convoy.

The current deputy commander of the Jinwu Guard is that nephew of the Guo family, but in desperation, he went to the palace to ask for support, and invited all the imperial guards out, and only then did he clear a way.

Fortunately, the common people were curious and a little afraid of these smoking "monsters", so they only dared to watch from a distance, but there were no accidents.

Gu Nanyan and his party went to the city in the morning and returned to the General's Mansion almost at noon. They were really tired.

"My dear grandson, you are back." Mrs. Gu was supported by Mrs. Guo, waiting at the gate of the general's mansion.

Seeing Gu Nanyan getting off the car, she didn't care about anything else, grabbed her and started screaming at her.

With that appearance, those who don't know think they haven't seen each other for many years.

Gu Nanyan let her look at her helplessly, and took the time to say hello to Gu Yao.

Although Gu Yao was happy to see his granddaughter, he was not as sentimental as a woman, and most of his mind was still on the car behind her.

Gu Shen got out of the car behind, and closed the car door forcefully like a bravado.

The sound of "bang" instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Gu Yao also frowned and looked at him.

Seeing his own father looking over, Gu Shen straightened his chest and walked over vigorously, with a rather smug expression.

"Father, the son is back!"

The tone was like returning from a victorious battle.

Gu Yao: "..."

Is this child a little sick?

Come back as soon as you come back, what are you crazy about?

Who do you despise arrogantly and arrogantly, and I have to kneel down to meet you, my father!
Gu Yao didn't want to talk to him, it made him feel bad.

It's just that he was really curious about the steam car and wanted to ask.

But the granddaughter is being taken over by the old wife, so it's not easy for him to go and grab her.

After thinking about it, he still raised his face and asked Gu Shen seriously: "Is this the steam car you mentioned that can travel thousands of miles a day?"

(End of this chapter)

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