The farmer has a mall

Chapter 499 Impeachment

Chapter 499 Impeachment
In ancient times, it was often said that a thousand-mile horse can travel a thousand miles a day. In fact, the best horse can only run more than 200 miles a day.

Moreover, this kind of running method will be abolished within three days.

When Gu Yao heard from his second son that the car could travel thousands of miles a day, he was really surprised.

"More than a thousand miles away." Gu Shen raised his chin and cocked his tail proudly.

"Father, you know how long it took us to get here."

Without waiting for Gu Yao's answer, he stretched out his hand and compared a number.

"Seven hours! I set off yesterday evening and arrived at the gate of the city this morning!"

Gu Yao couldn't believe it. It would take about ten days to get to Mingshan from here, even if it was a fast horse, how could it be possible to arrive in seven hours.

Faced with his father's distrustful eyes, Gu Shen was not surprised.

He didn't believe it when the car was not built at first.

I feel that my daughter is telling him fairy tales.

Isn't it a fairy tale? In his heart, only gods can shrink into an inch and span thousands of miles in one day.

But the girl slapped him in the face with the facts.

Now, it's time for him to slap his father in the face!

Gu Shen didn't talk nonsense, made a bet with Gu Yao, and dragged him into the car.

The dignified minister of the Ministry of Industry, Gu Qing, who had been forgotten, also followed him, unwilling to be lonely.

So when Mrs. Gu was chatting and laughing happily with Mrs. Liu, holding Gu Nanyan by the hand to ask for warmth.

Gu Yao and Gu Qing father and son had a hard time experiencing what it means to be a windy man.

The three of them had fun outside and didn't even come back for lunch. They didn't come back in an ox cart until the afternoon.

Behind the bullock cart was still pulling Gu Shen's cart.

Gu Shen was too complacent, forgot to refuel the steam engine, and only remembered when the car stopped, and almost slept in the wild.

In order to prevent being surrounded by people and not being able to use it well, the place they went to was very remote, and there were no villages or shops in front of them.

Fortunately, an old farmer passed by, so he gave them a ride along the way.

It's a bit shabby for the great general and senior court officials to come back in a bullock cart.

But Gu Yao didn't take it seriously, instead he discussed something with Lu Qing with burning eyes along the way.

By the time they returned home, Gu Nanyan had already returned to his yard to rest.

Guo patted his man with a face of reproach.

"Sister Nan just came back, you, an uncle, ran away without saying hello, and didn't even come back to eat the dust-cleaning feast, you don't look like an elder."

Gu Qing smiled awkwardly, "It's not that I'm too excited, I forgot the time for a while...just make up for it later."

His daughter-in-law is now very protective of Sister Nan, and she won't let anyone say a bad word.

Although the dust-cleaning banquet was not a big deal, it represented the importance that the General's Mansion attached to her. As a result, all the three men in charge of the mansion went out to prostitute, which is really unreasonable.

Lu Qing glanced at Gu Yao.

Just happened to see his mother pointing at her crutches and scolding his father for being an old and disrespectful plaything.

As for Gu Shen...

Gu Shen didn't have a wife, so he was just looking around happily with his mouth wide open.

Gu Qing: "..."

Gu Qing was suddenly a little upset, cleared his throat, and raised his voice on purpose: "I was supposed to come back at noon, but I'm not the second brother, I forgot to feed the car, and even took my father and me to a place where no one was around. It’s nice not to be stuck there.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at the dumbfounded Gu Shen, and continued to pin the blame on him with a helpless expression: "Second brother, I'm not talking about you as an elder brother, you are also in your thirties, can you do things more safely? Fortunately, we have left Miss Nan in the cold."

He walked out while talking, and even took the time to wink at Gu Yao: "No, I have to go to Sister Nan's to see, don't let her hurt...Do you want to come together, father?"

Of course Gu Yao had to be together. Since his old wife got better, she has become more and more partial to Miss Nan. If he doesn't leave quickly, she might be nagging him to death.

The father and son ran away together, leaving Gu Shen with a confused face alone, bearing the double anger from his mother and sister-in-law.

Gu Shen:? ? ?
He was just watching a show, why did the fire burn him?
Also, why is the car running out of fuel?

It's not that his father clamored to drive it by himself, and made a fool of himself if he didn't let him drive it.

Anyway, I taught him, but I couldn't stop after getting started, and ran like crazy!
Who can depend on this!

Well, before entering the door, she was yelling at her dearly, and turned her face in the blink of an eye.

Gu Shen watched his father's back disappear quickly with a dark face.

Gu Shen: If I play with you again, I will be born by you!

The commotion this time was a bit loud, and the entire capital was alarmed.

Naturally, it also includes Li Mi who listens to all directions.

So when people from all sides chased and intercepted the General's Mansion, trying to inquire about the news, Li Mi's carriage quietly appeared at the back door of the General's Mansion early in the morning.

There is no way, there is a line of people at the main entrance, all sent by various governments to deliver posts.

He slipped in through the back door, and only Eunuch Zhao was with him.

Li Mi had heard of this steam car a long time ago, but he lived in the palace and never saw it, so he was really curious.

Hearing that his younger brother also entered the city in that vehicle, he wanted to send him into the palace to ask questions, and specially asked the eunuch who passed the decree to bring the car into the palace as well.

But what he didn't know was that Li Yi sent Gu Nanyan to the gate of the General's Mansion, then handed over the car to the person in charge, and rode back to Prince Sheng's Mansion by himself.

After returning, I closed the door to thank the guests, and no one was seen.

Including his imperial brother.

Not only did Li Mi miss the car, but neither did his younger brother.

Li Mi, who was overly curious, didn't sleep well all night, and rolled all over the bed scratching his heart and liver.

As soon as it was dawn, the queen who slept with him that night turned dark and drove him out.

That day was a holiday, and Li Mi didn't have to go to court, so he dragged Eunuch Zhao out of the palace.

The person responsible for receiving Li Mi is naturally the third father and son of the Gu family.

He is the emperor, no matter how brainless Gu Shen is, it is impossible for him to drive him crazy.

He only drove him around the backyard twice, and didn't dare to drive too fast, for fear of frightening the lord of a country.

But Li Mi was very dissatisfied and asked him to speed up several times, but in the end he still failed.

Li Mi wanted to take one back, but Gu Nanyan was still sleeping, and the Gu family didn't dare to get past her to make the decision.

And Li Mi, who was about to be dealt with by the government, had to return in a huff.

Before leaving, he asked the Gu family to let her into the palace after Gu Nanyan got up.

Then he walked back and forth step by step.

Gu Nanyan knew that Xu was asking her about the Qi family.

She wasn't in a hurry, she got up and ate her breakfast slowly before going out.

At this time, Prince Sheng's mansion, which closed its doors to thank guests, was busy, and all kinds of rare treasures were moved into Li Yi's room.

"My lord, according to the rules, the concubine should have her own yard, and living with you violates the ancestral system." Steward Tao said dutifully.

Having said that, there was no displeasure on his face, but a gratified smile.

The rules of the palace are similar to those in the palace. Regardless of whether the main concubine or side concubine has an independent courtyard in the backyard.

Whoever the prince wants to sleep in, he can go to his yard.

And the prince's room is in the front yard, which represents the status of the head of the family. If you want to recruit someone to serve in the front yard, it is not impossible, but there is absolutely no reason to move here.

Li Yi glanced at him, knowing that he was also reminding according to the rules, he waved his hand, and said indifferently: "There will only be one mistress in Prince Cheng's mansion, and she should live with this king, so don't mention it in the future."

The daughter-in-law was coaxed by him with all his efforts, but he couldn't make her unhappy because of these gossips.

Besides, the ancestral system is not as important as a daughter-in-law.

Butler Tao still smiled: "If you do this, if it spreads out, you may be impeached by the censor."

The rules of the royal family have been like this since ancient times. Once someone breaks it, the censors will climb up and bite like wolves that smell meat.

Although in the final analysis, where the princess lives is only the business of the palace itself.

"Then impeachment is fine, the king has made up his mind."

Moreover, he didn't feel that those people dared to impeach him for this matter, after all, in the court, his Yan'er's reputation was better than his.

Thinking of Gu Nanyan's fierce appearance, Li Yi's heart softened, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a doting smile.

(End of this chapter)

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